The radical elimination of bourgeois children's literature in
1945, coupled with the need to start educating children in a new
Communist spirit, created in Yugoslavia a huge gap that could not be
filled with the works of local authors. These are the reasons for a
strong reliance on the massive translation of Soviet children's
literature. Soviet children's literature compensated for the lack
of tradition in certain literary genres and provided to Croatian (at
that time, Yugoslav) children's literature narrative models. At the
same time, it provided guidelines and correctives to social practices.
While highly socially engaged works of children's literature by
local authors were published before World War II, following the war they
were revised and adjusted to new circumstances. In a similar manner, the
translations of Soviet authors published before World War II were
retranslated and ideologically adapted. After World War II, the books by
Soviet authors made up more than half of all published books. The
Russian origin of a book confirmed its ideological correctness, so that
even Russian manuals for growing fruits and vegetables, related to a
different climate, were translated. However, after the 1948 the break-up
of Yugoslavia with the Soviet Union, children's literature was
affected by a wave of revisionism. Although books were still translated
from Russian (as Yugoslav production still did not reach the satisfying
levels), only those that could fit in the new Yugoslav situation were
selected for translation. The works translated earlier were thoroughly
revised in order to be compatible with the new circumstances. Therefore,
not only did the Communist ideology radically change the picture of
children's literature but also continually revised its own
production in line with the changing circumstances. Under the Communist
regime the task of adjusting timeless works of art to the special needs
of a particular political moment was never completed, and thus these
literary works could never acquire their final form.
Keywords: Soviet children's literature, Yugoslav
children's literature, ideology in children's literature,
ideological adaptations of translated literature, Croatian
children's literature after Second World War
In 1947, Viktor Cvitan and Dragutin Frankovic published a booklet
titled What Should My Child Read? (Sto da cita moje dijete?) containing
a list of books recommended as good reading for children and youth. The
list of 196 books contained a hundred books by Soviet authors and eight
by Russian authors. Seven years later, in 1954, Ljudevit Krajacic
published a booklet titled Let us Offer Children a Good Book (Da jmo
djeci dobru knjigu) that had a similar purpose. Krajacic recommended 166
titles, among them eleven works by Russian authors, and not a single one
by Soviet authors. The aim of this paper is to shed light on what
occurred in the seven-year span between 1947 and 1954 with Soviet
translated literature in former Yugoslavia. In other words, our aim is
to examine the way Soviet translated literature made from absolute
domination to its complete disappearance from Yugoslav school required
reading lists.
In former Yugoslavia, the end of World War II and the victory of
the National Liberation Army did not entail only the victory over
Fascism and Nazism but also the victory of the social revolution. New
circumstances and the building of a socialist society created an urgent
need to educate new generations in the communist spirit. Something
unprecedented was occurring: a new soci ety was being built, a society
that completely denied tradition, instead of using it as its basis. The
past was denounced as a deceptive manipulator in the service of the
governing class and could not be used as a groundwork on which a new
reality would be built.
In our country, to educate means to revolutionize, that is to
emancipate the manner of the child's thinking from the technical
customs of thinking determined in the past, to emancipate it from
delusions. At the basis of these delusions lies a centuries-old
experience of a conservative life, based on a class struggle and an
ambition of individuals to protect themselves and to fix individualism
and nationalism as "eternal forms" and laws of social life.
The education of children should be organized in such a manner that
from their early childhood children are resolutely, even when playing,
forced t o suppress conscious and unconscious desires for the past.
To be more precise, the entire aristocratic and burgeois past and all
its fundamental values should be rejected. What is valid for the whole
of society should be valid for children's literature, as well (Gorky,
1945: 11-12).
The attitudes expressed by Gorky were embraced in Croatian/Yugoslav
practice. In children's and youth literature, entire genres
vanished: classical fairy tales, trivial adventure novels, books with
religious content. After a fierce attack in the Yugoslav daily Borba
(Combat), the cartoon was considered Western consumer goods.
In February 1948, the manager of the Municipal Library in Zagreb
submitted a report on the reorganization of the library's
collection of books. The library conducted the reorganization of its
collection in order "to become a genuine library for the
people". The purging of the library's collection, which
contained 70,000 book copies, was carried out in March 1947.
All harmful and worthless books had to be removed from the library...
[...] About 16,000 copies of various no-good, reactionary,
ideologically uncommitted, atrocius, pseudo-scientific literature,
were eliminated from the library's collection. (Kancijan, 1948: 47)
However, in addition to the disappearance of entire literary
genres, a large number of authors also vanished, either because they
were banished from public life or were even physically eliminated. A
list of authors for children who were allowed to publish contained about
ten authors. Therefore, owing to the urgent need to provide adequate
reading for children, who had to be raised in the new, communist spirit,
there appeared an enormous gap that had to be filled with appropriate
content. The only viable solution was t o rely on those who had already
had more experience with similar problems: Soviet children's
literature. In almost no time, the libraries and bookshops were flooded
with books for children by Soviet authors. This made it possible to
satisfy a need for large production of books that were published in
printing runs of 15 to 20 thousand copies and printed in several
editions. In addition, this made it possible to satisfy a need for
literary models that could be followed by Croatian authors and used as
models in practical life.
In the years following World War II, the unquestionable authority
of the Soviet Union was essentially indispensable. The victory of the
communist Soviet Union over Nazi Germany provided legitimacy to the
Yugoslav communist regime in the eyes of the majority of the population,
who were either apolitical or highly frightened and antagonistically
disposed towards the communist government. Such a mood was, inter alia,
a result of decades-long propaganda that represented communists as the
greatest social evil. In the eyes of the skeptical or indifferent local
population, the powerful Soviet infrastructure, able to produce
thousands of tanks and aircraft and crush the German military machine,
provided legitimacy to the Yugoslav Communist Party that had no
experience in managing a peacetime economy. Therefore, in the post-war
period, the Sovietization of Yugoslav society, which aimed to become a
communist society, was indispensable and had to be conducted on all
levels: not only on the strategic level of society management but also
on the level of everyday life .
A good illustration of this might be found in the schedule of
holidays to be celebrated in schools, which was published in
People's Education (Narodna prosvjeta) on January 18 , 1946. Of 15
days that were marked as holidays, six referred to Soviet holidays, two
to international holidays, four to Croatian anniversaries and three to
Yugoslav anniversaries.
Libraries were also deeply involved in carrying out their
educational tasks. In addition to the "passive" imposition of
the Soviet content through the selection of books available in libraries
and their prominent status in various exhibitions organized by
libraries, Soviet books were "actively" pushed into the hands
of readers:
The activity of librarians--agitators is evident in the following
episode: a 15-year old boy, asked for The Idiot by Dostoevsky, as he
had no idea what to choose for reading and the title intrigued him. At
last, he was glad to leave the library with How the Steel was Tempered
under his arm (Kancijan, 1948: 48)
At the time when Yugoslav literary heroes had not yet entered the
scene, i.e. prior to 1953 (1), giving prominence to Soviet heroes and
their superiority over other literary heroes was sorely needed in
children's literature. For example, Son of the Regiment (Sin puka),
a novel by Valentin Kataev, first published in the Soviet Union in 1945,
was published in Yugoslavia in 1946. Its hero, Vanya Solntsev, an orphan
adopted by the military unit at the frontline, was a perfect literary
realization of the child-hero, a concept which, though very present in
Yugoslav society in the Best Home Improvement College Station years following World War II, was not depicted
in literature. A large number of children joined Partisan units during
the war. After the war they were perceived in the same manner as during
the war: as being equal to adults.
War victors and those who took up the task o f building a new
society imposed the picture of the child they created during the war:
this is a picture of the child-hero who performed war tasks even in the
fiercest battles. In the new circumstances, during the period of the
post-war reconstruction, this child stood shoulder to shoulder with
adults during the reconstruction of the country.
Pioneer units were formed with the aim of taking part in the
reconstruction that was under way all over the country. The image of the
heroic child, a relevant participant in society, is particularly
noticeable in the pioneer press. The first pages of children's
magazines were most often reserved for resolutions and reports from the
congresses of the Alliance of the Communist Youth of Yugoslavia (Savez
komunisticke omladine Jugoslavije) or the Communist Party of Yugoslavia
or for addresses by the Party leaders. The lexis, syntax and
ar gumentation used in these articles were not in the least different
from those used in articles addressed to adult readers.
However, a considerably larger number of children had not taken
part in war operations but had lived their lives in urban or rural
environments. It was urgently necessary to introduce these children to
their new social role and to provide them with heroes they had to look
up to. Large masses of children, who could not be easily influenced by
political speeches and meetings, or various forms of pressure or
promises of a better social status or employment, had to be mobilized.
To a certain extent, this was achieved through school curricula.
In the circumstances of war poverty, the easiest and most efficient
way of mobilizing children was to offer them mental dolls of love and
hate. These mental dolls offered protection in inhuman conditions in
which such childre n lived. Often, the only crutches the child could rely
on in the struggle for survival were, on the one hand the personalities
of loved commanders or of Comrade Tito and on the other, the
personalities of demonized inhuman enemies. However, in the post-war
period, such mental dolls proved to be a highly efficient means of
mobilizing the children who were not involved in war operations. They
were also taught how to love Comrade Tito on the one hand and how to
"relentlessly hate" other protagonists they became familar
with at school, in particular in the classes of native tongue and
history. To whom was this "relentless hate" targeted? From
1945 to 1947, "towards enemies of the homeland, towards all those
who try to destroy our national-liberation struggle"; in 1948,
"towards the enemies and oppressors of the working people"; in
1950, "towards all that is reactionary and inhuman"; i n 1951,
"towards the enemies of our homeland and destroyers of peace";
in 1956, "towards imperialists and other enemies of our socialist
However, in order to be able to efficiently love and relentlessly
hate, one has to take a certain standpoint, to take over a certain role,
identify with a particular character, from whose position one can love
and hate. In an article by Croatian children's writer Danko Oblak
How Vojkan Defeated Winnetou (Kako je Vojkan pobijedio Vinetua),
published in 1947 in Pionir (The Pioneer), a boy called Vojkan stands in
a bookshop. Suddenly, he imagines that popular literary characters from
the children's books lying on the bookshelves have become real
people involved in a fight.
"But you cannot give real adventures, exciting and true adventures",
says angrily "Son of the Regiment" and steps, along with "Druzina Pere
Kvr zice", in front of Old Shatterhand. "Look at him? Nothing but an
idle vagrant. What a gun he has, an ancient cannon! And look at my
brand new machine gun, it can fire 70 bullets at a time. I'll kill you
all like flies! The Apache stirred. Their eyes flashed with a
belligerent glow... (Oblak 1947: 12.)
In this fictional direct confrontation the characters from trivial
literature (such as Winnetou) are completely inferior to the machine
guns of the heroes of Soviet children's literature. While
Croatian/Yugoslav literature could not offer protagonists who could
inflame children's imagination and make children identify with
them, such heroes could be found in Soviet literature. Soon Timur and
His Squad (Timur i njegova ceta) by Gaidar, Boy with Narva Frontier
(Djecak iz Narve) and Pantelijev were published (2). Soviet novels
provided protagonists who could be used as literary depictio ns of the
child-hero or its derivations, such as pioneers, boys from semi-military
collectives or collectives similar to the military. The main idea in
Gaidarov's novel Timur and His Squad (3) is that Timur and the boys
he organized into a closely knit gang are doing good deeds and
protecting families whose fathers and husbands are in the Red Army.
Pionir (1947)6:1 published a picture of young people working on the rail
tracks, accompanied with the following text: "Let us organize full
and continuous help to the families of the youth who take part in youth
worker brigades and go to work on the youth rail track Samac - Sarajevo.
Let us help their families to cultivate their fields and farms."
However, at the beginning of 1948, the relations between former
Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union suddenly changed for the worse.
According to Bilandzic's interpretation (see Bilandzic 1985: 151
and further), the conflict was caused by Stalin's ambitions to
achieve complete control over Socialist countries and consolidate his
position in the aggravated Cold War circumstances. Stalin managed to
control the countries in which the Red Army defeated Nazism. However,
Yugoslavia, where by the end of World War II the resistance movement
grew into the Yugoslav People's Army, a respectable military power,
expected equality and partnership relations among communist countries.
The conflict escalated with the Resolution of the Communist Information
Bureau (Cominform) adopted on June 28 1948. The Resolution stated that
due to complete misconduct of the Central Committee of the Yugoslav
Communist Party, the Yugoslav Communist Party was expelled from the
union of brotherly Communist Parties. The Yugoslav Communist Party was
called to dismiss its Central Committee and elect a new
internationalistically oriented leadership.
On its Fifth Congress held in Belgrade from July 21 to July 28
1948, the Yugoslav Communist Party rejected the qualifications of the
Cominform. Suddenly, the warm brotherly relations of Yugoslavia and the
Soviet Union became so tense that they were on the verge of an armed
conflict. The Communist Party of Yugoslavia was in a great trouble. That
the situation was serious is evident from the fact that all segments of
society were mobilized, even the Pioneers' Union. The magazine for
children, Pionir, on the cover page of its issue published on August 15
1948 had a picture of children bathing and jumping to the sea. The
second page had a full page portrait of Comrade Tito, "the
Secretary General of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of
Yugoslavia". Below the headline "Long Live the Central
Committee of the Communist Party of Yug oslavia led by Comrade Tito"
there followed a list of all members of the Central Committee, a list of
all candidates for the Central Committee of the Communist Party of
Yugoslavia and a list of the members of the Central Revision Commission.
On the fourth page (4) a speech delivered by Comrade Tito after the
election of the members of the Central Committee of the Communist Party
of Yugoslavia was printed:
Long Live the Communist Party of Yugoslavia! (A long and loud applause
and chanting Tito-Party).
Long Live the Soviet Union led by the great Stalin (A long applause
and several rounds of chanting Stalin-Tito. All the delegates rise and
sing The Internationale) (Pionir (1948)14: 4).
This period was marked with the concept of the child-hero. In other
words, the child was perceived as a little adult and the children's
magazine addressed children as if they were adults. However, at no point
were the motives and purposes of the Communist Party Congress hinted at.
No clue was given that the reason for the Congress is the attack of the
Soviet Union and the countries of the people's democracy against
the Communist Party of Yugoslavia. On the contrary, readers of Pionir
must have been convinced that the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia lived in
perfect harmony.
In the field of children's literature, "a long applause
and chanting Stalin-Tito" resonated for some time, at least for a
year. Only in the middle of 1949, the authorities mustered the courage
to speak about what really occurred in the relations with the Soviet
Union. An article published in June 1949 in Pionir (5) may be a good
illustration of how great the shock and collective trauma were:
You knew that we were under attack by imperialists because they lost
control, b ecause the society that we build, eradicates any form of
abuse and fights for peace and socialism. But at school you learnt
different things about the socialist state, the Soviet Union, about
the countries of people's democracy and it must have come as a
surprise that the attacks against our country and the Party came from
these countries. It has been a year since the historical Congress of
our Party [the Fifth Congress of the Communist Party of Yugoslavia,
held from 21 to 28 July 1948], which gave a decisive and clear answer
to all slenderers, which proved that Yugoslavia was able to build
socialism relying on its own powers. [...]
Among other things, some leaders in these countries are saying that
our Party raises the children to hate the Soviet Union and other
peoples, that it teaches them to love only their own people. The love
of our pioneers towards the Soviet Union , its Army, and Soviet
pioneers need not be explained http://www.hgtv.com/remodel/topics/remodeling in many words (6).
At the third meeting of the Cominform held in November 1949 a new
resolution titled "Yugoslav Communist Party run by murders and
spies" was passed. One of the conclusions reads:
The spy group led by Tito, Rankovic, Kardelj, Dilas, Pijade, Gosnjak,
[...] represents the enemy of the working class and peasants, the
enemy of the people of Yugoslavia (Bilandzic, 1985: 160).
At this time, the Yugoslav Communist Party had already conducted
the most brutal purges of all its members who gave any sign that they
might have any understanding for the attitudes expressed by the
Cominform. The notorious detention camp on the island of Goli was opened
and according to some statistics about 40,000 people were detained
there. One of the theses of this study is that, despite the radical and
brutal destalinization of Yugoslav society, prompted by the
confrontation between the communist parties in the Cominform and the
Communist Party of Yugoslavia, this process ran considerably slower and
more discreetly in children's literature. Thus, after the split
with the Cominform, titles by Soviet authors continued to be published
until 1951, when the publishing of the books by contemporary Soviet
authors was abruptly stopped and publishers shifted their focus on
publishing of world and Croatian/Yugoslav classic works. The leadership
of the Communist Party of Yugoslavia managed to resist the pressures and
remained in power. Having rejected the thesis that there is only one,
Soviet road, towards a classless society, Yugoslavia announced it would
take its own road to socialism, according to which the state-owne d
property became social ownership and workers' self-management was
introduced. In art, the doctrine of social realism was rejected, in
particular after the legendary speech of Miroslav Krleza at the Congress
of Yugoslav Writers in Ljubljana in 1954. The process of destalinization
of the Party and Yugoslav society was unrelentless and rigorous.
However, on the surface, in particular in the children's world
these processes were considerably slower and mitigated. Thus, at the
same time when Yugoslav writers responded to Soviet writers (January 15
1949) and their criticism that the leadership of the Yugoslav Communist
Party betrayed the interests of the working class and international
proletariat, Pionir in its issue of January 1 1949 published an article
(7) with a picture of Stalin surrounded with children. The text below
the picture reads: "In the Soviet Union, man is highly appre ciated
and that is why enormous attention is paid to the education and life of
man. Pioneers have the opportunity to enjoy various entertaining
activities, since the Bolshevist Party and Stalin take care of it. Every
citizen of the USSR takes loving care of the life of pioneers, as they
are seen as future adults that will be able to build Communism."
(Pionir (1949)1) (8).
It is evident that the developments in the relations between
Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union ran at two speeds: at the faster speed
in the adult world and at the slower speed on the level of
children's consciousness.
The first book by Sergei Mihalkov to be published in Croatian
translation was The Red Neckerchief (Crvena marama), a drama piece
published on June 30 1949. Elena Prokhorova defines the literary efforts
of Sergei Mihalkov in the following way: "If the subject of
Mihalkov's works is sta te iconography, the target is the child who
is learning the fundamental lexicon of the empire and its everyday
practices." (2008:288) Therefore, at the time of the fiercest
attacks of Stalin against the Yugoslav Communist Party leadership, Novo
pokoljenje (New Generation), the largest Croatian publisher of
children's literature, published a book by a children's author
who was Stalin's ideological follower. Taking into account general
circumstances at the time, it is hardly possible to interpret this as
ignorance or an oversight of the publisher. In particular, if we know
that in the following year, 1950, another book by Mihalkov, A Special
Task (Posebni zadatak), whose aim also was to glorify Stalin, was
published by the same publisher. These decisions must have been brought
with the blessing of the Party leadership, with the aim of sending the
message that there were no deviation s from the Communist road and that,
through the messages inculcated in children, the Yugoslav and Soviet
future were fundamentally linked.
The Red Neckerchief is a drama piece devoted to the 25th
anniversary of the Organization of Young Pioneers ([TEXT NOT
REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII]) that was established on May 19 1922. Therefore,
it abounds in ideological axioms. For example, in Dunja's
Neckerchief (Dunjina marama), a story by Danko Oblak, Dunja is a
pre-school child. She has an 11-year old brother, Bojan, who no longer
wants to wear a blue neckerchief, a symbol of belonging to pioneers
since some older boys mocked him that he was a kid. Dunja is distressed
because of this and at the end of the story she manages to convince her
brother that it is important to wear a blue pioneer neckerchief.
However, in Mihalkov's drama piece, the reader learns that the
pioneer neckerchief is "part of our red communist flag"
(Mihalkov1949:83), and that to be a pioneer means that one wants to
become a communist. So it is completely unclear how Bojan's blue
pioneer neckerchief fits into this.
Mihalkov's drama piece is actually an answer to the question
what constitutes "a happy childhood". A happy childhood is not
about "eating bottled fruit, going to the cinema every other day
and going to the seaside every summer" "(56). Happiness is
when you become what you want to become. "(57)! Some time ago, in
capitalism children had to work hard and had no opportunity to become
what they wanted to become. In America, if you are born as a black, you
are not a human at all. In the Soviet Union, however, irrespective of
the material status of your family, or even if you have no family, the
state will help you to make your dreams come true. It is enough that you
have a wish. That is why at the admission ceremony for new pioneers the
cheers "Young pioneers, be ready for the Lenin-Stalin cause!
Hurray! " are heard. (131)
Let us now sketch the third period, in which children's
literature by Soviet authors lost its unquestionable authority. In 1952,
Croatian editor and poet, Grigor Vitez, referring to the past years
noted: "In the years following our Liberation we had an unusually
large number of translated foreign books for children, almost
exclusively by Russian authors: publishers were of the opinion that
choosing these works they could not fail in terms of the purity of ideas
expressed. Thus, in addition to truly valuable works, quite a number of
works which were of average, or even poor, value were translated and
published." It should be noted that Vitez refers to "the
purity of ideas expressed" which made it possible to translate and
publis h even low quality works, without any questions raised.
In the period of the Sovietization of Croatian/Yugoslav
children's literature every word of Soviet authors was piously
absorbed. Works by Soviet authors depicted the reality that was desired
by the Yugoslav Communist regime. On the other hand, the works of
Croatian/Yugoslav socially engaged authors who wrote before World War II
were republished in the post-war period and had to be adapted to the
demands of the new reality. Let us quote several randomly selected
examples: Poletarci, a novel by Josip Pavicic, published in 1937, had to
be completely adapted before it was republished in 1949. In a similar
way, Deca Velikog Sela, a novel by Mate Lovrak, was first published in
Belgrade in 1933 and underwent considerable changes in its first
post-war edition in 1946.
Books by Western authors were censored and adapted to the needs of
Yugoslav Communist society. Thus, Bambi, Heroes of Paul Street,
Winettou, and Heidi were heavily adapted, with no guilt feelings on the
part of publishers. In the period after 1951, books by Soviet authors
shared a similar destiny, this time because of different ideological
motives. The attitude towards Soviet authors was deprived of the respect
characteristic for the period of Sovietization.
The whole process from the glorification of Stalin to radical
destalinization may be revealed if we examine the translation of Son of
the Regiment, a novel by Kataev, and a drama piece under the same title.
In 1947, Belgrade-based Prosveta published a translation from
Russian of Son of the Regiment: a drama piece in three acts. At the very
end Enakiev dies on the stage and addresses his last words to Vanya.
Enakiev: Thank you!... Vania, come here, lean to me, listen what I am
going to tell you. You were a good son of the scouts. You were a good
son of the artillerymen. You were my dear, good son. But, in the first
place, always and everywhere, you must be a true son of your
mother--your Fatherland! You must be a true son of the best son of our
Motherland--the great STALIN!... [...]
Enakiev: Vanjusha! Go! Go! .Bravely, the bugle calls! Bidenko, give
him a hand, help him! Go, Vania! Step bravely forward! ..
Vania and Bidenko climb the ,,stairs of the Suvorov Military Academy."
Banners, trumpets, music.
The end.
In this drama piece, as in the novel published a year before,
Stalin's leading role in war is repeatedly emphasized. Thus, in the
Croatian translation of the novel from 1946 the artillerymen yell:
Fire on damned German soil--fire!
Hold on! Fire!
For the Motherland! For Stalin! Fire!
Death to Hi tler! Fire! !" (Kataev, 1946: 104) (9).
Both in the Serbian edition from 1973 and the Bosnian one from
1971, the words ,,For Stalin!" are omitted.
At the end of the novel Son of the Regiment, the commander of the
regiment presents Vanya with the captain's shoulder straps from the
uniform of his beloved dead captain Enakiev, telling him " But,
listen: always and everywhere in the first place you must be a true son
of your mother--your Motherland! You must be a true son of the best son
of our Motherland--the great STALIN!" (128).
In all the editions of Son of the Regiment published after 1948 the
words of the best son of our Motherland--the great STALIN!" were
In later editions, the entire end of the novel full of pathos is
completely changed. At the end of the novel, Vanya climbs the staircase
decorated with red flags to meet an old war general.
It was hard for him to run. But the old man gives him a hand. The old
man is clad in a grey military coat, laid over the shoulder, in boots
with spurs and a diamond star on his chest, a grey lock over his
beautiful, frowned forehead. He takes Vanya by the hand and leads him
up the staircase to the top, where among the potrgani war banners from
four victorious wars, stand Stalin with a brilliant marshall star,
glittering and glowing under his army coat.
Under the flat brim od the cap protruding, blinking eyes look at Vanya
with a demanding expression. But under the dark moustache Vanya
notices the firm and fatherly smile and it seems that Stalin is
telling him:"Come on, shepherd boy. Step lively!" (Kataev, 1946: 132).
In the later editions, the entire end of the novel (from the words
"It was hard for him to run...") is omitted. To conclude, we
have portrayed three periods in the reception of Soviet children's
literature in Croatia/Yugoslavia: a) the period of strong Sovietization
of Yugoslav children's literature that lasted from 1945 to 1948.
This period was marked with a strong presence of Soviet authors, whose
works provided models both for the future literary production and for
everyday practices (demobilization of children who participated in the
war, the organization of the Pioneers' Union, the relations between
pioneers and the youth; b) the period of cooling in the relations with
the Soviet Union that lasted from 1949 to 1950. In this period, the
number of the books Home Improvement College Station by Soviet authors decreased but still the minimum of
relations with the Soviet Union were maintained; c) the period after
1951, when the works by Soviet authors were published again, but they
lost the status of authority which provides model s for literature and
everyday life. Rather, the choice of the books, as well as the
interventions into the texts, show that the main concern was to adapt
them to the demands of the reality, as shaped by the Communist regime in
In histories of Croatian children's literature, overviews of
the decades following World War II are scantily written. As a rule,
overviews of this period boil down to the pejorative qualifications of
the propaganda literature, lacking any wish for a closer analysis.
Usually, the later period of children's literature spanning from
1956 is analyzed, without the critical examination of the prior period,
an exceptionally turbulent and unprecedentedly experimental period. As
if the later period was not built on the groundwork of the prior,
suppressed time. How can we, then, really understand the later period
built up on the previous one and al l the later periods if we do not try
to critically examine the beginning?
*** (1946). Plan i program za strucno usavrsavanje nastavnika
osnovnih i opsteobrazovnih srednjih skola za godinu 1946/47. (The Plan
and Program for Professional Development of Teachers in Primary and
General Education Secondary Schools for the Year 1946/47).
*** (1948). Film "Crvena marama" (The Film "The Red
Neckerchief). Pionir (20), 10.
*** (1948). Govor druga Tita na zavrsetku kongresa (The Closing
Speech of Comrade Tito at the Congress). Pionir, (14), 4.
*** (1949). Odgovor jugoslovenskih knjizevnika sovjetskim
knjizevnicima F. Gladkovu, N. Tihonovu i drugima (Reply of Yugoslav
Writers to Soviet Writers F. Gladkov, N. Tikhonov and others). Brazda,
(1), 1-9.
Balina, M. (2008). Creativity through Restraint: The Beginnings of
Soviet Children's Literature. In Balina M. a nd L. Rudeva (editors),
Russian children's literature and culture, New York London:
Routledge, pp. 3-17.
Bilandzic, D., (1985). Historija Socijalisticke Federativne
Republike Jugoslavije: glavni procesi 1918-1985 (History of the
Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia: the Major Processses
1918-1985), Zagreb: Skolska knjiga.
Cvitan, V. and D. Frankovic (1947). Popis izdanja za djecu i
omladinu[omotni naslov: Sto da cita moje dijete?] (A List of Books for
Children and Youth [cover title: What Should My Child Read?], Zagreb:
Nakladni zavod Hrvatske
D. A. (1951). Sto cemo citati u 1951. Omladinski borac (Youth
Organization Combatant), (1), 3.
Dean, A. (1949). Crvena marama (The Red Neckerchief), Pionir, (17),
Gajdar, A. (1963). Timur i njegova ceta; Komandant Snjezne tvrdave
(Timur and His Squad; Commander of Snow Fortress), Zagreb: Mladost.
Galway, E. A. (2014). "You are the hope of the world!":
the figure of the child in First World War children's literature.
In Keyes M. T. and A. McGillicuddy (eds.), Politics and Ideology in
Children's Literature, Dublin: Four Courts Press, pp. 104-114.
Gorki, M, A. Beljajev, Tauber, V. (1945). Dajte djeci literaturu
(Give Literature to Children), Belgrade: Novo pokolenje.
Kancijan, A. (1948). O radu i nekim iskustvima Gradske knjiznice u
Zagrebu (On Work and Experiences of the Municipal Library in Zagreb),
Narodna prosvjeta, (1-2), 47-51.
Katajev, V. (1946a). Sin puka (Son of the Regiment), Belgrade: Novo
Katajev, V. (1946b). Sin puka: pripovijest, (Son of the Regiment),
Zagreb: Vjesnik.
Katajev, V. (1947). Sin puka: pozorisni komad u tri cina (Son of
the Regiment), Belgrade: Prosveta izdavacko preduzece Srbije.
Katajev, V. (1971). Sin puka (Son of the Regiment), Sarajevo:
Veselin Maslesa.
Katajev, V. (1973). Sin puka (Son of the Regiment), Beograd: Nolit.
Krajacic, Lj. (1954). Dajmo djeci dobru knjigu (Let us Offer
Children a Good Book), Zagreb: Nasa djeca.
Majhut, B. (2016). Hrvatska djecja knjizevnost i jugoslavenska
djecja knjizevnost (Croatian Children's Literature and Yugoslav
Children's Literature), Detinjstvo (2), 28-43.
Majhut, B. and Lovric Kralj, S. (2016a). Slika djeteta u djecjoj
knjizevnosti pedesetih godina 20. st. u socijalistickoj Jugoslaviji:
dijete - stanovnik djecje republike (A Picture of a Child in the
1950's Children's Literature in Yugoslavia: A child of the
Children's Republic). Detinjstvo (3), 19-30.
Majhut, B. and Lovric Kralj, S. (2016b). Slika djeteta u djecjoj
knjizevnosti pedesetih godina 20. st. u socijalistickoj Jugoslaviji:
dijete-heroj (A Picture of a Child in the 1950's Literature in
Yugoslavia: A Heroic Child), Novi sad. Detinjstvo (2), 43-54.
Mihalkov, S. (1949). Crvena marama (The Red Neckerchief, Zagreb:
Novo pokoljenje.
Mihalkov, S. (1950). Posebni zadatak (A Special Task), Zagreb: Novo
Oblak, D. (1947). Kako je Vojkan pobijedio Vinetu (How Vojkan
Defeated Winnetou). Pionir, (19), 11-13.
Oblak, D. (1949). Dunjina marama (Dunja 's Neckerchief),
Pioni r, (11-12), 4.
Prokhorova, E. (2008). A Traditionalist in the Land of Innovators:
The Paradoxes of Sergei Mikhalkov. In Balina M. and L. Rudeva (eds.),
Russian children's literature and culture, New York London:
Routledge, pp. 285-306.
Saric, T. (2010). Djelovanje Agitpropa prema knjizevnom radu i
izdavastvu u NRH (Agitrop Activities Related to Literary Work and
Publishing in the People's Republic of Croatia), 1945-1952. Radovi
- Zavod za hrvatsku povijest, (42), 387-424.
Vitez, G. (1952). Neki problemi nase savremene knjizevnosti za
djecu (Some Problems of our Contemporary Literature for Children),
Pedagoski rad, (7), 257-267.
Article Info
Received: April 04 2017
Accepted: April 18 2017
Berislav Majhut (*)
(*) Full Professor, PhD, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Teacher
Education, Email: berislav.majhut@ufzg.hr
(1) The first Croatian war n ovel for children, Pirgo by Andelka
Martic, was published as late as 1953. It was followed by Modri prozori
(Blue Windows) by Danko Oblak, published in 1958, and Courier from Psunj
(Kurir s Psunja) by Gabro Vidovic, published in 1959.
(2) A large number of other works by Soviet authors appeared. For
example, My Dear Boys (Moji dragi djecaci) by Lav Kasilj, Hearts of the
Brave (Srca smjelih) by Kotov and Ljaskoski, Adventures of a Little Boy
(Dozivljaji "malog") by Likstanov, etc.
(3) The novel was published in Belgrade in 1946 by Nopok publishing
house, and readers of Pionir could learn about this new book in issue
39, p. 10.
(4) On page five a speech by pioneer Brane Markovic, leader of the
platoon "Danilo Jaukovic" held at the Fifth Congress of the
Party was printed.
(5) Even after 1949 in children's literature the connection
both with the Soviet Union and Stalin was retained.
(6) Pionir (13-14), pp. 3 Pero Ivacic: At the Anniversary of the
Fifth Congress of the Yugoslav Communist Party.
(7) This was the last article in Pionir devoted to Stalin.
(8) In the same issue of Pionir the Resolution of December 16 1948
on the merging of the Association of Communist Youth of Yugoslavia and
the People's Youth of Yugoslavia into one organization was
published. Actually, this meant that all youth in Yugoslavia were
communist. The system, feeling endangered, tried to take over absolute
(9) Both in the Croatian and Serbian editions from 1946 all
references to Stalin were retained.
Friday, 23 June 2017
Thursday, 22 June 2017
Flower - Art frozen in glass: Exquisite paperweights - Pictures
In the mid-19th century, paperweights made in France - which became popular around the world - were small treasures which combined all kinds of age-old glassmaking http://ambler.temple.edu/about/news/landscape-architecture-and-horticulture-students-gain-ground-philadelphia-flower-show techniques, some dating back to ancient Roman times.
Christopher Monkhouse, chief curator for European decorative arts at the Art Institute of Chicago - home to one of the world's great collections of paperweights - says the public always fills his gallery. "They look at these little miniature marvels of technique, and they're just tours de force."
Left: A paperweight, c. 1848-55, from the Clichy Glasshouse of Paris.
Credit: Arthur Rubloff Collection of Paperweights at the Art Institute of Chicago
Monday, 19 June 2017
'Water cops' seek sprinkler scofflaws in drought-parched California| Reuters
By Sharon Bernstein
SACRAMENTO Calif. It was still dark on Kokomo Drive in Sacramento's Natomas district as Paul Brown edged his city-issued Honda Civic past a row of beige stucco houses with tiny front lawns, looking for water wasters.
He heard the scofflaws before he saw their lush green lawns amid the otherwise parched turf. The buzz of http://www.sears.com/lawn-garden-watering-hoses-sprinklers/b-1024014 a sprinkler system https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uRbW3ayDWVQ gave them away on a day that the city, desperate to save water amid California's ongoing drought, had forbidden watering.
"If I can get a good picture - if there's a lot of water - I'll cite them," he said.
California is in the third year of a devastating drought that has led farmers to fallow nearly half a million acres of cropland, threatened fish hatcheries and shrunk drinking water supplies for some communities.
To get people to conserve, many municipalities and regional water agencies have hired "water cops" like Brown to enforce state conservation rules.
Cities have even asked people to turn their neighbors in, and some have created smartphone apps to make the process easier.
Brown, 46, a father of four who was hired by the city as a meter reader, said he picked this area because he has fielded numerous complaints from neighbors about water wasters.
Camera and citation book in hand, he parked the car a few houses down and got out, walking swiftly to the house where the sprinklers were on. A flash illuminated the building's facade, then all was dark again.
Brown headed back to the car and wrote up the citation. A check of his laptop showed that the residents had not been cited before, so instead of a fine of up to $500, they would get a warning. On a second offen se, they would have to attend a meeting on how to save water. Third time, a fine.
The city of Sacramento has about a half-dozen employees enforcing conservation rules. Like Brown, they go out on Friday mornings before dawn, patrolling neighborhoods. When they're not patrolling, they field phone calls from residents turning in their neighbors, hopping in their cars to check out serious reports on the spot.
Water use in the city dropped 25 percent in August over the same month in 2013, the most recent month for which information is available, state d ata showed.
Statewide, residents and businesses cut water use by 11.5 percent in August over the comparable 2013 period, enough to fill nearly 40,000 Olympic-size swimming pools.
Felicia Marcus, chairwoman of the State Water Resources Control Board, credits new rules and tougher enforcement with much of the change.
"Regulations make better results than voluntary exhortations," she said. "People want to know that everybody else is doing it."
In August, the water resources board implemented statewide rules that prohibit watering gardens enough to cause visible runoff, hosing down driveways or asphalt, and operating non-recirculating fountains.
Regulators also allowed municipalities to set mandatory cutbacks and levy fines against those who do not comply.
In Los Angeles, the city has received 4,400 reports of water wasters this year, resulting in 2,200 warning citations, said Michelle Vargas, a spokeswoman with the Los Angeles Department of Wat er and Power.
L.A. has kept one water cop on the beat full-time since the state's last big drought in 2009, but it added three more this summer after the new statewide regulations went into effect.
The Southern California city of Long Beach is offering residents a water-waster app for their smartphones, making snitching quick and easy by allowing users to report neighbors and businesses for hosing down sidewalks, watering during the heat of the day or having a https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uRbW3ayDWVQ break or leak in their water lines.
Sometimes, Brown says, reports from vindictive neighbors lead him to visit a property only to find that no violation has taken place.
"I tell them I'm not going to cite you just because they call on you," said Brown, who carefully documents every case with photographs a nd a brief report. "There has to be evidence."
(Editing by Douglas Royalty)
SACRAMENTO Calif. It was still dark on Kokomo Drive in Sacramento's Natomas district as Paul Brown edged his city-issued Honda Civic past a row of beige stucco houses with tiny front lawns, looking for water wasters.
He heard the scofflaws before he saw their lush green lawns amid the otherwise parched turf. The buzz of http://www.sears.com/lawn-garden-watering-hoses-sprinklers/b-1024014 a sprinkler system https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uRbW3ayDWVQ gave them away on a day that the city, desperate to save water amid California's ongoing drought, had forbidden watering.
"If I can get a good picture - if there's a lot of water - I'll cite them," he said.
California is in the third year of a devastating drought that has led farmers to fallow nearly half a million acres of cropland, threatened fish hatcheries and shrunk drinking water supplies for some communities.
To get people to conserve, many municipalities and regional water agencies have hired "water cops" like Brown to enforce state conservation rules.
Cities have even asked people to turn their neighbors in, and some have created smartphone apps to make the process easier.
Brown, 46, a father of four who was hired by the city as a meter reader, said he picked this area because he has fielded numerous complaints from neighbors about water wasters.
Camera and citation book in hand, he parked the car a few houses down and got out, walking swiftly to the house where the sprinklers were on. A flash illuminated the building's facade, then all was dark again.
Brown headed back to the car and wrote up the citation. A check of his laptop showed that the residents had not been cited before, so instead of a fine of up to $500, they would get a warning. On a second offen se, they would have to attend a meeting on how to save water. Third time, a fine.
The city of Sacramento has about a half-dozen employees enforcing conservation rules. Like Brown, they go out on Friday mornings before dawn, patrolling neighborhoods. When they're not patrolling, they field phone calls from residents turning in their neighbors, hopping in their cars to check out serious reports on the spot.
Water use in the city dropped 25 percent in August over the same month in 2013, the most recent month for which information is available, state d ata showed.
Statewide, residents and businesses cut water use by 11.5 percent in August over the comparable 2013 period, enough to fill nearly 40,000 Olympic-size swimming pools.
Felicia Marcus, chairwoman of the State Water Resources Control Board, credits new rules and tougher enforcement with much of the change.
"Regulations make better results than voluntary exhortations," she said. "People want to know that everybody else is doing it."
In August, the water resources board implemented statewide rules that prohibit watering gardens enough to cause visible runoff, hosing down driveways or asphalt, and operating non-recirculating fountains.
Regulators also allowed municipalities to set mandatory cutbacks and levy fines against those who do not comply.
In Los Angeles, the city has received 4,400 reports of water wasters this year, resulting in 2,200 warning citations, said Michelle Vargas, a spokeswoman with the Los Angeles Department of Wat er and Power.
L.A. has kept one water cop on the beat full-time since the state's last big drought in 2009, but it added three more this summer after the new statewide regulations went into effect.
The Southern California city of Long Beach is offering residents a water-waster app for their smartphones, making snitching quick and easy by allowing users to report neighbors and businesses for hosing down sidewalks, watering during the heat of the day or having a https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uRbW3ayDWVQ break or leak in their water lines.
Sometimes, Brown says, reports from vindictive neighbors lead him to visit a property only to find that no violation has taken place.
"I tell them I'm not going to cite you just because they call on you," said Brown, who carefully documents every case with photographs a nd a brief report. "There has to be evidence."
(Editing by Douglas Royalty)
How to Start a Back Porch Vegetable Garden
Vegetable Garden Growing Tips
The back porch is a great place to start a vegetable garden. Growing a garden is cheaper and healthier than shopping at a grocery store. Organic fruit and vegetables are the healthiest option, but too expensive. Non-organics are sprayed with pesticides and other chemicals, plus they lack taste. Starting an organic vegetable garden on the back porch will save you money. Walking out the back door to pick a fresh, lush tomato is all around better than driving to the grocery store. A porch garden can yield plenty of vegetables, fruits, herbs, and flowers.
Tools to Start a Back Porch Vegetable Garden:
- patio, yard or back porch space
- potting soil
- containers, pots, garden boxes, patio garden stand, or upside down planters
- tomatoes, potatoes, strawberries, peppers, herbs, list of flowers or vegetables
- source for water
- small garden shovel
Step 1 - Choose the Back Porch Garden Vegetables
Make a grow list. Include easy growing fruit and vegetables like tomatoes, strawberries, potatoes, and bell peppers. Tomatoes are easy to grow. The vegetable growing list depends on what you like. Choose vegetables that grow in your climate and fit your porch gardening space. For example, growing corn or sunflowers on a back porch garden limited by height wont work well. Consider the amount of shade and sun in the garden space during Spring, Summer, and early Fall. Each vegetable grows best in a certain environment. You don't want to plant something that n eed full sun in a shaded area. Consider growing herbs like basil, cilantro, thyme, rosemary, lavender, mint, and parsley. Picking fresh herbs and vegetables from the back porch garden at dinnertime is great.
Step 2 - Buy Vegetable Containers - Planters, Hanging Planters, Wine Barrels, Mini Greenhouses
Choose planters. Garden containers come in many sizes. Hanging containers and self-watering planters are useful for small porches, patios, decks, or balconies. Gardening on the back porch or in a small space must consider utilizing the space in the best way possible. New gardeners or gardeners who don't want to spend a lot of time on maintenance should look for vegetable containers and planters that accommodate them. Buy ready-to-plant garden planters and containers. These ready made planters are easier to assemble than anything from IKEA! Just follow the directions and you have an almost fool-proof Sprinkler Installat ion Denton back porch gardening container for growing herbs, flowers, and veggies.
EarthBox Garden Kit - Just Add Soil, Seeds, and Water - Easy Garden Planter
The EarthBox Garden Kit is an easy-to-use, ready-to-plant, garden container ideal for porches, decks, balconies, and windowsills. The EarthBox Garden Kit is an indoor/outdoorCredit: Amazon.com mobile garden container on wheels and it is the easiest way to grow an organic garden on the porch. The mobility is useful with back porch gardens, for example, allowing you to m ove it in and out of the sun or shade, and even rolling it inside if the temperature drops too low. The EarthBox Garden Kit is an Amazon best seller because it is easy to use -- just add the planting soil, seeds, and water, then wait. The EarthBox Garden Kit is perfect for a porch garden and is recommended by Amazon customers because of its simplicity. Save money and buy the EarthBox Garden Kit from Amazon. Follow the instructions and watch the back porch veggies grow.
Step 3 - Plant the Vegetables for the Garden
The EarthBox Garden Kit is a great planter for a back porch garden. There are other ready-to-grow or just-add-soil planters available, depending on what you want to grow and how much room the garden is taking up. There are ready to grow tomato plants as well as potatoes and other vegetables and fruits.
Plant at least one fruit or vegetable from the "Dirty Dozen" list. The Dirty Dozen iCredit: jpwriters a list of fruits and vegetables that the Department of Agriculture has determined are full of the most pesticides. This list is used by people to decide when it is important to actually spend the extra money and buy organic vegetables. Back porch gardens give you a chance to save money (and your health) by planting and growing organic gardens. Out of the 12 fruits and vegetables strawberries are http://www.rmlandscape2.com/ really easy to grow in a back porch garden. Amazon sells all sorts of fruit and vegetable seeds and starter plants, including Tribute Everbearing Strawberries that are great for eating fresh and freezing after you're surprised so many strawberries grew in your garden.
If you want to start a garden from seeds then use one o f the germination stations. Buying fruit or vegetable plant starts is the easiest way to start planting a porch garden.
Document the Gardening Process to Make a Healthier Back Porch Garden Next Time
Go easy if this is your the first garden. Use a calendar to take notes about your gardening process. Write detailed Sprinkler System Installation information, like when the name of the seeds you planted, date the first seed sprouted, how many potatoes grew, or the number of weeks it took tomatoes to ripen. This is very valuable information that you can use year after year. Gardening is trial and error at times. Using your written guidelines will enable you to plant an expanding back porch garden over the years.
Back Porch Garden Tips:
Do not plant outside until the temperature is consistently warm and there is no chance of freezing weather. Check planting information for your specific garden vegetables .
Spraying weeds in your yard can get into the soil of your garden depending on where you are spraying. The water can run into the soil or the wind can carry it to the leaves and soil of your garden. Be careful to only spray on non-windy days if you do decide to use any gardening sprays.
Make sure that potted plants have a way to drain properly. If potted garden plants cannot drain then they can get mildew and root rot, which can damage the plant.
Put a hummingbird feeder on the back porch, too. Hummingbirds are fun to watch and they also pollenate flowers.
The back porch is a great place to start a vegetable garden. Growing a garden is cheaper and healthier than shopping at a grocery store. Organic fruit and vegetables are the healthiest option, but too expensive. Non-organics are sprayed with pesticides and other chemicals, plus they lack taste. Starting an organic vegetable garden on the back porch will save you money. Walking out the back door to pick a fresh, lush tomato is all around better than driving to the grocery store. A porch garden can yield plenty of vegetables, fruits, herbs, and flowers.
Tools to Start a Back Porch Vegetable Garden:
- patio, yard or back porch space
- potting soil
- containers, pots, garden boxes, patio garden stand, or upside down planters
- tomatoes, potatoes, strawberries, peppers, herbs, list of flowers or vegetables
- source for water
- small garden shovel
Step 1 - Choose the Back Porch Garden Vegetables
Make a grow list. Include easy growing fruit and vegetables like tomatoes, strawberries, potatoes, and bell peppers. Tomatoes are easy to grow. The vegetable growing list depends on what you like. Choose vegetables that grow in your climate and fit your porch gardening space. For example, growing corn or sunflowers on a back porch garden limited by height wont work well. Consider the amount of shade and sun in the garden space during Spring, Summer, and early Fall. Each vegetable grows best in a certain environment. You don't want to plant something that n eed full sun in a shaded area. Consider growing herbs like basil, cilantro, thyme, rosemary, lavender, mint, and parsley. Picking fresh herbs and vegetables from the back porch garden at dinnertime is great.
Step 2 - Buy Vegetable Containers - Planters, Hanging Planters, Wine Barrels, Mini Greenhouses
Choose planters. Garden containers come in many sizes. Hanging containers and self-watering planters are useful for small porches, patios, decks, or balconies. Gardening on the back porch or in a small space must consider utilizing the space in the best way possible. New gardeners or gardeners who don't want to spend a lot of time on maintenance should look for vegetable containers and planters that accommodate them. Buy ready-to-plant garden planters and containers. These ready made planters are easier to assemble than anything from IKEA! Just follow the directions and you have an almost fool-proof Sprinkler Installat ion Denton back porch gardening container for growing herbs, flowers, and veggies.
EarthBox Garden Kit - Just Add Soil, Seeds, and Water - Easy Garden Planter
The EarthBox Garden Kit is an easy-to-use, ready-to-plant, garden container ideal for porches, decks, balconies, and windowsills. The EarthBox Garden Kit is an indoor/outdoorCredit: Amazon.com mobile garden container on wheels and it is the easiest way to grow an organic garden on the porch. The mobility is useful with back porch gardens, for example, allowing you to m ove it in and out of the sun or shade, and even rolling it inside if the temperature drops too low. The EarthBox Garden Kit is an Amazon best seller because it is easy to use -- just add the planting soil, seeds, and water, then wait. The EarthBox Garden Kit is perfect for a porch garden and is recommended by Amazon customers because of its simplicity. Save money and buy the EarthBox Garden Kit from Amazon. Follow the instructions and watch the back porch veggies grow.
Step 3 - Plant the Vegetables for the Garden
The EarthBox Garden Kit is a great planter for a back porch garden. There are other ready-to-grow or just-add-soil planters available, depending on what you want to grow and how much room the garden is taking up. There are ready to grow tomato plants as well as potatoes and other vegetables and fruits.
Plant at least one fruit or vegetable from the "Dirty Dozen" list. The Dirty Dozen iCredit: jpwriters a list of fruits and vegetables that the Department of Agriculture has determined are full of the most pesticides. This list is used by people to decide when it is important to actually spend the extra money and buy organic vegetables. Back porch gardens give you a chance to save money (and your health) by planting and growing organic gardens. Out of the 12 fruits and vegetables strawberries are http://www.rmlandscape2.com/ really easy to grow in a back porch garden. Amazon sells all sorts of fruit and vegetable seeds and starter plants, including Tribute Everbearing Strawberries that are great for eating fresh and freezing after you're surprised so many strawberries grew in your garden.
If you want to start a garden from seeds then use one o f the germination stations. Buying fruit or vegetable plant starts is the easiest way to start planting a porch garden.
Document the Gardening Process to Make a Healthier Back Porch Garden Next Time
Go easy if this is your the first garden. Use a calendar to take notes about your gardening process. Write detailed Sprinkler System Installation information, like when the name of the seeds you planted, date the first seed sprouted, how many potatoes grew, or the number of weeks it took tomatoes to ripen. This is very valuable information that you can use year after year. Gardening is trial and error at times. Using your written guidelines will enable you to plant an expanding back porch garden over the years.
Back Porch Garden Tips:
Do not plant outside until the temperature is consistently warm and there is no chance of freezing weather. Check planting information for your specific garden vegetables .
Spraying weeds in your yard can get into the soil of your garden depending on where you are spraying. The water can run into the soil or the wind can carry it to the leaves and soil of your garden. Be careful to only spray on non-windy days if you do decide to use any gardening sprays.
Make sure that potted plants have a way to drain properly. If potted garden plants cannot drain then they can get mildew and root rot, which can damage the plant.
Put a hummingbird feeder on the back porch, too. Hummingbirds are fun to watch and they also pollenate flowers.
Sunday, 18 June 2017
Richa's Articles in Gardening - Article Dashboard Directory | Submit Articles | Search Find Free Content
Richa's Articles in Gardening
Air Duct Cleaning for Indoor Gardening
Air ducts are the lungs of an indoor garden. They deliver fresh air Sprinkler System Arlington and remove stale air, ensuring that your plants get necessary carbon dioxide and oxygen to thrive. Ducting performs an important role in removing excess heat from indoor greenhouses. Ducts are also used in heating and air conditioning.Indoor Gardening with a Dark Room Grow Tent
Indoor gardening can be a satisfying alternativ e for people who don't have the resources to build an outdoor garden.Dark Room Grow Tent Vs. Homemade Grow Room
For hydroponic enthusiasts who do all their gardening indoors, a grow room is a good investment. It allows the grower to provide the exact growing conditions that plants need. Grow rooms can either be made at home or bought from a hydroponics store, for example, the Dark Room grow tent. Before you decide to go for a homemade grow tent or a readymade one, here's what you should knowQuality Growing by Additives and Stimulants
Plants need a regular supply of essential nutrients and compounds to grow to their fullest potential. Since hydroponics does not involve the use of soil, it becomes necessary for you to specially add these compounds to the growing medium. While you can prepare your own nutrients at home, it can be difficult and tedious to know the exact mixture and proportion of nutrients.Monitoring pH Levels & TDS in Hydroponics Growing
Hydroponics involves providing plants with adequate water, oxygen, and nutrients in balanced quantities. Maintaining this balance is essential for optimum plant growth and yield. For this, you should monitor the levels of pH and total dissolved solids (TDS) of the nutrient solution or soil you use. What do these terms mean? The pH scale measures the acidic or alkaline content of a substance. TDS refers to the combination of inorganic salts and organic matter that are dissolved in water.How to Use Canna Coco Nutrients
In hydroponics, the growing medium you use for your plants can greatly influence your plants' growth and overall health. This is because the growing medium is a substrate, which provides support to the plant. In addition, the plant also receives all its nutrients from the growing https://www.landscapingnetwork.com/plants/ media.How to Install a Carbon Filter
Hydroponics is all about growing plants without using soil. In hydroponic gardening, plants are grown in alternative media like coir, rockwool, water-based media, etc. Air filtration is another important part of hydroponics.Best Nutrient Solutions for Summer Growing
Summer means heat. If you live in a warm place, excessive heat can affect your plants, especially those grown indoors. Some plants thrive in plenty of sunlight while others will require shade. Because of the summer heat, plants often do not get the water they require.How to Set-Up and Use Filtration Kits
Proper air quality management is vital in hydroponics. Even if you have a small garden, ensure that your plants receive their required air supply. Plants utilize the carbon dioxide present in air to prepare their food. Inadequate air supply deprives your plants of nourishment and makes them droop and wilt. Improper air supply can also leave your plants vulnerable to many diseases.Charcoal Carbon Filters
Hydroponics does away with the need for soil to g row plants in, thus allowing indoor cultivation of plants. An essential requirement for indoor green rooms and nurseries is an efficient air filtration system to ensure that the growing plants have access to adequate fresh air. Carbon filters are ideal for this purpose.Can Fans - High-Humidity In-line Fans
Can Fans are in-line ventilation fans designed to work in tandem with Can Filters, for temperature and odor control in hydroponic nurseries and greenhouses. They are a perfect example of the marriage between cutting edge exhaust design and technology that promises efficiency and performance.Finding the Right Hydroponic Nutrients for Your Plants
Hydroponics is a great way to maintain your own indoor garden without having to worry about what type of soil to use for different plants, how to obtain it, how much space the garden will occupy, etc. In the hydroponic method of gardening, a plant is grown in a water solution or a specially designed growing medium like rockwoo l, peat moss, vermiculite, etc.Rockwool - Hydroponic Growing Medium
Rockwool Sprinkler System Installation Arlington is a very popular hydroponics growing medium. Rockwool is a porous substance that forms when a mixture of rocks, mostly basalt and dolomite, is melted at high temperature and specially processed. Given the material's neutral nature, it is used to build plant-growing medium granules or slabs, blocks, plugs, cubes, etc.Choosing Hydroponic Nutrients for Your Garden
In hydroponics, plants do not grow in soil. Instead, the plants are grown in a water-based medium or other growing mediums like coir, rockwool, etc. Growing plants using hydroponics is advantageous in urban areas, where space is at a premium. It also benefits those regions where the soil is not conducive to gardening.Passive Hydroponics
Passive hydroponics, also known as hydroculture, is one of the techniques of hydroponics. Hydropo nics refers to the method of growing plants without soil. Instead of soil, hydroponics depends on a special substrate, known as a hydroponic growing medium.Springtime Indoor Gardening
Spring is the season of growth and new life for plants. It is also the busiest time of the year for gardeners. From sowing seeds to controlling pests, the passing of winter can mean a lot of work. The results, however, make it worth it. If you grow your plants indoors using hydroponics, read this guide to understand the various factors involved in springtime indoor gardening.Hydroponics Myths & Reality
Though, hydroponics is now an established method of plant cultivation certain misconceptions about it have worked against its wider acceptance among laypeople as well as gardening enthusiasts. Though associations and bodies representing concerned professionals, enthusiasts etc. have sought to dispel these myths, many of these have persisted through the decades and continue to bedevil the hy droponics industry.Plant Nutrition in Hydroponics
Hydroponics cultivation is considered to be superior to conventional cultivation because of the numerous advantages it offers. Both commercial scale production and small scale crop cultivation using hydroponics techniques have proved to be advantageous in many respects. One of the advantages of hydroponics is its simplicity.All about Indoor Gardening
Modern scientific techniques make it possible for people to grow plants, vegetables and even fruit right in their drawing room in indoor gardens. With the some effort and knowledge you can now grow a variety of plants indoors, either with hydroponics, which is a soilless growing technique or by using suitable techniques for conventional geoponics (growing in soil).Hydroponics in Commercial Food Production
With the first successful application of hydroponics techniques in the 1930s the stage was set for a paradigm shift in crop production from conventional geoponics o r cultivation in soil to hydroponics or soil less cultivation.Indoor Hydroponics Systems
Though plants have been traditionally grown outdoors in soil, with the use of hydroponics techniques, it is possible to grow plants indoors, in fact in any place.
Hydroponics techniques have been successfully used to cultivate a wide variety of plants even in places with climates that do not support plant growth like deserts and Polar Regions.
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Air Duct Cleaning for Indoor Gardening
Air ducts are the lungs of an indoor garden. They deliver fresh air Sprinkler System Arlington and remove stale air, ensuring that your plants get necessary carbon dioxide and oxygen to thrive. Ducting performs an important role in removing excess heat from indoor greenhouses. Ducts are also used in heating and air conditioning.Indoor Gardening with a Dark Room Grow Tent
Indoor gardening can be a satisfying alternativ e for people who don't have the resources to build an outdoor garden.Dark Room Grow Tent Vs. Homemade Grow Room
For hydroponic enthusiasts who do all their gardening indoors, a grow room is a good investment. It allows the grower to provide the exact growing conditions that plants need. Grow rooms can either be made at home or bought from a hydroponics store, for example, the Dark Room grow tent. Before you decide to go for a homemade grow tent or a readymade one, here's what you should knowQuality Growing by Additives and Stimulants
Plants need a regular supply of essential nutrients and compounds to grow to their fullest potential. Since hydroponics does not involve the use of soil, it becomes necessary for you to specially add these compounds to the growing medium. While you can prepare your own nutrients at home, it can be difficult and tedious to know the exact mixture and proportion of nutrients.Monitoring pH Levels & TDS in Hydroponics Growing
Hydroponics involves providing plants with adequate water, oxygen, and nutrients in balanced quantities. Maintaining this balance is essential for optimum plant growth and yield. For this, you should monitor the levels of pH and total dissolved solids (TDS) of the nutrient solution or soil you use. What do these terms mean? The pH scale measures the acidic or alkaline content of a substance. TDS refers to the combination of inorganic salts and organic matter that are dissolved in water.How to Use Canna Coco Nutrients
In hydroponics, the growing medium you use for your plants can greatly influence your plants' growth and overall health. This is because the growing medium is a substrate, which provides support to the plant. In addition, the plant also receives all its nutrients from the growing https://www.landscapingnetwork.com/plants/ media.How to Install a Carbon Filter
Hydroponics is all about growing plants without using soil. In hydroponic gardening, plants are grown in alternative media like coir, rockwool, water-based media, etc. Air filtration is another important part of hydroponics.Best Nutrient Solutions for Summer Growing
Summer means heat. If you live in a warm place, excessive heat can affect your plants, especially those grown indoors. Some plants thrive in plenty of sunlight while others will require shade. Because of the summer heat, plants often do not get the water they require.How to Set-Up and Use Filtration Kits
Proper air quality management is vital in hydroponics. Even if you have a small garden, ensure that your plants receive their required air supply. Plants utilize the carbon dioxide present in air to prepare their food. Inadequate air supply deprives your plants of nourishment and makes them droop and wilt. Improper air supply can also leave your plants vulnerable to many diseases.Charcoal Carbon Filters
Hydroponics does away with the need for soil to g row plants in, thus allowing indoor cultivation of plants. An essential requirement for indoor green rooms and nurseries is an efficient air filtration system to ensure that the growing plants have access to adequate fresh air. Carbon filters are ideal for this purpose.Can Fans - High-Humidity In-line Fans
Can Fans are in-line ventilation fans designed to work in tandem with Can Filters, for temperature and odor control in hydroponic nurseries and greenhouses. They are a perfect example of the marriage between cutting edge exhaust design and technology that promises efficiency and performance.Finding the Right Hydroponic Nutrients for Your Plants
Hydroponics is a great way to maintain your own indoor garden without having to worry about what type of soil to use for different plants, how to obtain it, how much space the garden will occupy, etc. In the hydroponic method of gardening, a plant is grown in a water solution or a specially designed growing medium like rockwoo l, peat moss, vermiculite, etc.Rockwool - Hydroponic Growing Medium
Rockwool Sprinkler System Installation Arlington is a very popular hydroponics growing medium. Rockwool is a porous substance that forms when a mixture of rocks, mostly basalt and dolomite, is melted at high temperature and specially processed. Given the material's neutral nature, it is used to build plant-growing medium granules or slabs, blocks, plugs, cubes, etc.Choosing Hydroponic Nutrients for Your Garden
In hydroponics, plants do not grow in soil. Instead, the plants are grown in a water-based medium or other growing mediums like coir, rockwool, etc. Growing plants using hydroponics is advantageous in urban areas, where space is at a premium. It also benefits those regions where the soil is not conducive to gardening.Passive Hydroponics
Passive hydroponics, also known as hydroculture, is one of the techniques of hydroponics. Hydropo nics refers to the method of growing plants without soil. Instead of soil, hydroponics depends on a special substrate, known as a hydroponic growing medium.Springtime Indoor Gardening
Spring is the season of growth and new life for plants. It is also the busiest time of the year for gardeners. From sowing seeds to controlling pests, the passing of winter can mean a lot of work. The results, however, make it worth it. If you grow your plants indoors using hydroponics, read this guide to understand the various factors involved in springtime indoor gardening.Hydroponics Myths & Reality
Though, hydroponics is now an established method of plant cultivation certain misconceptions about it have worked against its wider acceptance among laypeople as well as gardening enthusiasts. Though associations and bodies representing concerned professionals, enthusiasts etc. have sought to dispel these myths, many of these have persisted through the decades and continue to bedevil the hy droponics industry.Plant Nutrition in Hydroponics
Hydroponics cultivation is considered to be superior to conventional cultivation because of the numerous advantages it offers. Both commercial scale production and small scale crop cultivation using hydroponics techniques have proved to be advantageous in many respects. One of the advantages of hydroponics is its simplicity.All about Indoor Gardening
Modern scientific techniques make it possible for people to grow plants, vegetables and even fruit right in their drawing room in indoor gardens. With the some effort and knowledge you can now grow a variety of plants indoors, either with hydroponics, which is a soilless growing technique or by using suitable techniques for conventional geoponics (growing in soil).Hydroponics in Commercial Food Production
With the first successful application of hydroponics techniques in the 1930s the stage was set for a paradigm shift in crop production from conventional geoponics o r cultivation in soil to hydroponics or soil less cultivation.Indoor Hydroponics Systems
Though plants have been traditionally grown outdoors in soil, with the use of hydroponics techniques, it is possible to grow plants indoors, in fact in any place.
Hydroponics techniques have been successfully used to cultivate a wide variety of plants even in places with climates that do not support plant growth like deserts and Polar Regions.
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Saturday, 17 June 2017
Atlanta Botanical Garden's gun ban upheld by judge
ATLANTA -- A judge https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5UqSm2OQEnw has ruled that the Atlanta Botanical
Garden has the right to bar its visitors from bringing in firearms, even though
the garden operates on public property.
News outlets report that Fulton County Judge Gail Tusan
ruled Thursday that despite the public ownership of the land, the botanica l
garden is a private entity and may lawfully prohibit guns.
Court records show Phillip Evans, a gun rights group
member with a state firearms license, was escorted out of the botanical garden
in 2014 for wearing a handgun in a waistband holster. His attorney argued that
the garden leases land from the city of Atlanta https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5UqSm2OQEnw and cannot keep properly
licensed people from carrying weapons there.'
Georgia law allows guns on
government land and in government buildings, with some exceptions.
2016 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
https://www.yelp.com/search?cflt=landscaping&find_loc=Phoenix, AZ href='http://www.cbsnews.com/news/atlanta-botanical-garden- gun-ban-upheld-judge/'>http://www.cbsnews.com/news/atlanta-botanical-garden-gun-ban-upheld-judge/
Friday, 16 June 2017
E3 2017: In Videogames, It's the End of the World and Nothing Feels Fine
Electrician Service Electrician Service College Station College Station href="https://www.niceic.com/find-a-contractor/find-contractors">https://www.niceic.com/find-a-contractor/find-contractors href='http://www.wired.com/story/e3-games-end-of-the-world'>http://www.wired.com/story/e3-games-end-of-the-world
Attorneys. - Free Online Library
(407) 843-7860
(407) 843-6610 FAX
255 South Orange Avenue, Orlando, FL 32801
Email: gkelly@akerman.com
Internet: http://www.akerman.com
CONTACT: Gregory J. Kelly, Shareholder
(877) 688-1351
(604) 484-1730
(604) 484-9700 FAX
2700-700 West Georgia Street, Vancouver, BC V7Y 1B8 Canada
Email: jrost@ahbl.ca
Internet: http://www.ahbl.ca
CONTACT: Judy Rost, Partner
(202) 857-6065
(202) 857-6395 FAX
1050 Connecticut Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20036
Email: Wachen.Kimberly@arentfox.com
Internet: http://www.arentfox.com
< br>
CONTACT: Kimberly A. Wachen, Attorney
(404) 873-8150
(404) 873-8151 FAX
171 17th Street, Suite 2100, Atlanta, GA 30363
Email: sean.fogarty@agg.com
Internet: http://www.agg.com
CONTACT: Scan Fogarty, Attorney
(612) 8922-5200
(612) 9225-1595 FAX
50 Bridge Street, Level 27, Sydney, NSW 02000 Australia
Email: pennyjward@bakernet.com
Internet: http://www.bakernet.com
CONTACT: Penny J. Ward, Principal
(615) 726-5639
(615) 726-5600
(615) 744-5639 FAX
211 Commerce St., Suite 1000, Nashville, TN 37201
Email: jbuckberg@bakerdonelson.com
Internet: http://www.bakerdonelson.com
CONTACT: Joel R. Buckberg, Of Counsel; Kelli L. Thompson,
Birmingham Office
1600 Wachovia Tower, 420 20th Street North, Birmingham, AL 35203
New Orleans Office
201 St. Charles Avenue, Suite 3600, New Orleans, LA 70170
Jackson Office
4268 I-55 North, Meadowbrook Office Park, Jackson, MS39211
Knoxville Office
2200 Riverview Tower, 900 South Gay Street, Knoxville, TN37902
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Baker, Donelson is a full-service law firm with
over 470 lawyers representing clients from offices in Alabama, Georgia,
Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee, Washington, D.C. and a representative
office in Beijing, China. Our franchise p ractice group provides
comprehensive legal services to start-up and seasoned franchisors
including strategy, structure, documentation, enforcement, disclosure,
regulatory compliance, intellectual property, dispute resolution, and
liability defense.
(800) 627-3632
(856) 761-3400
(215) 864-8112
(856) 761-1020 FAX
Plaza 1000, Suite 500, Main Street, Voorhees, NJ 08043-4636
Email: levinb@ballardspahr.com
Internet: http://www.ballardspahr.com
CONTACT: Ben Levin;, Dean Fournaris;; Mark Shapiro;, Ed DeMarco
Philadelphia Office
1735 Market Street, 51st Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19103
TYPE OF BUSINESS: With ten offices located throughout the U.S.,
Ballard Spahr is nationally ranked among the 100 largest law firms. O ur
franchise law practice includes state franchise registrations,
preparation of offering circulars, franchise terminations, and franchise
relationship counseling. Our Franchise and Distribution Law Group draws
on the talents of lawyers in several departments (including business and
finance, litigation, real estate and tax law) to represent franchise
companies, multi-unit franchise operators, corporate and individual
investors contemplating franchise opportunities, and lending
institutions engaged in franchise related investment and financial
activities. Offices in Philadelphia, Denver, Las Vegas, Phoenix, Salt
Lake City, Washington, DC, Baltimore, Bethesda, Voorhees, NJ, and
Wilmington, DE.
(415) 956-1900
(415) 956-1152 FAX
900 Front Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, CA 94111
Ema il: cmiller@bztm.com
Internet: http://www.bztm.com
CONTACT: Charles G. Miller, C. Griffith Towle; Darryl A. Hart
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Our franchise lawyers bring over 30 years of
experience to franchise and distribution-related business, including
franchise litigation, transactions, registrations and dispute
resolution. The firm has represented franchise clients in a variety of
transactions including business formation, preparation of offering
circulars, franchise agreements and related documents, franchise
registration, state and federal franchise law compliance, franchise
transfers, business sales and acquisitions, licensing agreements,
contract negotiations and similar transactions. The firm also handles a
wide variety of other matters for franchise and distribution clients
including real estate, employment, trademark/copyright and premise
liabil ity matters.
(718) 816-0005
(718) 442-6408 FAX
60 Bay Street, Staten Island, NY 10301
Email: gangiuli@akglaw.com
Internet: http://www.akglaw.com
CONTACT: Gary Angiuli, Attorney
New Brunswick Office AG Auer Court, New Brunswick, NJ 08846
TYPE OF BUSINESS: The Business and Real Estate Group at Angiuli
Katkin & Gentile, LLP offers legal services in both New York and New
Jersey, catering to both experienced as well as first time franchisors
and franchisees. Supervising Attorney and Founding Partner Gary C.
Angiuli, Esq. has over 16 years of experience in writing, registering
and reviewing uniform franchise offering circulars for all types of
franchises. He has represented both start-up franchisors as well as
experienced franchisors with up to 250 units . Under Mr. Angiuli's
personal supervision, the firm also advises numerous franchisees,
assisting them with every facet of their new franchise ventures,
including comprehensive review of their uniform franchise offering
circulars (UFOC's), lease review, and advice and counsel in the
formation of business entities. The firm and Mr. Angiuli are experienced
in the purchase, sale, and transfer of existing franchise businesses and
emphasize personal service and long term relationships.
(216) 363-4500
(216) 363-4588 FAX
2300 BP America Building, 200 Public Square, Cleveland, OH
Email: tbrule@bfca.com
Internet: http://www.bfca.com
CONTACT: Thomas R. Brule, Partner
< br>(415) 393-2000
(415) 393-2000
(415) 393-2286 FAX
Three Embarcadero Center, San Francisco, CA 94111
Email: bob.ebe@bingham.com
Internet: http://www.bingham.com/franchise
CONTACT: Robert L. Ebe, Partner; Daniel L. Goldberg, Partner150
Federal Street, Boston, MA 02110
New York Office
399 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10022
Washington Office
2020 K Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20006
Los Angeles Office
355 South Grand Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90071
TYPE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tx5hfLp3Vqc OF BUSINESS: Bingham McCutchen offers distributors and
franchisors the counseling, litigation and dispute resolution advice
they need as they establish and grow operations; expand internationally;
or merge, reduce, restructure or eliminate networks or systems. With
decades of experience behind them, our distribution and franchise
lawyers help clients navigate the state and federal regulatory
minefields that underlie the management of national and international
distribution channels and franchise networks. Our Distribution &
Franchise Group consists of more than 25 attorneys who focus on a
variety of related disciplines that intersect with traditional
distribution and franchising issues. Our areas of focus include:
Establishment and Maintenance of Dealership and Franchise Networks;
Enforcement of Operating Standards; Pricing, Incentives and Promotional
Programs; Financial and Privacy Issues; Antitrust and Trade Regulation
Counseling and Litigation; Class Action Litigation; and Bankruptcy and
Financially Distressed Operations. Over the last 30 years, our D&F
attorneys have compiled an extraordinary track record litigating and
arbitrating hundreds of cases in industries that deliver goods and
services as varied as appliances, fast food, apparel, financial
services, petroleum, motor vehicles, heavy equipment, furniture, office
equipment and alcoholic beverages. We have obtained numerous dismissals,
summary judgments, trial verdicts and appellate decisions in favor of
our clients.
(816) 983-8000
(816) 983-8080 FAX
4801 Main Street, Kansas City, MO 64112
Email: dculp@blackwellsanders.com
Internet: http://www.blackwellsanders.com
CONTACT: Donald A. Culp, Partner; John Moore, Partner
TYPE OF BUSINESS: The Franchise and Distribution Law Practice Group
represents clients in all aspects of the structure, implementation,
maintenance and financing of franchise and distribution businesses.
(416) 863-2400
(416) 863-2653 FAX
Commerce Court West, #2800, 199 Bay Street, Toronto, ON M5L 1A9
Email: peter.viitre@blakes.com
Internet: http://www.blakes.com
CONTACT: Peter Viitre, Partner; Chris Hale, Partner
Calgary Office
855-2nd Street S.W., Suite 3500, Bankers Hall East Tower, Calgary,
AB T2P 4J8 Canada
Vancouver Office
595 Burrard Street, Suite 2600, Three Bentall Centre, Vancouver, BC
V7X 1L3 Canada
Montreal Office
600 de Maisonneuve Boulevard West, Suite 2200 Montreal, Quebec H3A
Ottawa Office
45 O'Connor Street, Suite 2000, World Exchange Plaza, Ottawa,
ON K1P 1A4
(313) 259-7777
1901 St. Antoine Street, 6th Floor at Ford Field, Detroit, MI 48226
Email: ttallerico@bodmanllp.com
Internet: http://www.bodmanllp.com
CONTACT: Thomas J. Tallerico, Partner; Dennis J. Levasseur, Partner
Troy Office
201 W. Big Beaver Road, Suite 500, Troy, MI 48084
Ann Arbor Office
110 Miller, Suite 300, Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Cheboygan Office
229 Court Street, P.O. Box 405, Cheboygan, MI 49721
TYPE OF BUSINESS: 130-attorney business law firm serving clients in
Michigan, throughout the U.S. and internationally. We can assist
franchisors and franchisees in commercial litigation and alternative
dispute resolution, intellectual property matters including patent and
copyright protection, labor and e mployment law, corporate and securities
law, regulatory compliance, mergers, acquisitions and divestitures,
environmental law, bankruptcy, construction law, real property law and
tax law matters.
(310) 576-2132
(310) 576-2200 FAX
120 Broadway, Suite 300, Santa Monica, CA 90401-2386
Email: kenneth.costello@bryancave.com
Internet: http://www.bryancave.com
CONTACT: Kenneth R. Costello, Partner; Jon Solish, Partner
Chicago Office
225 West Washington, Suite 260, Chicago, IL 60606-3418
Houston Office
1401 McKinney Street, #2700, Houston, TX 77010
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Bryan Cave, LLP is an 800 lawyer, international
law firm whose franchise lawyers are globally recognized authorities,
frequent speakers and authors, including a leading 3-vo lume franchise
treatise, who serve on numerous industry editorial and advisory boards,
and are commentators for franchise and major business news media. Our
clients range from start-up to Global 50 domestic and international
franchising and distribution businesses, in a broad range of industries,
who require sophisticated and complex legal support, including antitrust
counseling; regulatory compliance; litigation and arbitration; mergers
and acquisitions; intellectual property protection, and more.
(305) 347-4080
(305) 347-4089 FAX
Bank of America Tower, 34th Floor, 100 SE Second Street, Miami, FL
Email: leslie.smith@bipc.com
Internet: http://www.buchananingersoll.com
CONTACT: Leslie Smith-Porter, Attorney
Pittsburgh Office
(412) 562-8957
(412) 562-1041 FAX
One Oxford Center, 401 Grant Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15219-1410
CONTACT: John R. Previs
Washington, DC Office
(202) 833-7099 FAX
1700 K Street, NW, Suite 300, Washington, DC 20006-3807
Princeton Office
(609) 520-0360 FAX
700 Alexander Park, Sutie 300, Princeton, NJ 08540-6347
Email: harringtonfb@bipc.com
CONTACT: Frank B. Harrington, Associate
Tampa Office
(813) 222-8189 FAX
401 East Jackson Street, Suite 2500, Tampa, FL 33602-5236
Email: cardillopm@bipc.com
CONTACT: Peter M. Cardillo, Shareholder
TYPE OF BUSINESS: The lawyers in Buchanan's Franchise and
Distribution Group provide clients with comprehensive knowledge in
multiple legal disciplines. Encompass ing the areas of corporate finance,
federal and state regulation compliance, intellectual property,
litigation, labor and employment, government contracts, tax and real
estate, Buchanan's Franchise and Distribution Practice Group is a
cross-section of attorneys who are recognized leaders in their fields.
With 16 offices across the nation and access to Buchanan's more
than 550 attorneys and government relations professionals, we provide
our franchise and distribution clients with business and strategic
solutions that address the full spectrum of franchise-related issues in
more than 40 industries including: food chain, hospitality, dry
cleaning, retail, fashion design, real estate, car rental, as well as
education and training. Additional Offices: Alexandria, VA; Aventura,
FL; Buffalo, NY; Harrisburg, PA; Miami, FL; New York, NY; Philadelphia,
PA; Pittsburgh, PA; Princeton, NJ; Red wood Shores, CA; San Diego, CA;
Tampa, FL; Washington, DC; and Wilmington, DE.
(888) 895-2080
(303) 792-5595
(303) 708-0527 FAX
40 Inverness Drive East, Denver, CO 80112
Email: pburg@burgsimpson.com
Internet: http://www.burgsimpson.com
CONTACT: Peter Burg, Shareholder
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Burg Simpson focuses on complex litigation
matters. The firm is frequently retained as litigation counsel in
disputes involving franchisors and franchisees. The firm has offices in
Colorado, Wyoming, Texas, Ohio, Arizona and Washington, D.C.
(877) 875-9636
(813) 224-9255
(813) 223-9620 FAX
P.O. Box 3913, Tampa, FL 33601-3913
Email: mbasurto@bushross.com
Internet: http://www.bushross.com
CONTACT: Edward O. Savitz, Attorney; Mark A. Basurto, Attorney
(305) 530-0050
(305) 530-0055 FAX
100 SE Second Street, Suite 4000, Miami, FL 33131
Email: jmurray@carltonfields.com
Internet: http://www.carltonfields.com
CONTACT: Jason M. Murray, Shareholder
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Carlton Fields provides legal counsel and
assistance with creating, managing, licensing, protecting and enforcing
franchised business relationships, product distribution systems and
dealership networks. The law fir-m's franchise and distribution law
practice specifically relates to licensing and development, regulation
and compliance, and dispute resolution through negotiation, mediation,
arbitration and lit igation.
(416) 860-2987
(416) 869-5982
(416) 640-3043 FAX
40 King Street West, Suite 2100, Scotia Plaza, Toronto, ON M5H 3C2
Email: lweinberg@casselsbrock.com
Internet: http://www.casselsbrock.com
CONTACT: Larry Weinberg, Partner; Geoff Shaw, Partner
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Cassels Brock is a Toronto based full-service
business law firm. Our Franchise Law Group is recognized across Canada and around the world for its extensive legal and practical experience in
all facets of franchising.
(312) 243-1701
(312) 243-1721 FAX
1101 West Fulton Market, Suite 200, Chicago, IL 60607
Email: fredric.cohen@chengcohen.com
Internet: http://www.chengcohen.com
CONTACT: Fredric A. Cohen, Member; Amy Cheng, Member
(215) 659-3600
(215) 659-3222 FAX
721 Dresher Road, Suite 1100, Horsham, PA 19025
Email: hchernow@chernowkatz.com
Internet: http://www.chernowkatz.com
CONTACT: Harris J. Chernow, Attorney
Westmont Office
216 Haddon Avenue, #704, Westmont, NJ 08108
Philadelphia Office
1515 Market Street, #1410, Philadelphia, PA 19102
Baltimore Office
10995 Owings Mills Blvd.--Suite 208, Owings Mills, MD21117
TYPE OF BUSINESS: A national franchise, intellectual property and
business law firm providing comprehensive, practical, solution-oriented
counseling. Representing single and multi unit franchisees, franchisors,
distributors, and area and master developers wit h franchise,
transactional, regulatory and dispute resolution matters. Offices in PA,
NJ, MD and DC.
(877) 413-6482
(416) 413-9822
(416) 324-5439 FAX
22 St. Clair Avenue East, Suite 1010, Toronto, ON M4T 2S3 Canada
Email: mark@franchiselawcanada.com
Internet: http://www.franchiselawcanada.com
CONTACT: Markus Cohen, Managing Director; Lisa Bertucca, Executive
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Practising law since 1964, Mark limits his law
practice to franchise and--as a Certified Specialist in Ontario,
Canada--trademark law.
(973) 535-0500
(973) 535-9217 FAX
85 Livingston Avenue, Roseland, NJ 07068
Email: bcouch@connellfoley.com
Internet: http://www.connellfo ley.com
CONTACT: Bryan P. Couch, Attorney; Jeffrey L. O'Hara, Attorney
Jersey City Office
2510 Plaza Five, Jersey City, NJ 07311-4029
New York Office
888 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tx5hfLp3Vqc Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10106
Philadelphia Office
1500 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19102
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Full-service law firm with more than 115
attorneys and more than twenty distinct practice areas to meet corporate
clients' needs.
(888) 287-6777
(303) 768-0027 FAX
13710 East Rice Place, Aurora, CO 80015
Email: michael@franchiseeconsultant.com
Internet: http://www.franchiseeconsultant.com
CONTACT: Michael J. Katz, President & CEO
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Franchisee Consulting and Brokerage.
(202) 662-6000
(202) 662-6291 FAX
1201 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20004-2401
Email: htielemans@cov.com
Internet: http://www.cov.com
CONTACT: Henriette Tielemans, Partner
55 21 2553 181
55 21 2553 1812 FAX
Rua Marques de Olinda, 70, Rio De Janeiro 22251-040 Brazil
Email: mail@danneman.com.br
Internet: http://www.dannemann.com.br
CONTACT: Luiz Henrique O. do Amaral, Partner; Peter Dirk Siemsen,
Senior Partner
(416) 941-5399
(416) 365-7886 FAX
1 First Canadian Place, Suite 5600, Toronto, ON MX5 1E2 Canada
Email: jrogers@davis.ca
Internet: http://www.davis.ca
CONTACT: John L. Rogers, National Chair, Toronto; Dana Schindelka,
Vice Chair, Calgary
Vancouver Office
2800 Park Place, 666 Burrard Street, Vancouver, BC V6C 2Z7 Canada
Calgary Office
3000 Shell Centre, 400-4th Avenue SW, Calgary, AB T2P 0J4 Canada
Montreal Office
1010 de la Gauchetiere St. West, #2250, Montreal, QCH3B 2N2 Canada
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Davis LLP's National Franchise &
Licensing Group has extensive experience in all aspects of franchise law
including structuring franchise systems; drafting franchise agreements;
disclosure documents and related agreements; and expanding foreign
franchise systems to Canada. Our Group also specializes in related areas
including intellectual property; international law; internet and
e-commerce; personal information disclosure and privacy; arbitration and
litigation; employment law; tax, and competition (anti-trust) law. Davis
& Company has offices in 7 cities in Canada including Vancouver,
Toronto, Calgary and Montreal and is the only Canadian firm with an
office in Japan (Tokyo). Our Franchise & Distribution Group is led
by John L. Rogers, who is one of only six franchise lawyers listed in
L'Expert's 2002 Guide to Leading 500 Lawyers in Canada, and is
a past director of IFA's Supplier Forum. Established in 1892.
(503) 241-2300
(503) 778-5299 FAX
1300 SW Fifth Avenue, Suite 2300, Portland, OR 97201
Email: rileylagesen@dwt.com
Internet: http://www.dwt.com
CONTACT: Riley Lagesen, Associate
(973) 966-8068
(973) 966-1015 FAX
P.O. Box 1945, Morristown, NJ 07962
Email: dlafiura@daypitney.com
Internet: http://www.daypitney.com
CONTACT: Dennis R. LaFiura, Esq., Managing Partner; David S. Sager,
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Day Pitney LLP is a law firm that has represented
franchisors in hundreds of disputes involving terminations, trademark
infringement, and enforcing system standards. Industry expertise
includes motor vehicles, hotels, real estate brokerage, and others.
+61 3 8686 6000
+61 3 8686 6505 FAX
385 Bourke Street, Melbourne, Victoria, 03000 Australia
Email: greg.hipwell@deacons.com.au
Internet: http://www.deacons.com.au
CONTACT: Greg Hipwell, Partner; Stephen Giles, Partner
Brisbane Office
Riverside Centre, 123 Eagle Street, Brisbane, QLD 04000 Australia
Sydney Office
1 Alfred Street, Circular Quay, Sydney, NSW 2000 Australia
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Legal firm specializing in providing legal and
business advice to franchising and distribution clients. We are
generally regarded as Australia's leading franchise law firm.
(202) 420-2200
(202) 420-2201 FAX
1825 I Street NW, Washington, DC 20006
Email: schaeffera@dsmo.com
Internet: http://www.dicksteinshapiro.com
CONTACT: Alan Schaeffer, Esq., Partner; Andrew J. Sherman, Esq.,
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Dickstein Shapiro LLP is a full service law firm
with 400 attorneys in offices in Wa shington, DC, New York City, and Los
Angeles, representing clients in diverse industries with a wide variety
of requirements. Our franchise and licensing attorneys have extensive
experience in franchise, licensing and distribution transactions and
regulation and they regularly advise manufacturers, licensors and
franchisors with respect to all aspects of franchise and distribution
systems development, implementation and channel management, leveraging
intellectual property, and counseling on general corporate and
commercial matters. The firm's franchising clients represent a wide
range of industries, including, restaurants and food services; medical
devices and health care; building materials; home remodeling/repair;
information technology; fashion and apparel; accounting and business
consulting; specialty retail; landscaping; for-profit
education/training; children's activities; l odging and hospitality;
cleaning/maintenance; travel/tourism; automotive manufacturing,
distribution, maintenance and repair; convenience stores and service
stations; professional sports franchises; hair care and personal
services; and retail electronics.
+61 (732) 46400261
+61 (732) 294077 FAX
Level 29 Waterfront Place, 1 Eagle Street, Brisbane, Queensland
04075 Australia
Email: tony.conaghan@dlaphillipsfox.com
Internet: http://www.dlaphillipsfox.com
CONTACT: Tony Conahan, Partner
(312) 368-4000
(312) 236-7516 FAX
203 North LaSalle Street, Suite 1800 JY, Chicago, IL 60601-1293
Email: franchiselawyers@dlapiper.com
Internet: http://www.dlapiper.com
CONTACT : Lewis G. Rudnick, Dennis E. Wieczorek; Fredric A. Cohen,
Michael G. Brennan
Washington, D.C. Office
(202) 223-2085 FAX
1200 Nineteenth Street, NW, Washington, DC 20036-2412
Email: philip.zeidman@dlapiper.com
CONTACT: Philip F. Zeidman; John Dienelt; Erik B. Wulff
Dallas Office
(214) 743-4545 FAX
1717 Main Street, Suite 4600, Dallas, TX 75201-4605
Email: ann.hurwitz@dlapiper.com
CONTACT: Ann Hurwit
Tampa Office
(813) 229-2111
(813) 229-1447 FAX
101 E. Kennedy Boulevard, Suite 2000, Tampa, FL33602
Email: david.beyer@dlapiper.com
CONTACT: David A. Beyer
Reston Office
(703) 773-4000
(703) 773-5000 FAX
1775 Wiehle Avenue, Suite 400, Reston, VA 20190
Email: bret.lowell@dlapiper.com
CONTACT: H. Bret Lowell; Barry Heller
TYPE OF BUSINESS: DLA Piper is a national commercial law firm. We
concentrate our practice in franchising and distribution, complex and
general civil litigation and arbitration, trademark and intellectual
property, information technology, antitrust and trade regulation,
international, securities, mergers and acquisitions, real estate,
leasing, environmental, finance, venture capital, emerging companies,
telecommunications, business regulation, health, banking and labor law.
We have practiced franchising, distribution and related areas of law for
more than 40 years. The 25 partners in our franchising and distribution
law group average in excess of 20 years of experience in those fields.
We represent companies engaged in domestic and international franchising
and distributi on matters, including structuring, documentation,
counseling, litigation and arbitration, technology, finance and
regulatory compliance. Our clients operate in most of the business
sectors that have adopted franchising as a method of distribution and
represent a broad spectrum of size and experience, from entrepreneurs
and start-up companies to large franchisors, manufacturers and
distributors. Our clients oversee networks that range from dozens to
thousands of outlets. The majority of our clients are franchisors and
distribution companies, but we also represent multiple outlet, area
development and master franchisees and franchising-joint ventures, on a
wide variety of franchising, distribution, corporate, real estate,
finance, securities, environmental, tax and other matters. Our practice
is international in scope. We have done work for clients in over 100
countries. We serve as General Counsel to the International Franchise
Association. The firm has offices that practice franchise and
distribution law in Chicago (312) 368-4000, Washington, D.C. (202)
861-3900, Northern Virginia (703) 733-4000, Atlanta (404) 736-7800,
Dallas (214) 743-4500, Tampa (813) 229-2111, Los Angeles (310) 595-3000,
Baltimore (410) 580-3000, New York (212) 835-6000 and Philadelphia (215)
(800) 566-1718
(206) 903-8700
(206) 903-8820 FAX
1420 5th Avenue, Suite 3400, Seattle, WA 98101
Email: duvall.gary@dorsey.com
Internet: http://www.dorsey.com
CONTACT: Gary R. Duvall, Partner
Seattle Office
1420 Fifth Avenue, Suite 3400, Seattle, WA 98101
CONTACT: Gary R. Duvall, CFE
Palo Alto Office
1717 Embarcad ero Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Our Franchise and Distribution Law practice group
helps clients expand through franchising and other distribution methods.
Our clients are both US and International.
(310) 828-9050
(310) 828-9101 FAX
1620 26th Street, North Tower, 6th Floor, Santa Monica, CA 90404
Email: sgrueneberg@dskllp.com
Internet: http://www.dskllp.com
CONTACT: Susan Grueneberg, Partner; Robert L. Kahan, Partner
TYPE OF BUSINESS: With offices in Los Angeles, New York and
Stamford, Connecticut, we are a full-service firm with an active
franchise practice that includes national and international clients. We
have expertise in structuring franchise and other types of distribution
programs, registration and disclosure compliance, franchise litiga tion
and related areas such as mergers and acquisitions of franchise
companies. In addition to all aspects of franchise law, we are
especially well-positioned to assist clients in the areas of business
litigation, corporate law, employment law, entertainment litigation,
financial institutions law, insurance law, intellectual property and
high technology law, real estate law and securities litigation. Our
clientele includes national and regional franchise and subfranchise
programs, domestic and multinational Fortune 500 companies, emerging
companies and individuals in diverse areas of business.
(212) 391-9500
(212) 391-9025 FAX
104 West 40th Street, 20th Floor, New York, NY 10018
Email: me@ed-lawfirm.com
Internet: http://www.ed-lawfirm.com
CONTACT: Michael Einbinder, Partner
(303) 659-7342
(303) 659-1051 FAX
600 17th Street, Suite 2800 South, Denver, CO 80202-5428
Email: velmore@elmorelaw.com
Internet: http://www.elmorelaw.com
CONTACT: Van Elmore, Principal
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Legal services for domestic & international
franchising including Uniform Franchise Offering Circular and contract
drafting, state franchise offering registration, trademark registration
and licensing, copyright registration and licensing, software licenses and Internet agreements. Mr. Elmore also provides mediation and
arbitration for domestic and international franchise disputes.
Previously Vice President and General Counsel for a 450 unit franchise
system. Mr. Elmore has also been a franchisee and has conversational
ability i n the Russian language. Established in 1992.
+44 845 497 4862
+44 207 919 4500
+44 207 919 4919 FAX
Senator House, 85 Queen Victoria Street, London EC4V 4JL United
Email: chriswormald@eversheds.com
Internet: http://www.eversheds.com
CONTACT: Christopher Wormald, Partner--Head of Franchising; Martin
Mendelsohn, Chair, European Franchising Group
TYPE OF BUSINESS: International Commercial law firm with offices in
10 UK cities: London, Birmingham, Cardiff. Ipswich, Leeds, Manchester,
Newcastle, Norwich, Nottingham and overseas locations including
Brussels, Paris, Munich and Shanghai. Associated offices in Copenhagen,
Milan, Rome and Sofia, Singapore (including Indonesia) and Kuala Lumpa.
Specialist areas include: International and domestic Franchising;
dis tribution and supply arrangements; licensing; intellectual property;
UK and European anti-trust laws; and the complete range of business and
corporate legal services.
(800) 328-4393
(612) 766-7000
(612) 766-1600 FAX
2200 Wells Fargo Center, 90 South Seventh Street, Minneapolis, MN
Email: bschnell@faegre.com
Internet: http://www.faegre.com
CONTACT: Brian Schnell, Partner; Bill L. Killion, Partner
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Franchising is our Passion/E. Franchising also is
one of the most dynamic and exciting growth vehicles in our global
economy. To achieve its objectives in the challenging, yet rewarding,
franchise world, a franchisor must partner with a legal team that not
only understands franchising, but also takes the time to understand the
franchis or's business and objectives. We know the franchise
business top to bottom, including the complexities created by the
overlap of state and federal law. We also understand the challenges of
building and operating a franchise system. It's your business. You
need answers and we'll provide unparalleled legal support.
(215) 825-3100
(215) 545-8313 FAX
21 South 21st Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103
Email: film@fisherzucker.com
Internet: http://www.fisherzucker.com
CONTACT: Lane Fisher, Member; Jeff Zucker, Member
Cherry Hill Office
402 Park Boulevard, Cherry Hill, NJ 08002
Brunswick Office
777 Gloucester Street, Suite 355, Brunswick, GA 31520
TYPE OF BUSINESS: FisherZucker LLC's practice is dedicated to
franchising. With offices in Pe nnsylvania and New Jersey, we assist
franchisors in development, regulatory compliance, operations and
enforcement matters. Contact us for information.
(510) 451-3309
(510) 451-1537 FAX
1221 Broadway, 21st Floor, Oakland, CA 94612
Email: mtrice@fablaw.com
Internet: http://www.fablaw.com
CONTACT: Mary Beth Trice, Special Counsel
(608) 258-4273
(608) 258-4258 FAX
P.O. Box 1497, Madison, WI 53701-1497
Email: rhowell@foley.com
Internet: http://www.foley.com
CONTACT: Bobbi Howell, Esq., Partner
(201) 845-1000
(201) 845-9112 FAX
218 Route 17 North, Rochelle Park, NJ 07662
Email: firm@formanlaw.com
Internet: http://www.formanlaw.com
CONTACT: Daniel M. Eliades, Member; Charles M. Forman, Member
Philadelphia Office
1615 Jackson Street, Philadelphia, PA 19145
Suffern Office
400 Rella Boulevard, Suite 214, Suffern, NY 10901
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Forman Holt & Eliades represents some of the
largest franchisors in the world in bankruptcy cases throughout the
United States. The firm regularly represents franchisors in a broad
range of bankruptcy litigation including plan confirmation issues, asset
sales, stay litigation, preference matters, claim objections and
intellectual property protection.
(412) 391-1334
(412) 391-6984 FAX
625 Liberty Avenue, 29th Floor, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-3115
Email: gcook@foxrothschild.com
Internet: http://www.foxrothschild.com
CONTACT: Gerald A. Cook, Attorney & CoChair, Franchising
Practice; Elizabeth D. Sigety, Attorney & Co-Chair, Franchising
Philadelphia Office
2000 Market Street, 10th Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19103
New York Office
100 Park Avenue, Suite 1500, New York, NY 10017
San Francisco Office
235 Pine Street, Suite 1500San Francisco, CA94104
West Palm Beach Office
222 Lakeview Avenue, Suite 700, West Palm Beach, FL33401
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Our attorneys provide solutions for the business
and litigation needs of the franchising and distribution community. Our
clients range from international corporations to
entrepreneurial/start-up com panies in the manufacturing, retail, food,
entertainment and service. industries, among others. Our experienced
team is comprised of approximately 25 attorneys throughout the firm who
focus on the many disciplines involved in the business of franchising
and distribution. Fox Rothschild LLP is a full-service law firm built to
serve business leaders. Over the past 100 years, we have grown to 400
lawyers in 14 offices coast to coast. Our clients come to us because we
understand their issues, their priorities, and the way they think. We
help clients manage risk and make better decisions by offering
practical, innovative advice. For more information about Fox Rothschild
LLP, please visit www.foxrothschild.com.
(866) 986-0099
(410) 986-0099
(410) 986-0123 FAX
20 South Charles Street, 3rd Floor, B altimore, MD 21201
Email: dcahn@franbuslaw.com
Internet: http://www.franbuslaw.com
CONTACT: David L. Cahn, Owner; David G. Ross, Of Counsel,
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Boutique practice focused on representing the
legal needs of franchisors and franchisees.
(646) 215-7903
(646) 215-7908 FAX
142 West End Avenue, Suite 30P, New York, NY 10023
Email: jeffreykolton@fmvllc.net
Internet: http://www.franchisemarketventures.com
CONTACT: Jeffrey Kolton, Principal
TYPE OF BUSINESS: FMV assists start-ups in analyzing franchising;
established franchise systems seeking alternative expansion methods; and
vendors looking to increase their market share within the franchise
(888) 372-6529 (888) FRANLAW
(630) 571-5626
(630) 571-1882 FAX
1301 West 22nd Street, Suite 709, Oak Brook, IL 60523-2006
Email: mliss@franlaw.com
Internet: http://www.franlaw.com
CONTACT: Michael R. Liss, Esq., Partner
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Complete franchise legal services, at
cost-effective prices. 25 year background representing franchisors and
franchisees in franchise agreement, offering circular, and registration
compliance issues. Negotiates contracts and litigates disputes.
Expertise in franchise transfers, real estate leasing, selling
businesses, general business counseling, incorporating and trademarks.
Expert Witness. National Practice. Established in 1980.
(612) 492-7000
(612) 492-7077 FAX
200 South Sixth Street, Suite 4000, Minneapolis, MN 55402
Email: eduke@fredlaw.com
Internet: http://www.fredlaw.com
CONTACT: Emily E. Duke, Chair, Franchise Group
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Fredrikson & Byron's Franchising Group
represents clients in every phase of franchising, both domestically and
internationally. Our attorneys handle business and legal issues for
companies ranging from the start-up franchisor to the mature franchise
system. Our services encompass a broad spectrum of legal expertise,
including structuring franchise programs, disclosure and registration,
preparing franchise and related agreements, compliance with franchise
laws in the United States and overseas, business planning, termination
of franchisees, advertising issues, intellectual property issues, sales
compliance, dealing with franchisee advisory councils and associations,
and antitrust issues. A s a result, our attorneys are intimately familiar
with U.S. federal and state laws and foreign laws that apply to
franchise companies doing business domestically and overseas.
(561) 395-5511
(561) 395-2648 FAX
The Plaza, Suite 801, 5355 Town Center Road, Boca Raton, FL 33486
Email: info@frglaw.com
Internet: http://www.franchiselaw.com
CONTACT: Ronald N. Rosenwasser, Partner
TYPE OF BUSINESS: FRG develops, reviews, and analyzes international
and domestic franchise programs and prepares all legal documents and
provides litigation and arbitration services.
(513) 651-6800
(513) 651-6745
(513) 651-6981 FAX
201 East 5th Street, Suite 2200, Cincinnati, OH 45202
Email: g cowan@fbtlaw.com
Internet: http://www.frostbrowntodd.com
CONTACT: Grant S. Cowan, Member
(212) 935-3131
(212) 935-4514 FAX
845 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10022-6601
Email: dta@gdblaw.com
Internet: http://www.newyorkfranchiselawyer.com
CONTACT: David T. Azrin, Esq., Partner
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Experienced attorneys providing comprehensive
legal representation to franchisors and franchisees at a reasonable
cost. We handle UFOCs, contracts, litigation, employment, real estate,
and tax matters.
(305) 349-2333
(305) 349-2310 FAX
100 SE 2nd Street, 44th Floor, Bank of America, Miami, FL
Email: mjobl ove@gjb-law.com
Internet: http://www.gjb-law.com
CONTACT: Michael D. Joblove, Partner; Jonathan E. Perlman, Partner
Fort Lauderdale Office
200 East Broward Boulevard, Suite 1110, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301
TYPE OF BUSINESS: GJB represent clients in complex commercial,
franchise, securities and employment litigation, bankruptcy, insolvency
and workout engagements representing debtors, trustees, committees,
creditors and receivers.
64-9-308-9922 FAX
P.O. Box 1542, Auckland 01140 New Zealand
Email: stewart@germann.co.nz
Internet: http://www.germann.co.nz
CONTACT: Stewart Germann, Principal
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Lawyers and notary public providing legal
services in New Zealand. Specialists in franchising law, l icensing and
distribution agreements in particular. Stewart Germann is a Past
Chairman of the Franchise Association and has contacts throughout New
Zealand, Australia, the United Kingdom and the USA. The firm also
handles all aspects of property law including real estate leasing,
selling businesses, commercial law and company law in New Zealand.
Established in 1993.
(787) 759-8000
(787) 759-4139 FAX
250 Munoz Rivera Avenue, 14th Floor, San Juan, PR 00918
Email: rbarrios@gaclaw.com
Internet: http://www.gaclaw.com
CONTACT: Rossell Barrios, Stockholder
5255 5202-7622
5255 5520-7671 FAX
Montes Urales No. 632 Piso 3, Lomas de Chapultepec, 11000 Mexico
Email: jmondragon@gcsc.com.mx
Internet: http://www.gcsc.com.mx
CONTACT: Jorge Mondragon, Partner; Pablo Hooper, Partner,
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Gonzalez Calvillo, S.C. offers an active
franchising/IP practice as a full-service firm. Our practice ranges from
offering expert counsel related to legal, contractual, corporate and tax
structure for the implementation of franchises and licensing, and
assisting with registrations and prosecution to representing clients in
litigation and dispute resolution proceedings.
(604) 683-6498
(604) 683-3558 FAX
1055 Dunsmuir Street, Suite 2300, P.O. Box
49122, Vancouver, BC V7X 1J1 Canada
Email: leonard.polsky@gowlings.com
Internet: http://www.gowlings.com
< br>CONTACT: Leonard H. Polsky, Partner; Edward N. Levitt, Partner
Toronto Office
100 King Street West, Suite 1600, Toronto, ON M5X 1G5 Canada,
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Full service law firm--domestic and international
practice--all aspects of franchise law, including business, contracts,
intellectual property protection, litigation and alternative dispute
resolution. Established in 1877. We are also patent and trademark
(800) 458-1705
(206) 624-8300
(206) 340-9599 FAX
Pier 70, 2801 Alaskan Way, Suite 300, Seattle, WA 98121-1128
Email: dbyers@GrahamDunn.com
Internet: http://www.grahamdunn.com
CONTACT: David M. Byers, Attorney; Doug C. Berry, Attorney,
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Full service law firm providing franchisors and
franchisees a ll necessary legal services, including registration and
disclosure compliance, internet law, dispute resolution, intellectual
property protection, and legal compliance audits. Established in 1890.
(612) 632-3064
(202) 295-2202 D.C. Office
(612) 632-4064 FAX
80 South Eighth Street, 500 IDS Center, Minneapolis, MN 55402-3796
Email: franchise@gpmlaw.com
Internet: http://www.gpmlaw.com
CONTACT: John W. Fitzgerald, Co-Chair, Franchise Group; Robert
Zisk, Co-Chair, Franchise Group
St. Cloud Office
1010 West St. Germain Street, Suite 600, St. Cloud, MN 56301
Washington, D.C. Office
2600 Virginia Ave., N.W., Suite 1111--The Watergate, Washington, DC
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Gray Plant Mooty is a full-service law firm with
approximately 160 attorneys. From our offices in Minnesota and
Washington, D.C., our 35 member Franchise and Distribution Team works
with franchisors throughout the U.S., Canada and many other countries.
Our clients' business objectives drive our approach to providing
legal services. We recognize that every step, from the initial
construction of a franchise concept through growth and expansion, will
directly impact the franchisor's future profits. We also understand
the dynamics and intricacies of franchisor-franchisee relationships, and
the importance of these relationships in maintaining the overall
integrity of the franchise system. Clients range from emerging and
start-up companies to mature, established franchisors. Our services
include franchise program development and regulatory compliance,
trademark counseling and registration, financing and acquisition,
relationship coun seling, financial fraud and underreporting.
(602) 445-8000
(602) 445-8100 FAX
2375 East Camelback Road, Suite 700, Phoenix, AZ 85016-3424
Internet: http://www.gtlaw.com
CONTACT: Jim Ullman; Jeff Wolf
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Greenberg Traurig's franchise team prides
itself on providing quality legal representation with a focus on
practical, business-oriented solutions. With more than 30 years of
franchise transactional and litigation experience, we have a thorough
understanding of both the legal and business aspects of franchising. Our
goal is to establish a long-term successful client relationship defined
by reliability, responsiveness, trust, and an unwavering commitment to
providing the highest quality legal services available.
< br>(314) 241-9090
(314) 421-0831 FAX
10 South Broadway, Suite 2000, St. Louis, MO 63102
Email: err@greensfelder.com
Internet: http://www.greensfelder.com
CONTACT: Eric Riess, Esq., Practice Group Manager
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Attorneys and Counselors since 1895.
(702) 222-2500
(702) 365-6940 FAX
3930 Howard Hughes Parkway, 4th http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Attorney Floor, Las Vegas, NV 89169
Email: mkreutzer@halelane.com
Internet: http://www.halelane.com
CONTACT: Matt Kreutzer, Attorney; Brent Eckersley, Attorney
Reno Office
5441 Kietzke Lane, Second Floor, Reno, NV 89511
Carson City Office
777 East William Street, Suite 200, Carson City, NV 89701
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Hale Lane offers a full range of legal services
to franchisors, handling all aspects of the franchise relationship.
These services include: developing, protecting and licensing franchise
systems; franchisee negotiations, mediation, and litigation; creation of
Uniform Franchise Offering Circulars, franchise and license agreements.
Additionally, Hale Lane attorneys offer guidance and advice in a variety
of general business matters, including tax, estate planning, labor and
employment, real estate, and general commercial litigation.
44 (0121) 237-202044
44 (0121) 233-9686 FAX
120 Edmund Street, Birmingham B3 2ES United Kingdom
Email: john.pratt@hplaw.co.uk
Internet: http://www.hamiltonpratt.com
CONTACT: John P ratt, Partner; Gurmeet Jakhu, Partner
TYPE OF BUSINESS: We are specialists with a worldwide reputation in
all aspects of franchising. Our clients range from
start-up companies to large multi-nationals.
(214) 651-5000
(214) 200-0855 FAX
901 Main Street, Suite 3100, Dallas, TX 75202
Internet: http://www.haynesboone.com
CONTACT: Joyce G. MazeroPartner
Washington, DC Office
(202) 654-4500
(202) 654-4501 FAX
1615 L Street NW, Suite 800, Washington, DC 20036
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Haynes and Boone's Franchise and
Distribution attorneys are experienced and internationally recognized
authorities in Franchise and Distribution law. We are perceived by many
as some of the best and most influential franchise lawyers in the world.
We are authors of countless books and articles, and are respected
sources of expertise for numerous publications and editorial boards.
With the support of Haynes and Boone's full-service client-oriented
team capabilities, we can help clients address the wide range of
domestic and international issues that affect their businesses in order
to construct meaningful and cost-effective solutions. We have the
specialized knowledge to assist companies to decide whether and how to
establish new franchise, licensing and distribution programs, both
domestically and internationally. We represent companies of all sizes
and in diverse industries, from retail to hospitality to manufacturing.
Our Franchise and Distribution Practice Group works alongside our
Corporate/Securities, Mergers & Acquisitions, Intellectual Property,
Venture Capital, Finance, Tax and Business Litigation Practice Groups,
providing the necessary assistance when business issues or problems
arise. We have represented clients in over 100 countries. The firm has
offices that practice franchise and distribution law in Dallas,
Washington, DC (202) 654-4540, and Mexico City (52-55) 55-40-5558.
(704) 343-2000
(704) 343-2300 FAX
201 North Tryon Street, Charlotte, NC 28231
Email: corby.anderson@hmw.com
Internet: http://www.hmw.com
CONTACT: Corby C. Anderson, Attorney; John Yorke, Attorney
(416) 977-3444
(416) 977-6666
(416) 977-3332 FAX
425 University Avenue, Suite 300, Toronto, ON M5G 1T6 Canada
Email: jadler@hofferadler.com
Internet: http://www.hofferadl er.com
CONTACT: Joseph Adler, Partner; Lloyd Hoffer, Partner
TYPE OF BUSINESS: We assist US franchisors to expand their
franchise systems into Canada and represent a formidable, efficient and
cost-effective solution to your franchising legal problems and needs.
(888) 547-0697
(805) 550-9323
(562) 596-0116
(805) 547-0716 FAX
6621 E. Pacific Coast Hwy, Suite 250, Long Beach, CA 90803
Email: info@holmeslofstrom.com
Internet: http://www.holmeslofstrom.com
CONTACT: David E. Holmes, Attorney; Loft Lofstrom, Attorney
San Luis Obispo Office
(562) 596-0416 FAX
4251 S. Higuera Street, #401, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Holmes & Lofstrom, LLP specializes in
franchising and has estab lished a national reputation in franchise law,
representing domestic and international franchise systems from start-up
through maturity. Our goal is to help franchisors achieve expansion,
through practical, careful legal advice and insight gained from our
extensive experience with franchise concepts at all stages of
development. We offer affordable rates and do not compromise on
personalized service. At Holmes & Lofstrom, you have a direct
relationship with an experienced franchise attorney, who not only has an
in-depth knowledge of franchise law, but also has worked with a wide
range of successful systems and can share with you some proven best
practices allowing you to avoid many of the challenges to which you
might otherwise be exposed. We look forward to becoming a member of your
team and a resource on which you can draw as you grow.
(804) 787-8089
(804) 788-8218 FAX
Riverfront Plaza, East Tower, 951 East Byrd Street, Richmond, VA
Email: pmaslyn@hunton.com
Internet: http://www.hunton.com
CONTACT: Patrick J. Maslyn, Counsel; Robert J. Grey, Jr., Partner
Miami Office
1111 Brickell Avenue, #2500, Miami, FL 33131
Washington, DC Office
1900 K Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20006-1109
Beijing Office
517-520 South Office Tower, No. 1 Guanghua Road, Beijing 100020
People's Republic of China
Brussels Office
Avenue Louise 326, #B6, Brussels 01050 Belgium
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Hunton & Williams represents franchisors at
all stages of development in domestic and international transactions,
litigation, and counseling matters.
(317) 236-2308
(317) 592-4730 FAX
One American Square, Box 82001, Indianapolis, IN 46282-0002
Email: james.petersen@icemiller.com
Internet: http://www.icemiller.com
CONTACT: James L. Petersen, Partner; Phil Whistler, Partner
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Many businesses choose to expand through
distribution or dealership networks or by selling franchises. Ice Miller
offers legal services to manufacturers, distributors, dealers,
retailers, business owners, licensors, licensees, franchisors and
franchisees. Such services include drafting and negotiating contracts,
registering and prosecuting trademarks, facilitating dispute resolution
and assisting with litigation. Ice Miller prepares offering circulars
and state franchise registrations and advises on compliance with state
and federal franchise and business opportunity laws. Ice Miller also
provides a full range of legal services needed by parties for
distribution and franchise agreements, including real estate,
construction, environmental, international, employment, antitrust and
intellectual property.
+34-93-415-2051 FAX
Passeig de Gracia 103, #7, Barcelona 08008 Spain
Email: abou@jausaslegal.com
Internet: http://www.jausaslegal.com
CONTACT: Agustin Bou, Attorney
(416) 703-5716
(416) 703-6180 FAX
365 Bay Street, 2nd Floor, Toronto, ON M5H 2V1 Canada
Email: pjones@jonesco-law.ca
Internet: http://www.jonesco-law.ca
CONTACT: Paul Jones, Barrister, Solicitor & Trade-mark Agent
TYPE OF BUSINESS: We are a multi-lingual law firm that focuses on
franchising and intellectual property in Canada and internationally. We
provide cost-effective service in multiple countries.
(801) 521-3200
(801) 328-0537 FAX
170 S. Main Street, Suite 1500, Salt Lake City, UT 84101
Internet: http://www.joneswaldo.com
CONTACT: Glen Watkins, Partner
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Established in 1875, Jones Waldo provides
innovative solutions with the highest level of legal expertise. Our
Franchise Practice Group serves clients from many different industries,
ranging in size from start-up franchisors to national distribution
networks. Our Franchise Practice Group can assist franchisors in every
aspect of their business, from franchise creation and compliance, to
arbitration and litigat ion of franchise disputes. A full service firm,
Jones Waldo also has considerable experience in other legal areas. As a
result, we can assemble a customized legal team to address the most
challenging client needs.
(847) 501-5300
(847) 501-5325 FAX
181 Waukegan Road, Suite 205, Northfield, IL 60093
Email: firm@kaplangreenswag.com
Interact: http://www.kaplangreenswag.com
CONTACT: Daniel S. Kaplan, Partner; Richard A. Greenswag, Attorney
Chicago Office
(847) 501-5300
(847) 501-5325 FAX
600 West Jackson, 2nd Fir., Chicago, IL 60661
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Kaplan & Greenswag, LLC blends real-world,
practical business acumen with a thorough understanding of what makes
franchising a unique legal environment.
(757) 624-3257
(757) 624-3169 FAX
150 West Main Street, Suite 2100, Norfolk, VA 23510
Email: sestory@kanfcan.com
Internet: http://www.kaufmanandcanoles.com
CONTACT: Stephen E. Story, Member
TYPE OF BUSINESS: The largest law firm in southeastern Virginia
(with offices in Norfolk, Virginia Beach, Chesapeake, Hampton, Newport
News, Williamsburg, and Richmond) generally representing franchisors and
franchisees in counseling and litigation.
(212) 755-3100
(212) 755-3174 FAX
777 Third Avenue, 24th Floor, New York, NY 10017
Internet: http://www.kaufmannfeiner.com
CONTACT: David J. Kaufmann, Senior Partner; Jeffrey E. Kolton,
TYPE OF BUSINESS: New York's premier fran chise law firm, which
prides itself on serving both novice and mature franchisors in a
comprehensive fashion. All of the partners and associates at Kanfmann
Feiner possess expertise in the field of franchising, as well as all
other fields germane to franchisors, including corporate/securities;
real estate; finance; transactional; advertising; and labor. In
addition, Kaufmann Feiner's extensive litigation capabilities
routinely give rise to landmark franchise rulings around the country.
Kaufmann Feiner's franchise expertise extends to all aspects of
establishing or expanding a national franchise program and includes:
structuring and financing the franchise entity; drafting, and securing
the registration.
(704) 331-7582
(704) 353-3282 FAX
214 North Tryon Street, Suite 4700, Charlotte, NC 28202
Email: kstichter@kennedycovington.com
Internet: http://www.keunedycovington.com
CONTACT: Kevin P. Stichter, Partner
(203) 782-9076
(203) 782-9081 FAX
205 Church Street, 3rd Floor, New Haven, CT 06510
Email: scott@scottkernlaw.com
Internet: http://www.franchiselawsource.com
CONTACT: Scott Kern, Member
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Franchise attorneys representing franchisors in
regulatory, contract and litigation matters and representing franchisees
in acquisition and divestiture transactions.
(404) 815-6366
(404) 541-3122 FAX
1100 Peachtree Street, Suite 2800, Atlanta, GA 30309-4501
Email: rbarkoff@kilpatricksto ckton.com
Internet: http://www.kilpatrickst ockton.com
CONTACT: Rupert M. Barkoff, Partner
(952) 885-5999
(952) 885-5969 FAX
8000 Norman Center Drive, Suite 1000, Minneapolis, MN 55437
Email: dmonroe@krassmonroe.com
Internet: http://www.krassmonroe.com
CONTACT: Dennis L. Monroe, Chair; Tom Macintosh, Shareholder
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Krass Monroe, P.A. has a national practice and
strong reputation for its work in the multi-unit franchise industry. We
have the expertise and experience to deliver unparalleled services in
the areas of mergers and acquisitions, financing, (including senior
debt, mezzanine financing, equity investment and other specialty finance
transactions), franchising and distribution, financial workou t and
restructuring, commercial real estate, estate and business succession
planning, wealth preservation and taxation. Krass Monroe's recently
expanded legal services to franchisors includes: planning and
structuring of franchise and distribution systems, preparation of
Uniform Franchise Offering Circulars, preparation of franchise
agreements, preparation of master franchise and development agreements
as well as trademark evaluation, registration and enforcement. We offer
creative ideas, identify unique financing sources, and help develop the
financial and franchise tools necessary for the growth, viability,
success and development of our clients.
(303) 297-2400
(303) 292-7799 FAX
1801 California Street, Suite 3100, Denver, CO 80202
Email: jenni.wisniewski@kutakrock.com
Internet: http://w ww.kutakrock.com
CONTACT: Jennifer Wisniewski, Esq.
Omaha Office
The Omaha Building, 1650 Farnam Street, Omaha, NE 68102
Los Angeles Office
515 South Figueroa Street, Suite 1240, Los Angeles, CA 90071
Scottsdale Office
8601 North Scottsdale Road, Suite 300, Scottsdale, Arizona 85253
Atlanta Office
225 Peachtree Stret, NE, Suite 2100, Atlanta, GA 30303
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Kutak Rock's Franchising and Distribution
Practice represents local and national clients in a broad range of
franchise issues including registration, disclosure, relationship and
business opportunity laws, licensing, distribution, intellectual
property, litigation, dispute resolution and corporate finance. Our team
includes lawyers from multiple disciplines allowing us to effectively
represent clients in various industries and at all phases of growth. We
believe that the best results are had by putting together legal teams
that understand a client's industry and have the relevant legal
expertise to obtain the desired goal. With over 375 lawyers in 15
offices nationwide, we have the breadth and depth of expertise to create
the right legal team for you.
(416) 360-8600
(604) 689-9111
(416) 304-3810 FAX
181 Bay Street, Suite 2500, P.O. Box 747, Toronto, ON M5J 2T7
Email: rglass@langmichener.ca
Internet: http://www.langmichener.ca
CONTACT: Robert Glass (Toronto), Richard Meagher (Toronto); James
Bond (Vancouver)
Vancouver Office
1500 Royal Centre, 1055 West Georgia Street, Vancouver, BC V6E 4N6
TYPE OF BUSINE SS: Full service Canadian law firm with experience in
all areas of franchising, including trade-marks, trade secrets,
advertising, competition law, system acquisition, litigation and
disclosure. Offices in Toronto, Ottawa and Vancouver. Established in
(514) 925-6300
(514) 925-9001 FAX
1250 Rene-Levesque Blvd. West, Suite 1400, Montreal, PQ H3B 5E9
Email: general@lapros.qc.ca
Internet: http://www.lapros.qc.ca
CONTACT: Alex S. Konigsberg, Queen's Counsel
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Lapointe Rosenstein is a full service business
law firm specializing in domestic and international franchising and
distribution with an international network of lawyers, accountants and
bankers. Established in 1966.
(952) 835-3 800
(952) 896-3333 FAX
1500 Wells Fargo Plaza, 7900 Xerxes Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN
Email: cmodell@larkinhoffman.com
Internet: http://www.larkinhoffman.com
CONTACT: Charles S. Modell, Chair, Franchise Practice Group; Andrew
F. Perrin, Shareholder, Franchise Practice Group
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Full service law firm, representing franchisors
in structuring, drafting and registering franchise documents,
negotiations with franchisees, acquisitions, international expansion,
arbitration, mediation and litigation.
(703) 647-5945
(703) 684-8075 FAX
225 Reinekers Lane, Suite 700, Alexandria, VA 22314
Email: scott.caulkins@leclairryan.com
Internet: http://www.leclairryan.com
CONTACT: R. Scott Caulkins, Sharehold er
Richmond Office
951 East Byrd Street, #800, Richmond, VA 23219
Norfolk Office
999 Waterside Drive, #2525, Norfolk, VA 23510
Roanoke Office
10 South Jefferson Street, #1800, Roanoke, VA 24011
TYPE OF BUSINESS: We have a full service practice for franchisors,
including preparing franchise agreements, UFOC's, counseling on
trademark and IP issues, and franchise litigation. We represent
franchises in negotiating contracts, business formation, sale of
franchise outlets and litigation.
86 1085321919 Ext. 286
86 1085321999 FAX
10-2 Liangmaqiao Diplomatic Compound, No. 22 Dongfang E. Rd.
Chaoyang Dis, Beijing 100600 China
Email: elehman@lehmanlaw.com
Internet: http://www.lehmanlaw.com
CONTACT: Edwa rd Lehman, Managing Director
(702) 243-0900
(702) 243-0342 FAX
3230 S. Buffalo Drive, Suite 104, Las Vegas, NV 89117
Email: jgrubbs@linassoc.com
Internet: http://www.linassoc.com
CONTACT: Jermaine S. Grubbs, Attorney
(214) 740-8000
(214) 740-8800 FAX
2200 Ross Avenue, Suite 2200, Dallas, TX 75201
Email: ktwining@lockeliddell.com
Internet: http://www.lockeliddell.com
CONTACT: Kevin L. Twining, Partner
Washington D.C. Office
901 Fifteenth Street, N.W., Suite 900, Washington, DC 20005
Houston Office
3400 Chase Tower, 600 Travis, Suite 3400,
Houston, TX 77002-3095
Austin Office
100 Congress, Suite 300, Austin, TX78701-4042
New Orleans Office
601 Poydras, Suite 2400, New Orleans, LA 70130-6036
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Established in 1891, this 400+ attorney firm has
broad-based and substantial experience representing franchisors,
franchisees, co-branding alliance partners and distributors in domestic
and international expansion. Practice groups include Franchise and
Distribution, Intellectual Property, International, Business Litigation
(including Franchise Litigation), Labor and Employment, Corporate and
Securities, Tax, Real Estate, Environmental, and Bankruptcy. The firm
has offices in Austin, Dallas and Houston, Texas, Washington, D.C., and
New Orleans, Louisiana. It also maintains close relationships with a
network of franchise lawyers around the world.
(213) 687-6705
(213) 485-1200 FAX
300 S. Grand Avenue, Suite 800, Los Angeles, CA 90071
Email: creeder@lordbissell.com
Internet: http://www.lordbissell.com
CONTACT: Christopher S. Reeder, Esq., Partner
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Founded in 1914, Lord, Bissell & Brook is a
full service law firm serving national and international clients from
offices in Atlanta, Chicago, London, Los Angeles, New York, Sacramento
and Washington, D.C. For additional information about Lord, Bissell
& Brook, please visits its Website at www.lordbissell.com.
(248) 827-1870
(248) 359-6170 FAX
28400 Northwestern Highway, Southfield, MI 48034-1839
CONTACT: Stuart M. Bordman, Attorney
TYPE OF BUSINE SS: Full service law firm with extensive experience
in structuring, drafting and registering franchise documents,
negotiations with franchisees and negotiations with franchisors on
behalf of franchisees.
(919) 787-8880
(919) 571-2504 FAX
3605 Glenwood Avenue, Suite 500, Raleigh, NC 27612
Email: rtaylor@manningfulton.com
Internet: http://www.manningfulton.com
CONTACT: Ritchie W. Taylor, Shareholder; Sandra Martin Clark,
Wilmington Office
300 North Third Street, #320, Wilmington, NC 28401
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Full service law firm representing franchise and
distribution networks throughout the United States by providing to
franchisors and franchisees experienced litigation and transactional
legal representation.
(732) 747-7100
(732) 219-0625 FAX
63 Riverside Avenue, Red Bank, NJ 07701
Email: justin@marksklein.com
Internet: http://www.marksklein.com
CONTACT: Justin Klein, Esq., Partner
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Law firm specializing in representation of single
and multi-unit franchisees from transactional to complex class action
litigation. We also represent and assist in the formation of independent
franchisee associations.
61-3-8540-0202 FAX
315 Ferntree Galley Road, Mount Waverley, VIC 03149 Australia
Email: john.sier@mst.com.au
Internet: http://www.mst.com.au
CONTACT: John Sier, Partner; Philip Colman, Partner
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Mason Sier Turnbull is one of Austra lia's
leading franchise and distribution law firms servicing both domestic and
international clients for over 20 years. Our franchise team comprises
some 17 franchise lawyers working in all areas of franchising. John Sier
is recognized in the International Who's Who of Franchising Lawyers
2004 edition after having been nominated by his peers.
(312) 782-0600
(312) 701-7711 FAX
71 South Wacker Drive, Suite 3200, Chicago, IL 60606
Internet: http://www.mayerbrown.com
(212) 609-6832
(212) 645-0596 FAX
245 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10167
Email: tfisher@mccarter.com
Internet: http://www.mccarter.com
CONTACT: Timothy Fisher, Attorney
(202) 756-8616
(202) 756-8087 FAX
600 13th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20006
Email: daharrison@mwe.com
Internet: http://www.mwe.com
CONTACT: Debra A. Harrison, Partner
Chicago Office
227 West Monroe Street, Chicago, IL 60606
New York Office
340 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10017
Boston Office
28 State Street, Boston, MA 02109
Los Angeles Office
2049 Century Park East, Los Angeles, CA 90067
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Full service international law firm; assists
clients in all aspects of franchising, distribution and licensing
relationships, including regulatory compliance, contract negotiation,
and intellectual property protection and leveraging.
(410) 823-8244
(410) 821-8123 FAX
One West Pennsylvania Avenue, Suite 900, Towson, MD 21204-5076
Email: crosolio@milesstockbridge.com
Internet: http://www.milesstockbridge.com
CONTACT: Charles E. Rosolio, Esq., Principal
(313) 963-6420
(313) 496-8453 FAX
150 W. Jefferson, Suite 2500, Detroit, MI 48226
Email: hathawayi@millercanfield.com
Internet: http://www.millercanfield.com
CONTACT: Irene Bruce Hathaway, Principal; Edwin J. Lukas, Senior
Ann Arbor Office
101 N. Main Street, 7th Floor, Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Kalamazoo Office
444 West Michigan Avenue, Kalamazoo, MI 49007 < br>
Lansing Office
One Michigan Avenue, #900, Lansing, MI 48933
Troy Office
840 W. Long Lake Road, #200, Troy, MI 48098
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Representation in all aspects of franchising,
licensing and distributing products, services and business concepts.
Specialized and experienced attorneys serve both your transactional and
litigation needs. With offices throughout Michigan, and in New York,
Florida, Canada and Europe, and professional networks in Asia and South
America, we provide rapid, cost-effective solutions to your concerns and
(514) 875-5210
(416) 595-2983
(514) 875-4308 FAX
CIBC Tower, 31st Floor, 1155 Rene-Levesque Boulevard West,
Montreal, PQ H3B 3S6 Canada
Internet: http://www.millerthomson.com
< br>CONTACT: Stephane Teasdale (Montreal), Partner & Chair,
Franchise Law Group; Richard Leblanc (Toronto), Attorney
Toronto Office
Scotia Plaza, 40 King Street West, Suite 5800, Toronto, ON M5H 3S1
Vancouver Office
1000-840 Howe Street, Vancouver, BC V6Z 2M1 Canada
Calgary Office
3000-700 Ninth Avenue SW, Calgary, AB T2P 3V4 Canada
Edmonton Office
2700 Commerce Place, 10155-102nd Street, Edmonton, AB T5J 4G Canada
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Established in 1957, this full service business
law firm is experienced in Canadian and international franchising and in
representing U.S. franchisors and master franchisees in Canada,
including patents trademarks, copyright, trade-secrets and computer law
matters. The firm has particular expertise in related distribution,
administrative and r egulatory law matters such as liquor licensing, Food
and Drug Act compliance, packaging and labelling, real estate licensing,
marketing, advertising and direct selling. The firm also has substantial
environmental law and labor, pensions and employment law practice
groups. In addition to the IFA, the firm is a member of the Canadian
Franchise Association.
(310) 556-3800
(310) 556-3817 FAX
1925 Century Park East, Suite 350, Los Angeles, CA 90067
Email: lawyers@mohajerian.com
Internet: http://www.mohajerian.com
CONTACT: Al Mohajerian, Attorney at Law
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Franchising, intellectual property, corporate,
business, small business, and trade secrets lawyers. Serving the global
(312) 324-1190
< br>
(312) 324-1001 FAX
77 West Wacker Drive, Sixth Floor, Chicago, IL 60601
Email: tbecker@morganlewis.com
Internet: http://www.morganlewis.com
CONTACT: Theodore M. Lewis, Partner; James R. Sims III, Partner
(972) 931-0022
(972) 931-0124 FAX
2425 N. Central Expressway, Suite 530, Richardson, TX 75080
Email: cheryl@cmullin.com
Internet: http://www.cmullin.com
CONTACT: Cheryl Mullin, Attorney
TYPE OF BUSINESS: A full service law firm dedicated to serving
businesses and their owners. Whether we're structuring a franchise
program or managing multi-jurisdiction litigation, we focus on the big
picture and offer solutions aligned with your business strategy.
(800) 237-2000
(404) 817-6000
(404) 817-6050 FAX
999 Peachtree Street, N.E., Suite 1400, Atlanta, GA 30309
Email: rkh@nmrs.com
Internet: http://www.nmrs.com
CONTACT: Richard K. hines, V, Partner
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Established in 1897, Nelson Mullins Riley &
Scarborough, L.L.P. is a full service law firm with more than 210
lawyers with six offices in the Southeast. The firm's Franchise
Practice serves the franchise industry nationwide in all aspects of
franchisor representation including the following: termination
litigation; alternative dispute resolution; buy-outs; developing
franchise programs; franchise offering circulars in compliance with
state and federal law; registering the sale of franchises with state
authorities; developing franchises and initi ating business operations;
litigation; franchise agreement negotiations; and counseling. The firm
has provided legal service to a variety of franchise businesses
including the hospitality industry, restaurants and fast food
establishments, automotive manufacturers and distributors, optical
shops, athletic facilities, and amateur and professional sports leagues.
(617) 345-1000
(617) 345-1300 FAX
100 Summer Street, Boston, MA 02110-2131
Email: apressman@nixonpeabody.com
Internet: http://www.nixonpeabody.com
CONTACT: Arthur L. Pressman, Partner; Andrew P. Loewinger, Partner
Philadelphia Office
(215) 246-3520
(215) 561-0410 FAX
1818 Market Street, 11th Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19103-3647
Email: ctractenberg@nixonpeabody.com
CONTACT: Craig R. Tractenberg
Rochester Office
(585) 236-1000
(585) 263-1600 FAX
Clinton Square, P.O. Box 31051, Rochester, NY 14603
Email: rcalihan@nixonpeabody.com
CONTACT: Robert B. Calihan
New York Office
(212) 940-3000
(212) 940-3111 FAX
437 Madison Avenue, New York, NY10022
Email: fryan@nixonpeabody.com
CONTACT: Frank Ryan
San Francisco Office
(415) 984-8200
(415) 984-8300 FAX
Two Embarcadero Center, San Francisco, CA94111
Email: gwestreich@nixonpeabody.com
CONTACT: Glenn E. Westreich
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Nixon Peabody LLP is one of the 50 largest law
firms in the United States with more than 650 attorneys in 14 offices
working in 15 major practice areas. The firm's franchise team is
led by Arthur Pressman and Andrew Loewinger, each recognized as one of
the top franchise lawyers in the 2004 edition of who's Who in
International Franchising. Our attorneys have represented clients in all
aspects of franchise and distribution arrangements and provided counsel
on a wide range of transactions, both domestically and internationally.
We also represent clients in all phases of domestic and international
dispute resolution and litigation arising from thei r franchising and
distribution arrangements. The franchise team is able to draw on the
knowledge and experience of colleagues throughout the firm, and the team
is unique among major law firm franchise practices by combining its
sophisticated corporate and transactional practice with a nationally and
internationally known franchise litigation expertise. The integration of
our franchise transactional practice and franchise dispute resolution
practice enables us to most effectively counsel clients on risk
avoidance and risk management. Nixon Peabody's newsletter,
Franchise Law Alert, helps franchisors and franchisees keep up to date
on relevant legal developments affecting the franchise industry.
49 30-20942077
49-30-20942094 FAX
Charlottenstrasse 57, Berlin 10117 Germany
Email: karsten.metzlaff@noerr.com
Internet: http://www.noerr.com
CONTACT: Dr. Karsten Metzlaff; Dr. Karl Rauser
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Law Firm. Established in 1950.
(55) 53223000
(55) 53223001 FAX
Pedro Luis Ogazon Num. 17 Col. San Angel, Mexico City, D.F. 01000
Email: olivlaw@olivares.com
Internet: http://www.olivares.com.mx
CONTACT: Gustavo Alcocer, Esq., Partner
(414) 276-5000
(414) 276-6581 FAX
111 E. Wisconsin Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53202-4870
Email: chad.richter@wilaw.com
Internet: http://www.wilaw.com
CONTACT: Chad J. Richter, Attorney
(416) 862-6415
(416) 862-6666 FAX
Box 50, 1 First Canadian Place, Toronto, ON M5X 1B8Canada
Email: fzaid@osler.com
Internet: http://www.osler.com
CONTACT: Frank Zaid, Senior Partner; Andraya Frith, Partner
TYPE OF BUSINESS: If you or your franchise clients are thinking
about expanding north of the border, consider us your legal partner in
Canada. Osler is ranked as the most frequently recommended firm for
franchising law in the 2007 Canadian Legal Lexpert Directory, consistent
with our rankings in all other published legal directories. We have
extensive cross-border experience, provide national full-service
business advice and litigation counsel and have assisted nearly 350
franchise systems over the past 30 years.
(856) 985-4089
(856) 552-1428 FAX
Three Greentree Centre, 7001 Lincoln Drive West, Marlton, NJ 08053
Email: ddahan@parkermccay.com
Internet: http://www.parkermccay.com
CONTACT: David R. Dahan, Esq., Shareholder; John M. Devlin, Esq.,
Atlantic City Office
8025 Black Horse Pike, Suite 325, West Atlantic City, NJ 08232
Lawrenceville Office
1009 Lenox Drive, Building Four East, Suite 102A, Lawrenceville, NJ
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Law firm with extensive experience in commercial
transactions and litigation, including franchises, distribution,
licensing, intellectual property and business formation and counseling.
(800) 588-7459
(404) 815-2400
(404) 815-2400 FAX
600 Peachtree Street, NE, Suite 2400, Atlanta, GA 30308-2222
Email: rickasbill@paulhastings.com
Internet: http://www.paulhastings.com
CONTACT: Richard M. Asbill, Partner; W. Andrew Scott, Partner
Los Angeles Office
515 S. Flower Street, 25th Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90071
New York Office
75 East 55th Street, 1st Floor, New York, NY 10022
Paris Office
30, avenue de Messine, Paris, 75008 France
Tokyo Office
Ark Mori Building, 34th Floor, Tokyo, 107-6034 Japan
TYPE OF BUSINESS: 950+ attorneys, full-service international firm
with 17 offices, including Brussels, Paris, London, Milan, Hong Kong,
Beijing, Shanghai and Tokyo. Substantial practice in
domestic/international franchising and distribution; complex litigation
and alternative di spute resolution; trademark and intellectual property;
antitrust and trade regulation; immigration; international trade; real
estate; employment; securities; venture capital and finance. Business
established in 1951.
(734) 665-4441
(734) 665-8788 FAX
24 Frank Lloyd Wright Drive, Ann Arbor, MI 48105
Email: pfransway@psedlaw.com
Internet: http://www.psedlaw.com
CONTACT: Paul Fransway, Principal
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Legal Services for Franchisors.
(303) 291-2300
(303) 291-2400 FAX
1899 Wynkoop, Suite 700, Denver, CO 80202-1083
Email: KMcCullough@perkinscoie.com
Internet: http://www.perkinscoie.com
CONTACT: Kim I. McCullough, Partner
TYPE OF BUSIN ESS: Perkins Coie LLP serves great companies with more
than 600 lawyers in 14 offices across the United States and in China.
Established in 1912, the firm represents clients that range in size from
FORTUNE 100 companies to start-ups, and has historically represented
market leaders in traditional and cutting-edge technology industries.
From developing to established franchisors, the firm's Franchise
& Distribution Group represents clients in the areas of franchising,
licensing and distribution law. Our in-depth, personal approach
encompasses a thorough understanding of our clients' businesses so
that we can offer the best full service solutions to grow and protect
their domestic and international businesses.
(813) 472-7550
(813) 472-7570 FAX
100 South Ashley Drive, Suite 1900, Tampa, FL 33602-5311
Email: scott.weber@phelps.com
Internet: http://www.phelpsdunbar.com
CONTACT: Scott P. Weber, Partner
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Phelps Dunbar is a full-service regional law firm
of over 260 attorneys, with offices in New Orleans and Baton Rouge, LA;
Jackson, Tupelo and Gulfport, MS; Houston, TX; Tampa, FL; and London,
England. Our franchise attorneys represent start-up and established
franchisors and franchisees, both domestic and international, on a wide
range of franchise law matters. We assist franchisors with matters such
as regulatory compliance, relationship law related issues, general
franchise law education, and the growth and expansion of their
businesses domestically and internationally. We assist franchisees with
such issues as the negotiation of single and multiunit purchases and
franchise relationship issues. In addition to franchise-specific
assis tance, our attorneys provide other services relating to owning and
operating a business. Such counseling includes assistance with general
corporate matters, leasing, construction, real estate, intellectual
property, tax planning, probate, labor and employment, financing, health
care, technology and litigation.
(716) 847-5410
(716) 847-8400
(716) 852-6100 FAX
3400 HSBC Center, Buffalo, NY 14203
Email: tbailey@phillipslytle.com
Internet: http://www.phillipslytle.com
CONTACT: Tom Bailey, Franchise Practice Coordinator; Edward S.
Bloomberg, Partner--Litigation
New York Office
437 Madison Avenue, 34th Floor, New York, NY 10022
Rochester Office
1400 First Federal Plaza, Rochester, NY 14614
Jamestown Office
8 East Third Street, #307, Jamestown, NY 14702
Garden City Office
1100 Franklin Avenue, 4th Flr., Garden City, NY 11530
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Phillips Lytle LLP has 170+ lawyers in offices
throughout New York State helping franchisors with dispute resolution,
trademark and patents, employment, merger and acquisitions and all
aspects of disclosure requirements.
(914) 681-0100
(914) 206-6003 FAX
10 Bank Street, Suite 540, White Plains, NY 10606
Email: pitegoff@ pitlaw.com
Internet: http://www.pitlaw.com
CONTACT: Tom Pitegoff, Attorney; Richard Corrao, Paralegal
TYPE OF BUSINESS: We help grow businesses through franchising. We
draft contracts that achieve business goals, we assess risks in a
real-world context, and we create strategies that work .
(703) 774-1200
(703) 774-1201 FAX
11250 Roger Bacon Drive, Suite 5, Reston, VA 20190
Email: jtifford@plavekoch.com
Internet: http://www.plavekoch.com
CONTACT: John M. Tifford, Partner; Lee J. Plave, Partner
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Law firm primarily representing franchisors and
parties before the FTC.
(215) 495-6500
(215) 495-6600 FAX
2929 Arch Street, Cira Centre, 13th Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19104
Email: dfiore@regrizlaw.com
Internet: http://www.rrkdlaw.com
CONTACT: Daniel L. Fiore, Attorney
(303) 297-2600
(303) 297-2750 FAX
1099 18 th Street, Suite 2600, Denver, CO 80202-1908
Email: dferguson@rwolaw.com
Internet: http://www.rwolaw.com
CONTACT: Douglas R. Ferguson, Shareholder; Harold R. Bruno, III,
TYPE OF BUSINESS: RWO is a full-service law firm established in
Denver in 1976. The franchise practice group is experienced in all
aspects of franchise, distribution and licensing law including domestic
and international regulatory compliance, transactional, litigation and
(212) 644-6644
(212) 644-3344 FAX
110 East 59th Street, 23rd Floor, New York, NY 10022
Email: rlr@rosenlawpllc.com
Internet: http://www.rosenlawpllc.com
CONTACT: Richard L. Rosen
(516) 745-0099
(516) 745-0293 FAX
1425 RexCorp Plaza, 14th Fl., West Tower, Uniondale, NY 11556
Email: hkestenbaum@rmfpc.com
Internet: http://www.rmfpc.com
CONTACT: Harold L. Kestenbanm, Counsel
(800) 458-5973
(206) 583-0359 FAX
1201 Third Avenue, Suite 3400, Seattle, WA 98101-3034
Email: collette@ryanlaw.com
Internet: http://www.ryanlaw.com
CONTACT: Kevin J. Collette, Chair: Technology & Intellectual
Prop. Group
TYPE OF BUSINESS: We understand franchising. Full service business
law firm with a team approach for franchising-registration, disclosures,
advertising, internet, trademarks, licensing, corporate, real estate,
technology, litigation, arbitration and ADR techniques. Established in
(212) 689-0400
(212) 689-3315 FAX
404 Park Avenue South, 16th Floor, New York, NY 10016
Email: bschaef123@aol.com
CONTACT: Bruce S. Schaeffer, Attorney
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Attorney specializing in finance, accounting and
tax aspects of franchising. Established in 1975. Author, BNA Tax
Management Portfolio on Franchising. Member IFA Finance Accounting &
Tax Committee, 1987-1990. Member IFA Legal/Legislative Committee.
(312) 258-5500
(312) 258-5600 FAX
6600 Sears Tower, 233 S. Wacker Drive, Chicago, IL 60606
Email: pmorency@schiffhardin.com
Internet: http://www.schiffhardin.com
CONTACT: Paula J. Morency, Partner
(281) 807-0288
(281) 477-9085 FAX
12300 Dundee Court, Suite 203, Cypress, TX 77429
Email: contact@schubotlawftrm.com
Internet: http://www.schubotlawfirm.com
CONTACT: Gail Schubot, Attorney
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Business law practice with emphasis in
franchising, licensing, and distribution law including transactional,
regulatory and litigation work.
(312) 346-1300
(312) 782-8416 FAX
180 North LaSalle Street, Suite 2700, Chicago, IL 60601
Email: ccaruso@schwartzcooper.com
Internet: http://www.scgk.com/franchise
CONTACT: Carmen D. Caruso, Principal; Robert A. Smoller, Principal
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Schwartz Cooper has extensive experience in
challenging franchise litigation. We are a mid-size firm committed to
providing responsive, cost-effective legal representation of the highest
quality. We are large enough to provide the necessary specialization,
yet small enough that our relationships with our clients matter. The
firm has expertise and provides legal representation in connection with
structuring franchise and distribution systems, protection of
intellectual property, preparing the franchise offering circular
including franchise agreement, state registrations, renewals and ongoing
compliance, litigation and dispute resolution and general day-to-day
relational issues. In addition, we provide legal services in other areas
including real estate, securities and general corporate and business
law. Our clients are extremely diverse both in terms of size and
(404) 885-1500
(404) 892-7056 FAX
1545 Peachtree Street NE, Suite 700, Atlanta, GA 30309-2401
Internet: http://www.seyfarth.com
CONTACT: Brian Gannon, Counsel
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Law Firm. Established 1945.
(813) 258-1099
(813) 258-1040 FAX
215 West Verne Street, Suite A, Tampa, FL 33606
Email: dleone@slw-law.com
CONTACT: Dennis Leone, Partner
(213) 620-1780
(213) 620-1398 FAX
333 South Hope Street, 48th Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90071
Email: creeder@sheppardmullin.com
I nternet: http://www.sheppardmullin.com
CONTACT: Christopher S. Reeder, Partner; Gabriel Green, Associate
(860) 251-5000
(860) 251-5219 FAX
One Constitution Plaza, Hartford, CT 06103-1919
Internet: http://www.shipmangoodwin.com
CONTACT: Allan P. Hillman, Partner; Paul D. Sanson, Attorney
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Law Firm. Established 1919.
(800) 444-6659
(419) 321-1340
(419) 241-9000
(419) 241-6894 FAX
1000 Jackson, North Courthouse Square, Toledo, OH 43604-5573
Email: bmcmahon@slk-law.com
Internet: http://www.slk-law.com
CONTACT: Brian N. McMahon, Partner; Peter R. Silverman, Partner
Tampa Offic e
101 East Kennedy Boulevard, Suite 2800, Tampa, FL 33602-5151
Charlotte Office
128 South Tryon Street, Suite 1800, Charlotte, NC 28202-1675
Columbus Office
Huntington Center, 41 South High Street, Suite 2210, Columbus, OH
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Established in 1925. Shumaker, Loop &
Kendrick, LLP is a full service law firm with approximately 155
attorneys and 4 offices in Toledo, Ohio, Columbus, Ohio, Tampa, Florida,
and Charlotte, North Carolina. The firm's franchise practice group
provides comprehensive legal services to companies engaged in domestic
and international franchising and distribution matters, including the
establishment of franchise and distribution programs, litigation,
arbitration and mediation of disputes, regulatory compliance, franchise
negotiations, development of franchise locations, acqui sitions and
divestitures, finance, securities law; and counseling on all phases of
franchise operations.
(303) 634-2000
(303) 634-2020 FAX
1200 Seventeenth Street, Suite 1900, Denver, CO 80202-5854
Interact: http://www.swlaw.com
CONTACT: Kevin Hein; Andrew Pidcock
Phoenix Office
One Arizona Center, Phoenix, AZ 85004
Salt Lake City Office
15 West South Temple, Suite 1200, Salt Lake City, UT 84101-1531
Las Vegas Office
3800 Howard Hughes Pkwy., Suite 1000, Las Vegas, NV 89109
Irvine Office
1920 Main Street, Suite 1200, Irvine, CA 92614-7230
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Snell & Wilmer's Franchising and
Licensing attorneys provide legal services to a wide variety of
concepts. They have experien ce assisting clients through every stage of
the franchising process, at either the local, regional or international
(312) 876-8000
(312) 876-7934 FAX
8000 Sears Tower, Chicago, IL 60606
Internet: http://www.sonnenschein.com
CONTACT: Alan H. Silberman; John Baer; Robert Joseph (Chicago);
Curtis Woods (Kansas City); Rochelle Spandorf (L.A.);
James Goniea (San Francisco); S. Rovak (St. Louis)
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Sonnenschein Nath & Rosenthal LLP, a
full-service law firm with 600 lawyers in nine U.S. offices, is involved
in all aspects of distribution, licensing and franchising, counseling
and litigation on a variety of antitrust, franchise and dealer law,
marketing, franchisee relations and supplier arrangement questions. Mr.
Joseph currently serves a s Chair of the American Bar Association Antitrust Section, a post Mr. Silberman also has held. Ms. Spandorf is a
former Chair of the ABA Forum on Franchising (1995-97) and Mr. Baer
formerly served as Editor-in-Chief of the ABA Forum's The Franchise
Lawyer and was part of the Forum's leadership.
(416) 977-0007
(416) 977-0717 FAX
180 Dundas Street West, Suite 1250, Toronto, ON M5G 1Z8 Canada
Email: jsotos@sotosllp.com
Internet: http://www.sotosllp.com
CONTACT: John Sotos, Partner;
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Sotos LLP specializes in international and
domestic franchise and distribution law including disclosure and all
aspects of litigation, franchise mediation, arbitration, intellectual
property issues and international expansion.
(800) 535-3425
(609) 895-7348
(609) 895-7395 FAX
993 Lenox Drive, Lawrenceville, NJ 08648
Email: r.stark@stark-stark.com
Internet: http://www.stark-stark.com
CONTACT: Rachel Stark, Chair of Franchise Group; Adam Siegelheim
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Stark & Stark helps franchise clients in
formation, expansion, and divestiture, as well as to protect and license
trademarks, service marks, and trade secrets.
(314) 863-0800
168 N. Meramec Avenue, Suite 400, St. Louis, MO 63105
Email: nzellweger@stinson.com
Internet: http://www.stinson.com
CONTACT: Nicole S. Zellweger, Associate
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Structuring franchise, distribution, and
dealership programs; preparing legal documentation for franchise,
business opportunity, distr ibution and dealer programs, and counselling
franchisors and franchisees.
(214) 651-4300
(214) 651-4330 FAX
901 Main Street, Suite 4300, Dallas, TX 75202-3724
Email: Earsa.Jackson@Strasburger.com
Internet: http://www.strasburger.com
CONTACT: Earsa Jackson, Franchise Leader; Buddy Ferguson, Partner
Austin Office
600 Congress Avenue, #1600, Austin, TX 78701
Frisco Office
2801 Network Boulevard, #600, Frisco, TX 75034
Houston Office
1401 McKinney Street, #2200, Houston, TX 77010
San Antonio Office
300 Convent Street, #900, San Antonio, TX 78205
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Strasburger's Franchise & Distribution
Law Group provides comprehensive representation of businesses using
fra nchising, licensing, dealership or direct selling arrangements for
the distribution of goods and services in the U.S., Mexico, and Latin
America, including counseling, litigation, arbitration, and
transactional work involving franchise, dealership, antitrust, supply
chain, intellectual property, employment, and corporate issues.
(973) 491-9500
(973) 491-9692 FAX
Two Penn Plaza East, Newark, NJ 07105-2293
Email: std@strykertams.com
Internet: http://www.strykertams.com
CONTACT: Martin G. Gilbert, Esq., Partner; Judith Carberry,
New York Office
2 Penn Plaza, New York, NY 10121
TYPE OF BUSINESS: A full service firm providing comprehensive
franchising legal services in the New Jersey/New York area, established
in 1898.
(937) 443-6600
(937) 443-6635 FAX
2000 Courthouse Plaza NE, 10 West Second Street, Dayton, OH
Email: barry.block@thompsonhine.com
Internet: http://www.thompsonhine.com
CONTACT: Barry M. Block, Partner; Thomas J. Collin, Partner &
Practice Group Leader
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Established in 1911, Thompson Hine LLP is a full
service business law firm with more than 360 lawyers in Cleveland,
Cincinnati, Columbus, and Dayton, Ohio, Washington, D.C., New York,
Atlanta and Brussels, Belgium. The firm has an extensive practice
counseling franchisors and franchisees and litigating franchise and
distribution matters.
(800) 255-8752
(404) 885-3000
(404) 885-3900 FAX
600 Peachtree Stree t, N.E., Suite 5200, Atlanta, GA 30308-2216
Email: mark.vanderbroek@troutmansanders.com
Internet: http://www.troutmansanders.com
CONTACT: Mark S. VanderBroek, Partner; Kenneth Ozment, Attorney
Richmond Office
1111 E. Main Street,, Richmond, VA 23218
Washington, D.C. Office
401 9th Street, N.W., Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20004
New York Office
The Chrysler Building, 405 Lexington Avenue, New York, NY 10174
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Full service law firm of over 600 lawyers,
experienced in franchise law including developing franchise programs,
regulatory compliance, and franchise litigation and dispute resolution.
92427323501 FAX
West End Building 61 The Mall, Lahore 54000 Pakistan
Email: unitedtrademark@unitedtm.com
Internet: http://www.utmps.com
CONTACT: M. Farrukh Irfan Khan, Attorney at Law
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Intellectual Property Registration, Licensing and
Enforcement Services.
(214) 751-2000
(214) 751-2002 FAX
4242 Renaissance Tower, 1201 Elm Street, Dallas,
TX 75270
Internet: http://www.vernongoodrich.com
CONTACT: John Vernon, Partner; Mary Goodrich, Partner
(614) 464-6400
(614) 464-6430
(614) 464-6350 FAX
52 East Gay Street, P.O. Box 1008, Columbus, OH 43216-1008
Email: hahedden@vssp.com
Internet: http://www.vssp.com
CONTACT: Herbert A. Hedden, E sq., Partner; Stephen R. Bucheuroth,
Esq., Partner
TYPE OF BUSINESS: A full service law firm with offices in Columbus,
Cleveland, Cincinnati and Akron, Ohio, Washington, D.C. and Alexandria,
Virginia. The firm has an extensive franchise law practice representing
franchisors, franchisees and franchisee associations.
(203) 498-4400
(203) 782-2889 FAX
One Century Tower, New Haven, CT 06508-1832
Email: ewd@wiggin.com
CONTACT: Edward Wood Dunham, Chair, Franchise & Distribution
Practice Group
TYPE OF BUSINESS: The law firm of Wiggin & Dana represents
national, regional and start-up franchisors and distributors in numerous
industries. The firm regularly assists these clients in regulatory,
transactional and litigation matters. The firm's Franchise and
Distribution Prac tice Group is national litigation counsel for Subway
and MAACO, and also represents other well-known franchise systems.
(202) 719-7000
(202) 719-7049 FAX
1776 K Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20006
Email: rsmith@wileyrein.com
Internet: http://www.wileyrein.com
CONTACT: Peter Klarfeld/Bob Smith, Partners; Jim Rubinger, Partner
TYPE OF BUSINESS: The Franchise Group at this full-service firm is
second to none in terms of its breadth, depth and experience. The Group
is involved in all aspects of domestic and international franchising, as
well as licensing and distribution. Wiley, Rein & Fielding LLP also
has a broad national regulatory and commercial practice covering all
pertinent areas.
(804) 783-6418
(804) 783-6507 FAX
< br>
P.O. Box 1320, Richmond, VA 23218-1320
Email: stucker@williamsmullen.com
Internet: http://www.williamsmullen.com
CONTACT: Sandy T. Tucker, Shareholder
Washington, DC Office
(202) 293-5939 FAX
1666 K Street, NW, Washington, DC 20006
CONTACT: Warren Lewis
McLean Office
8270 Greensboro Drive, #700, McLean, VA 22102
Detroit Office
11th Flr, Buhl Bldg, 535 Griswold Avenue, Detroit, MI 48226
London Office
2 Old Garden House, The Lanterns, Bridge Lane,
London SW11 3AD United Kingdom
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Law firm offering expertise to franchisors and
franchisees in domestic and international franchising and distribution,
compliance with disclosure and relationship laws, franchise litigation
and transactional matters . In business since 1909.
44 121 233 1000
44 121 214 1099 FAX
55 Colmore Row, Birmingham B3 2AS United Kingdom
Email: vicky_wilkes@wragge.com
Internet: http://www.wragge.com
CONTACT: Michael Luckman, Partner; Vicky Wilkes
(305) 374-5418
(305) 374-5428 FAX
100 SE 2nd Street, Suite 2700, Miami, FL 33131-2100
Email: zarcolaw@zarcolaw.com
Internet: http://www.zarcolaw.com
CONTACT: Robert F. Salkowski, Partner; Robert Zarco, President
(407) 843-7860
(407) 843-6610 FAX
255 South Orange Avenue, Orlando, FL 32801
Email: gkelly@akerman.com
Internet: http://www.akerman.com
CONTACT: Gregory J. Kelly, Shareholder
(877) 688-1351
(604) 484-1730
(604) 484-9700 FAX
2700-700 West Georgia Street, Vancouver, BC V7Y 1B8 Canada
Email: jrost@ahbl.ca
Internet: http://www.ahbl.ca
CONTACT: Judy Rost, Partner
(202) 857-6065
(202) 857-6395 FAX
1050 Connecticut Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20036
Email: Wachen.Kimberly@arentfox.com
Internet: http://www.arentfox.com
< br>
CONTACT: Kimberly A. Wachen, Attorney
(404) 873-8150
(404) 873-8151 FAX
171 17th Street, Suite 2100, Atlanta, GA 30363
Email: sean.fogarty@agg.com
Internet: http://www.agg.com
CONTACT: Scan Fogarty, Attorney
(612) 8922-5200
(612) 9225-1595 FAX
50 Bridge Street, Level 27, Sydney, NSW 02000 Australia
Email: pennyjward@bakernet.com
Internet: http://www.bakernet.com
CONTACT: Penny J. Ward, Principal
(615) 726-5639
(615) 726-5600
(615) 744-5639 FAX
211 Commerce St., Suite 1000, Nashville, TN 37201
Email: jbuckberg@bakerdonelson.com
Internet: http://www.bakerdonelson.com
CONTACT: Joel R. Buckberg, Of Counsel; Kelli L. Thompson,
Birmingham Office
1600 Wachovia Tower, 420 20th Street North, Birmingham, AL 35203
New Orleans Office
201 St. Charles Avenue, Suite 3600, New Orleans, LA 70170
Jackson Office
4268 I-55 North, Meadowbrook Office Park, Jackson, MS39211
Knoxville Office
2200 Riverview Tower, 900 South Gay Street, Knoxville, TN37902
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Baker, Donelson is a full-service law firm with
over 470 lawyers representing clients from offices in Alabama, Georgia,
Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee, Washington, D.C. and a representative
office in Beijing, China. Our franchise p ractice group provides
comprehensive legal services to start-up and seasoned franchisors
including strategy, structure, documentation, enforcement, disclosure,
regulatory compliance, intellectual property, dispute resolution, and
liability defense.
(800) 627-3632
(856) 761-3400
(215) 864-8112
(856) 761-1020 FAX
Plaza 1000, Suite 500, Main Street, Voorhees, NJ 08043-4636
Email: levinb@ballardspahr.com
Internet: http://www.ballardspahr.com
CONTACT: Ben Levin;, Dean Fournaris;; Mark Shapiro;, Ed DeMarco
Philadelphia Office
1735 Market Street, 51st Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19103
TYPE OF BUSINESS: With ten offices located throughout the U.S.,
Ballard Spahr is nationally ranked among the 100 largest law firms. O ur
franchise law practice includes state franchise registrations,
preparation of offering circulars, franchise terminations, and franchise
relationship counseling. Our Franchise and Distribution Law Group draws
on the talents of lawyers in several departments (including business and
finance, litigation, real estate and tax law) to represent franchise
companies, multi-unit franchise operators, corporate and individual
investors contemplating franchise opportunities, and lending
institutions engaged in franchise related investment and financial
activities. Offices in Philadelphia, Denver, Las Vegas, Phoenix, Salt
Lake City, Washington, DC, Baltimore, Bethesda, Voorhees, NJ, and
Wilmington, DE.
(415) 956-1900
(415) 956-1152 FAX
900 Front Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, CA 94111
Ema il: cmiller@bztm.com
Internet: http://www.bztm.com
CONTACT: Charles G. Miller, C. Griffith Towle; Darryl A. Hart
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Our franchise lawyers bring over 30 years of
experience to franchise and distribution-related business, including
franchise litigation, transactions, registrations and dispute
resolution. The firm has represented franchise clients in a variety of
transactions including business formation, preparation of offering
circulars, franchise agreements and related documents, franchise
registration, state and federal franchise law compliance, franchise
transfers, business sales and acquisitions, licensing agreements,
contract negotiations and similar transactions. The firm also handles a
wide variety of other matters for franchise and distribution clients
including real estate, employment, trademark/copyright and premise
liabil ity matters.
(718) 816-0005
(718) 442-6408 FAX
60 Bay Street, Staten Island, NY 10301
Email: gangiuli@akglaw.com
Internet: http://www.akglaw.com
CONTACT: Gary Angiuli, Attorney
New Brunswick Office AG Auer Court, New Brunswick, NJ 08846
TYPE OF BUSINESS: The Business and Real Estate Group at Angiuli
Katkin & Gentile, LLP offers legal services in both New York and New
Jersey, catering to both experienced as well as first time franchisors
and franchisees. Supervising Attorney and Founding Partner Gary C.
Angiuli, Esq. has over 16 years of experience in writing, registering
and reviewing uniform franchise offering circulars for all types of
franchises. He has represented both start-up franchisors as well as
experienced franchisors with up to 250 units . Under Mr. Angiuli's
personal supervision, the firm also advises numerous franchisees,
assisting them with every facet of their new franchise ventures,
including comprehensive review of their uniform franchise offering
circulars (UFOC's), lease review, and advice and counsel in the
formation of business entities. The firm and Mr. Angiuli are experienced
in the purchase, sale, and transfer of existing franchise businesses and
emphasize personal service and long term relationships.
(216) 363-4500
(216) 363-4588 FAX
2300 BP America Building, 200 Public Square, Cleveland, OH
Email: tbrule@bfca.com
Internet: http://www.bfca.com
CONTACT: Thomas R. Brule, Partner
< br>(415) 393-2000
(415) 393-2000
(415) 393-2286 FAX
Three Embarcadero Center, San Francisco, CA 94111
Email: bob.ebe@bingham.com
Internet: http://www.bingham.com/franchise
CONTACT: Robert L. Ebe, Partner; Daniel L. Goldberg, Partner150
Federal Street, Boston, MA 02110
New York Office
399 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10022
Washington Office
2020 K Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20006
Los Angeles Office
355 South Grand Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90071
TYPE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tx5hfLp3Vqc OF BUSINESS: Bingham McCutchen offers distributors and
franchisors the counseling, litigation and dispute resolution advice
they need as they establish and grow operations; expand internationally;
or merge, reduce, restructure or eliminate networks or systems. With
decades of experience behind them, our distribution and franchise
lawyers help clients navigate the state and federal regulatory
minefields that underlie the management of national and international
distribution channels and franchise networks. Our Distribution &
Franchise Group consists of more than 25 attorneys who focus on a
variety of related disciplines that intersect with traditional
distribution and franchising issues. Our areas of focus include:
Establishment and Maintenance of Dealership and Franchise Networks;
Enforcement of Operating Standards; Pricing, Incentives and Promotional
Programs; Financial and Privacy Issues; Antitrust and Trade Regulation
Counseling and Litigation; Class Action Litigation; and Bankruptcy and
Financially Distressed Operations. Over the last 30 years, our D&F
attorneys have compiled an extraordinary track record litigating and
arbitrating hundreds of cases in industries that deliver goods and
services as varied as appliances, fast food, apparel, financial
services, petroleum, motor vehicles, heavy equipment, furniture, office
equipment and alcoholic beverages. We have obtained numerous dismissals,
summary judgments, trial verdicts and appellate decisions in favor of
our clients.
(816) 983-8000
(816) 983-8080 FAX
4801 Main Street, Kansas City, MO 64112
Email: dculp@blackwellsanders.com
Internet: http://www.blackwellsanders.com
CONTACT: Donald A. Culp, Partner; John Moore, Partner
TYPE OF BUSINESS: The Franchise and Distribution Law Practice Group
represents clients in all aspects of the structure, implementation,
maintenance and financing of franchise and distribution businesses.
(416) 863-2400
(416) 863-2653 FAX
Commerce Court West, #2800, 199 Bay Street, Toronto, ON M5L 1A9
Email: peter.viitre@blakes.com
Internet: http://www.blakes.com
CONTACT: Peter Viitre, Partner; Chris Hale, Partner
Calgary Office
855-2nd Street S.W., Suite 3500, Bankers Hall East Tower, Calgary,
AB T2P 4J8 Canada
Vancouver Office
595 Burrard Street, Suite 2600, Three Bentall Centre, Vancouver, BC
V7X 1L3 Canada
Montreal Office
600 de Maisonneuve Boulevard West, Suite 2200 Montreal, Quebec H3A
Ottawa Office
45 O'Connor Street, Suite 2000, World Exchange Plaza, Ottawa,
ON K1P 1A4
(313) 259-7777
1901 St. Antoine Street, 6th Floor at Ford Field, Detroit, MI 48226
Email: ttallerico@bodmanllp.com
Internet: http://www.bodmanllp.com
CONTACT: Thomas J. Tallerico, Partner; Dennis J. Levasseur, Partner
Troy Office
201 W. Big Beaver Road, Suite 500, Troy, MI 48084
Ann Arbor Office
110 Miller, Suite 300, Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Cheboygan Office
229 Court Street, P.O. Box 405, Cheboygan, MI 49721
TYPE OF BUSINESS: 130-attorney business law firm serving clients in
Michigan, throughout the U.S. and internationally. We can assist
franchisors and franchisees in commercial litigation and alternative
dispute resolution, intellectual property matters including patent and
copyright protection, labor and e mployment law, corporate and securities
law, regulatory compliance, mergers, acquisitions and divestitures,
environmental law, bankruptcy, construction law, real property law and
tax law matters.
(310) 576-2132
(310) 576-2200 FAX
120 Broadway, Suite 300, Santa Monica, CA 90401-2386
Email: kenneth.costello@bryancave.com
Internet: http://www.bryancave.com
CONTACT: Kenneth R. Costello, Partner; Jon Solish, Partner
Chicago Office
225 West Washington, Suite 260, Chicago, IL 60606-3418
Houston Office
1401 McKinney Street, #2700, Houston, TX 77010
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Bryan Cave, LLP is an 800 lawyer, international
law firm whose franchise lawyers are globally recognized authorities,
frequent speakers and authors, including a leading 3-vo lume franchise
treatise, who serve on numerous industry editorial and advisory boards,
and are commentators for franchise and major business news media. Our
clients range from start-up to Global 50 domestic and international
franchising and distribution businesses, in a broad range of industries,
who require sophisticated and complex legal support, including antitrust
counseling; regulatory compliance; litigation and arbitration; mergers
and acquisitions; intellectual property protection, and more.
(305) 347-4080
(305) 347-4089 FAX
Bank of America Tower, 34th Floor, 100 SE Second Street, Miami, FL
Email: leslie.smith@bipc.com
Internet: http://www.buchananingersoll.com
CONTACT: Leslie Smith-Porter, Attorney
Pittsburgh Office
(412) 562-8957
(412) 562-1041 FAX
One Oxford Center, 401 Grant Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15219-1410
CONTACT: John R. Previs
Washington, DC Office
(202) 833-7099 FAX
1700 K Street, NW, Suite 300, Washington, DC 20006-3807
Princeton Office
(609) 520-0360 FAX
700 Alexander Park, Sutie 300, Princeton, NJ 08540-6347
Email: harringtonfb@bipc.com
CONTACT: Frank B. Harrington, Associate
Tampa Office
(813) 222-8189 FAX
401 East Jackson Street, Suite 2500, Tampa, FL 33602-5236
Email: cardillopm@bipc.com
CONTACT: Peter M. Cardillo, Shareholder
TYPE OF BUSINESS: The lawyers in Buchanan's Franchise and
Distribution Group provide clients with comprehensive knowledge in
multiple legal disciplines. Encompass ing the areas of corporate finance,
federal and state regulation compliance, intellectual property,
litigation, labor and employment, government contracts, tax and real
estate, Buchanan's Franchise and Distribution Practice Group is a
cross-section of attorneys who are recognized leaders in their fields.
With 16 offices across the nation and access to Buchanan's more
than 550 attorneys and government relations professionals, we provide
our franchise and distribution clients with business and strategic
solutions that address the full spectrum of franchise-related issues in
more than 40 industries including: food chain, hospitality, dry
cleaning, retail, fashion design, real estate, car rental, as well as
education and training. Additional Offices: Alexandria, VA; Aventura,
FL; Buffalo, NY; Harrisburg, PA; Miami, FL; New York, NY; Philadelphia,
PA; Pittsburgh, PA; Princeton, NJ; Red wood Shores, CA; San Diego, CA;
Tampa, FL; Washington, DC; and Wilmington, DE.
(888) 895-2080
(303) 792-5595
(303) 708-0527 FAX
40 Inverness Drive East, Denver, CO 80112
Email: pburg@burgsimpson.com
Internet: http://www.burgsimpson.com
CONTACT: Peter Burg, Shareholder
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Burg Simpson focuses on complex litigation
matters. The firm is frequently retained as litigation counsel in
disputes involving franchisors and franchisees. The firm has offices in
Colorado, Wyoming, Texas, Ohio, Arizona and Washington, D.C.
(877) 875-9636
(813) 224-9255
(813) 223-9620 FAX
P.O. Box 3913, Tampa, FL 33601-3913
Email: mbasurto@bushross.com
Internet: http://www.bushross.com
CONTACT: Edward O. Savitz, Attorney; Mark A. Basurto, Attorney
(305) 530-0050
(305) 530-0055 FAX
100 SE Second Street, Suite 4000, Miami, FL 33131
Email: jmurray@carltonfields.com
Internet: http://www.carltonfields.com
CONTACT: Jason M. Murray, Shareholder
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Carlton Fields provides legal counsel and
assistance with creating, managing, licensing, protecting and enforcing
franchised business relationships, product distribution systems and
dealership networks. The law fir-m's franchise and distribution law
practice specifically relates to licensing and development, regulation
and compliance, and dispute resolution through negotiation, mediation,
arbitration and lit igation.
(416) 860-2987
(416) 869-5982
(416) 640-3043 FAX
40 King Street West, Suite 2100, Scotia Plaza, Toronto, ON M5H 3C2
Email: lweinberg@casselsbrock.com
Internet: http://www.casselsbrock.com
CONTACT: Larry Weinberg, Partner; Geoff Shaw, Partner
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Cassels Brock is a Toronto based full-service
business law firm. Our Franchise Law Group is recognized across Canada and around the world for its extensive legal and practical experience in
all facets of franchising.
(312) 243-1701
(312) 243-1721 FAX
1101 West Fulton Market, Suite 200, Chicago, IL 60607
Email: fredric.cohen@chengcohen.com
Internet: http://www.chengcohen.com
CONTACT: Fredric A. Cohen, Member; Amy Cheng, Member
(215) 659-3600
(215) 659-3222 FAX
721 Dresher Road, Suite 1100, Horsham, PA 19025
Email: hchernow@chernowkatz.com
Internet: http://www.chernowkatz.com
CONTACT: Harris J. Chernow, Attorney
Westmont Office
216 Haddon Avenue, #704, Westmont, NJ 08108
Philadelphia Office
1515 Market Street, #1410, Philadelphia, PA 19102
Baltimore Office
10995 Owings Mills Blvd.--Suite 208, Owings Mills, MD21117
TYPE OF BUSINESS: A national franchise, intellectual property and
business law firm providing comprehensive, practical, solution-oriented
counseling. Representing single and multi unit franchisees, franchisors,
distributors, and area and master developers wit h franchise,
transactional, regulatory and dispute resolution matters. Offices in PA,
NJ, MD and DC.
(877) 413-6482
(416) 413-9822
(416) 324-5439 FAX
22 St. Clair Avenue East, Suite 1010, Toronto, ON M4T 2S3 Canada
Email: mark@franchiselawcanada.com
Internet: http://www.franchiselawcanada.com
CONTACT: Markus Cohen, Managing Director; Lisa Bertucca, Executive
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Practising law since 1964, Mark limits his law
practice to franchise and--as a Certified Specialist in Ontario,
Canada--trademark law.
(973) 535-0500
(973) 535-9217 FAX
85 Livingston Avenue, Roseland, NJ 07068
Email: bcouch@connellfoley.com
Internet: http://www.connellfo ley.com
CONTACT: Bryan P. Couch, Attorney; Jeffrey L. O'Hara, Attorney
Jersey City Office
2510 Plaza Five, Jersey City, NJ 07311-4029
New York Office
888 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tx5hfLp3Vqc Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10106
Philadelphia Office
1500 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19102
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Full-service law firm with more than 115
attorneys and more than twenty distinct practice areas to meet corporate
clients' needs.
(888) 287-6777
(303) 768-0027 FAX
13710 East Rice Place, Aurora, CO 80015
Email: michael@franchiseeconsultant.com
Internet: http://www.franchiseeconsultant.com
CONTACT: Michael J. Katz, President & CEO
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Franchisee Consulting and Brokerage.
(202) 662-6000
(202) 662-6291 FAX
1201 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20004-2401
Email: htielemans@cov.com
Internet: http://www.cov.com
CONTACT: Henriette Tielemans, Partner
55 21 2553 181
55 21 2553 1812 FAX
Rua Marques de Olinda, 70, Rio De Janeiro 22251-040 Brazil
Email: mail@danneman.com.br
Internet: http://www.dannemann.com.br
CONTACT: Luiz Henrique O. do Amaral, Partner; Peter Dirk Siemsen,
Senior Partner
(416) 941-5399
(416) 365-7886 FAX
1 First Canadian Place, Suite 5600, Toronto, ON MX5 1E2 Canada
Email: jrogers@davis.ca
Internet: http://www.davis.ca
CONTACT: John L. Rogers, National Chair, Toronto; Dana Schindelka,
Vice Chair, Calgary
Vancouver Office
2800 Park Place, 666 Burrard Street, Vancouver, BC V6C 2Z7 Canada
Calgary Office
3000 Shell Centre, 400-4th Avenue SW, Calgary, AB T2P 0J4 Canada
Montreal Office
1010 de la Gauchetiere St. West, #2250, Montreal, QCH3B 2N2 Canada
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Davis LLP's National Franchise &
Licensing Group has extensive experience in all aspects of franchise law
including structuring franchise systems; drafting franchise agreements;
disclosure documents and related agreements; and expanding foreign
franchise systems to Canada. Our Group also specializes in related areas
including intellectual property; international law; internet and
e-commerce; personal information disclosure and privacy; arbitration and
litigation; employment law; tax, and competition (anti-trust) law. Davis
& Company has offices in 7 cities in Canada including Vancouver,
Toronto, Calgary and Montreal and is the only Canadian firm with an
office in Japan (Tokyo). Our Franchise & Distribution Group is led
by John L. Rogers, who is one of only six franchise lawyers listed in
L'Expert's 2002 Guide to Leading 500 Lawyers in Canada, and is
a past director of IFA's Supplier Forum. Established in 1892.
(503) 241-2300
(503) 778-5299 FAX
1300 SW Fifth Avenue, Suite 2300, Portland, OR 97201
Email: rileylagesen@dwt.com
Internet: http://www.dwt.com
CONTACT: Riley Lagesen, Associate
(973) 966-8068
(973) 966-1015 FAX
P.O. Box 1945, Morristown, NJ 07962
Email: dlafiura@daypitney.com
Internet: http://www.daypitney.com
CONTACT: Dennis R. LaFiura, Esq., Managing Partner; David S. Sager,
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Day Pitney LLP is a law firm that has represented
franchisors in hundreds of disputes involving terminations, trademark
infringement, and enforcing system standards. Industry expertise
includes motor vehicles, hotels, real estate brokerage, and others.
+61 3 8686 6000
+61 3 8686 6505 FAX
385 Bourke Street, Melbourne, Victoria, 03000 Australia
Email: greg.hipwell@deacons.com.au
Internet: http://www.deacons.com.au
CONTACT: Greg Hipwell, Partner; Stephen Giles, Partner
Brisbane Office
Riverside Centre, 123 Eagle Street, Brisbane, QLD 04000 Australia
Sydney Office
1 Alfred Street, Circular Quay, Sydney, NSW 2000 Australia
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Legal firm specializing in providing legal and
business advice to franchising and distribution clients. We are
generally regarded as Australia's leading franchise law firm.
(202) 420-2200
(202) 420-2201 FAX
1825 I Street NW, Washington, DC 20006
Email: schaeffera@dsmo.com
Internet: http://www.dicksteinshapiro.com
CONTACT: Alan Schaeffer, Esq., Partner; Andrew J. Sherman, Esq.,
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Dickstein Shapiro LLP is a full service law firm
with 400 attorneys in offices in Wa shington, DC, New York City, and Los
Angeles, representing clients in diverse industries with a wide variety
of requirements. Our franchise and licensing attorneys have extensive
experience in franchise, licensing and distribution transactions and
regulation and they regularly advise manufacturers, licensors and
franchisors with respect to all aspects of franchise and distribution
systems development, implementation and channel management, leveraging
intellectual property, and counseling on general corporate and
commercial matters. The firm's franchising clients represent a wide
range of industries, including, restaurants and food services; medical
devices and health care; building materials; home remodeling/repair;
information technology; fashion and apparel; accounting and business
consulting; specialty retail; landscaping; for-profit
education/training; children's activities; l odging and hospitality;
cleaning/maintenance; travel/tourism; automotive manufacturing,
distribution, maintenance and repair; convenience stores and service
stations; professional sports franchises; hair care and personal
services; and retail electronics.
+61 (732) 46400261
+61 (732) 294077 FAX
Level 29 Waterfront Place, 1 Eagle Street, Brisbane, Queensland
04075 Australia
Email: tony.conaghan@dlaphillipsfox.com
Internet: http://www.dlaphillipsfox.com
CONTACT: Tony Conahan, Partner
(312) 368-4000
(312) 236-7516 FAX
203 North LaSalle Street, Suite 1800 JY, Chicago, IL 60601-1293
Email: franchiselawyers@dlapiper.com
Internet: http://www.dlapiper.com
CONTACT : Lewis G. Rudnick, Dennis E. Wieczorek; Fredric A. Cohen,
Michael G. Brennan
Washington, D.C. Office
(202) 223-2085 FAX
1200 Nineteenth Street, NW, Washington, DC 20036-2412
Email: philip.zeidman@dlapiper.com
CONTACT: Philip F. Zeidman; John Dienelt; Erik B. Wulff
Dallas Office
(214) 743-4545 FAX
1717 Main Street, Suite 4600, Dallas, TX 75201-4605
Email: ann.hurwitz@dlapiper.com
CONTACT: Ann Hurwit
Tampa Office
(813) 229-2111
(813) 229-1447 FAX
101 E. Kennedy Boulevard, Suite 2000, Tampa, FL33602
Email: david.beyer@dlapiper.com
CONTACT: David A. Beyer
Reston Office
(703) 773-4000
(703) 773-5000 FAX
1775 Wiehle Avenue, Suite 400, Reston, VA 20190
Email: bret.lowell@dlapiper.com
CONTACT: H. Bret Lowell; Barry Heller
TYPE OF BUSINESS: DLA Piper is a national commercial law firm. We
concentrate our practice in franchising and distribution, complex and
general civil litigation and arbitration, trademark and intellectual
property, information technology, antitrust and trade regulation,
international, securities, mergers and acquisitions, real estate,
leasing, environmental, finance, venture capital, emerging companies,
telecommunications, business regulation, health, banking and labor law.
We have practiced franchising, distribution and related areas of law for
more than 40 years. The 25 partners in our franchising and distribution
law group average in excess of 20 years of experience in those fields.
We represent companies engaged in domestic and international franchising
and distributi on matters, including structuring, documentation,
counseling, litigation and arbitration, technology, finance and
regulatory compliance. Our clients operate in most of the business
sectors that have adopted franchising as a method of distribution and
represent a broad spectrum of size and experience, from entrepreneurs
and start-up companies to large franchisors, manufacturers and
distributors. Our clients oversee networks that range from dozens to
thousands of outlets. The majority of our clients are franchisors and
distribution companies, but we also represent multiple outlet, area
development and master franchisees and franchising-joint ventures, on a
wide variety of franchising, distribution, corporate, real estate,
finance, securities, environmental, tax and other matters. Our practice
is international in scope. We have done work for clients in over 100
countries. We serve as General Counsel to the International Franchise
Association. The firm has offices that practice franchise and
distribution law in Chicago (312) 368-4000, Washington, D.C. (202)
861-3900, Northern Virginia (703) 733-4000, Atlanta (404) 736-7800,
Dallas (214) 743-4500, Tampa (813) 229-2111, Los Angeles (310) 595-3000,
Baltimore (410) 580-3000, New York (212) 835-6000 and Philadelphia (215)
(800) 566-1718
(206) 903-8700
(206) 903-8820 FAX
1420 5th Avenue, Suite 3400, Seattle, WA 98101
Email: duvall.gary@dorsey.com
Internet: http://www.dorsey.com
CONTACT: Gary R. Duvall, Partner
Seattle Office
1420 Fifth Avenue, Suite 3400, Seattle, WA 98101
CONTACT: Gary R. Duvall, CFE
Palo Alto Office
1717 Embarcad ero Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Our Franchise and Distribution Law practice group
helps clients expand through franchising and other distribution methods.
Our clients are both US and International.
(310) 828-9050
(310) 828-9101 FAX
1620 26th Street, North Tower, 6th Floor, Santa Monica, CA 90404
Email: sgrueneberg@dskllp.com
Internet: http://www.dskllp.com
CONTACT: Susan Grueneberg, Partner; Robert L. Kahan, Partner
TYPE OF BUSINESS: With offices in Los Angeles, New York and
Stamford, Connecticut, we are a full-service firm with an active
franchise practice that includes national and international clients. We
have expertise in structuring franchise and other types of distribution
programs, registration and disclosure compliance, franchise litiga tion
and related areas such as mergers and acquisitions of franchise
companies. In addition to all aspects of franchise law, we are
especially well-positioned to assist clients in the areas of business
litigation, corporate law, employment law, entertainment litigation,
financial institutions law, insurance law, intellectual property and
high technology law, real estate law and securities litigation. Our
clientele includes national and regional franchise and subfranchise
programs, domestic and multinational Fortune 500 companies, emerging
companies and individuals in diverse areas of business.
(212) 391-9500
(212) 391-9025 FAX
104 West 40th Street, 20th Floor, New York, NY 10018
Email: me@ed-lawfirm.com
Internet: http://www.ed-lawfirm.com
CONTACT: Michael Einbinder, Partner
(303) 659-7342
(303) 659-1051 FAX
600 17th Street, Suite 2800 South, Denver, CO 80202-5428
Email: velmore@elmorelaw.com
Internet: http://www.elmorelaw.com
CONTACT: Van Elmore, Principal
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Legal services for domestic & international
franchising including Uniform Franchise Offering Circular and contract
drafting, state franchise offering registration, trademark registration
and licensing, copyright registration and licensing, software licenses and Internet agreements. Mr. Elmore also provides mediation and
arbitration for domestic and international franchise disputes.
Previously Vice President and General Counsel for a 450 unit franchise
system. Mr. Elmore has also been a franchisee and has conversational
ability i n the Russian language. Established in 1992.
+44 845 497 4862
+44 207 919 4500
+44 207 919 4919 FAX
Senator House, 85 Queen Victoria Street, London EC4V 4JL United
Email: chriswormald@eversheds.com
Internet: http://www.eversheds.com
CONTACT: Christopher Wormald, Partner--Head of Franchising; Martin
Mendelsohn, Chair, European Franchising Group
TYPE OF BUSINESS: International Commercial law firm with offices in
10 UK cities: London, Birmingham, Cardiff. Ipswich, Leeds, Manchester,
Newcastle, Norwich, Nottingham and overseas locations including
Brussels, Paris, Munich and Shanghai. Associated offices in Copenhagen,
Milan, Rome and Sofia, Singapore (including Indonesia) and Kuala Lumpa.
Specialist areas include: International and domestic Franchising;
dis tribution and supply arrangements; licensing; intellectual property;
UK and European anti-trust laws; and the complete range of business and
corporate legal services.
(800) 328-4393
(612) 766-7000
(612) 766-1600 FAX
2200 Wells Fargo Center, 90 South Seventh Street, Minneapolis, MN
Email: bschnell@faegre.com
Internet: http://www.faegre.com
CONTACT: Brian Schnell, Partner; Bill L. Killion, Partner
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Franchising is our Passion/E. Franchising also is
one of the most dynamic and exciting growth vehicles in our global
economy. To achieve its objectives in the challenging, yet rewarding,
franchise world, a franchisor must partner with a legal team that not
only understands franchising, but also takes the time to understand the
franchis or's business and objectives. We know the franchise
business top to bottom, including the complexities created by the
overlap of state and federal law. We also understand the challenges of
building and operating a franchise system. It's your business. You
need answers and we'll provide unparalleled legal support.
(215) 825-3100
(215) 545-8313 FAX
21 South 21st Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103
Email: film@fisherzucker.com
Internet: http://www.fisherzucker.com
CONTACT: Lane Fisher, Member; Jeff Zucker, Member
Cherry Hill Office
402 Park Boulevard, Cherry Hill, NJ 08002
Brunswick Office
777 Gloucester Street, Suite 355, Brunswick, GA 31520
TYPE OF BUSINESS: FisherZucker LLC's practice is dedicated to
franchising. With offices in Pe nnsylvania and New Jersey, we assist
franchisors in development, regulatory compliance, operations and
enforcement matters. Contact us for information.
(510) 451-3309
(510) 451-1537 FAX
1221 Broadway, 21st Floor, Oakland, CA 94612
Email: mtrice@fablaw.com
Internet: http://www.fablaw.com
CONTACT: Mary Beth Trice, Special Counsel
(608) 258-4273
(608) 258-4258 FAX
P.O. Box 1497, Madison, WI 53701-1497
Email: rhowell@foley.com
Internet: http://www.foley.com
CONTACT: Bobbi Howell, Esq., Partner
(201) 845-1000
(201) 845-9112 FAX
218 Route 17 North, Rochelle Park, NJ 07662
Email: firm@formanlaw.com
Internet: http://www.formanlaw.com
CONTACT: Daniel M. Eliades, Member; Charles M. Forman, Member
Philadelphia Office
1615 Jackson Street, Philadelphia, PA 19145
Suffern Office
400 Rella Boulevard, Suite 214, Suffern, NY 10901
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Forman Holt & Eliades represents some of the
largest franchisors in the world in bankruptcy cases throughout the
United States. The firm regularly represents franchisors in a broad
range of bankruptcy litigation including plan confirmation issues, asset
sales, stay litigation, preference matters, claim objections and
intellectual property protection.
(412) 391-1334
(412) 391-6984 FAX
625 Liberty Avenue, 29th Floor, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-3115
Email: gcook@foxrothschild.com
Internet: http://www.foxrothschild.com
CONTACT: Gerald A. Cook, Attorney & CoChair, Franchising
Practice; Elizabeth D. Sigety, Attorney & Co-Chair, Franchising
Philadelphia Office
2000 Market Street, 10th Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19103
New York Office
100 Park Avenue, Suite 1500, New York, NY 10017
San Francisco Office
235 Pine Street, Suite 1500San Francisco, CA94104
West Palm Beach Office
222 Lakeview Avenue, Suite 700, West Palm Beach, FL33401
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Our attorneys provide solutions for the business
and litigation needs of the franchising and distribution community. Our
clients range from international corporations to
entrepreneurial/start-up com panies in the manufacturing, retail, food,
entertainment and service. industries, among others. Our experienced
team is comprised of approximately 25 attorneys throughout the firm who
focus on the many disciplines involved in the business of franchising
and distribution. Fox Rothschild LLP is a full-service law firm built to
serve business leaders. Over the past 100 years, we have grown to 400
lawyers in 14 offices coast to coast. Our clients come to us because we
understand their issues, their priorities, and the way they think. We
help clients manage risk and make better decisions by offering
practical, innovative advice. For more information about Fox Rothschild
LLP, please visit www.foxrothschild.com.
(866) 986-0099
(410) 986-0099
(410) 986-0123 FAX
20 South Charles Street, 3rd Floor, B altimore, MD 21201
Email: dcahn@franbuslaw.com
Internet: http://www.franbuslaw.com
CONTACT: David L. Cahn, Owner; David G. Ross, Of Counsel,
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Boutique practice focused on representing the
legal needs of franchisors and franchisees.
(646) 215-7903
(646) 215-7908 FAX
142 West End Avenue, Suite 30P, New York, NY 10023
Email: jeffreykolton@fmvllc.net
Internet: http://www.franchisemarketventures.com
CONTACT: Jeffrey Kolton, Principal
TYPE OF BUSINESS: FMV assists start-ups in analyzing franchising;
established franchise systems seeking alternative expansion methods; and
vendors looking to increase their market share within the franchise
(888) 372-6529 (888) FRANLAW
(630) 571-5626
(630) 571-1882 FAX
1301 West 22nd Street, Suite 709, Oak Brook, IL 60523-2006
Email: mliss@franlaw.com
Internet: http://www.franlaw.com
CONTACT: Michael R. Liss, Esq., Partner
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Complete franchise legal services, at
cost-effective prices. 25 year background representing franchisors and
franchisees in franchise agreement, offering circular, and registration
compliance issues. Negotiates contracts and litigates disputes.
Expertise in franchise transfers, real estate leasing, selling
businesses, general business counseling, incorporating and trademarks.
Expert Witness. National Practice. Established in 1980.
(612) 492-7000
(612) 492-7077 FAX
200 South Sixth Street, Suite 4000, Minneapolis, MN 55402
Email: eduke@fredlaw.com
Internet: http://www.fredlaw.com
CONTACT: Emily E. Duke, Chair, Franchise Group
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Fredrikson & Byron's Franchising Group
represents clients in every phase of franchising, both domestically and
internationally. Our attorneys handle business and legal issues for
companies ranging from the start-up franchisor to the mature franchise
system. Our services encompass a broad spectrum of legal expertise,
including structuring franchise programs, disclosure and registration,
preparing franchise and related agreements, compliance with franchise
laws in the United States and overseas, business planning, termination
of franchisees, advertising issues, intellectual property issues, sales
compliance, dealing with franchisee advisory councils and associations,
and antitrust issues. A s a result, our attorneys are intimately familiar
with U.S. federal and state laws and foreign laws that apply to
franchise companies doing business domestically and overseas.
(561) 395-5511
(561) 395-2648 FAX
The Plaza, Suite 801, 5355 Town Center Road, Boca Raton, FL 33486
Email: info@frglaw.com
Internet: http://www.franchiselaw.com
CONTACT: Ronald N. Rosenwasser, Partner
TYPE OF BUSINESS: FRG develops, reviews, and analyzes international
and domestic franchise programs and prepares all legal documents and
provides litigation and arbitration services.
(513) 651-6800
(513) 651-6745
(513) 651-6981 FAX
201 East 5th Street, Suite 2200, Cincinnati, OH 45202
Email: g cowan@fbtlaw.com
Internet: http://www.frostbrowntodd.com
CONTACT: Grant S. Cowan, Member
(212) 935-3131
(212) 935-4514 FAX
845 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10022-6601
Email: dta@gdblaw.com
Internet: http://www.newyorkfranchiselawyer.com
CONTACT: David T. Azrin, Esq., Partner
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Experienced attorneys providing comprehensive
legal representation to franchisors and franchisees at a reasonable
cost. We handle UFOCs, contracts, litigation, employment, real estate,
and tax matters.
(305) 349-2333
(305) 349-2310 FAX
100 SE 2nd Street, 44th Floor, Bank of America, Miami, FL
Email: mjobl ove@gjb-law.com
Internet: http://www.gjb-law.com
CONTACT: Michael D. Joblove, Partner; Jonathan E. Perlman, Partner
Fort Lauderdale Office
200 East Broward Boulevard, Suite 1110, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301
TYPE OF BUSINESS: GJB represent clients in complex commercial,
franchise, securities and employment litigation, bankruptcy, insolvency
and workout engagements representing debtors, trustees, committees,
creditors and receivers.
64-9-308-9922 FAX
P.O. Box 1542, Auckland 01140 New Zealand
Email: stewart@germann.co.nz
Internet: http://www.germann.co.nz
CONTACT: Stewart Germann, Principal
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Lawyers and notary public providing legal
services in New Zealand. Specialists in franchising law, l icensing and
distribution agreements in particular. Stewart Germann is a Past
Chairman of the Franchise Association and has contacts throughout New
Zealand, Australia, the United Kingdom and the USA. The firm also
handles all aspects of property law including real estate leasing,
selling businesses, commercial law and company law in New Zealand.
Established in 1993.
(787) 759-8000
(787) 759-4139 FAX
250 Munoz Rivera Avenue, 14th Floor, San Juan, PR 00918
Email: rbarrios@gaclaw.com
Internet: http://www.gaclaw.com
CONTACT: Rossell Barrios, Stockholder
5255 5202-7622
5255 5520-7671 FAX
Montes Urales No. 632 Piso 3, Lomas de Chapultepec, 11000 Mexico
Email: jmondragon@gcsc.com.mx
Internet: http://www.gcsc.com.mx
CONTACT: Jorge Mondragon, Partner; Pablo Hooper, Partner,
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Gonzalez Calvillo, S.C. offers an active
franchising/IP practice as a full-service firm. Our practice ranges from
offering expert counsel related to legal, contractual, corporate and tax
structure for the implementation of franchises and licensing, and
assisting with registrations and prosecution to representing clients in
litigation and dispute resolution proceedings.
(604) 683-6498
(604) 683-3558 FAX
1055 Dunsmuir Street, Suite 2300, P.O. Box
49122, Vancouver, BC V7X 1J1 Canada
Email: leonard.polsky@gowlings.com
Internet: http://www.gowlings.com
< br>CONTACT: Leonard H. Polsky, Partner; Edward N. Levitt, Partner
Toronto Office
100 King Street West, Suite 1600, Toronto, ON M5X 1G5 Canada,
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Full service law firm--domestic and international
practice--all aspects of franchise law, including business, contracts,
intellectual property protection, litigation and alternative dispute
resolution. Established in 1877. We are also patent and trademark
(800) 458-1705
(206) 624-8300
(206) 340-9599 FAX
Pier 70, 2801 Alaskan Way, Suite 300, Seattle, WA 98121-1128
Email: dbyers@GrahamDunn.com
Internet: http://www.grahamdunn.com
CONTACT: David M. Byers, Attorney; Doug C. Berry, Attorney,
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Full service law firm providing franchisors and
franchisees a ll necessary legal services, including registration and
disclosure compliance, internet law, dispute resolution, intellectual
property protection, and legal compliance audits. Established in 1890.
(612) 632-3064
(202) 295-2202 D.C. Office
(612) 632-4064 FAX
80 South Eighth Street, 500 IDS Center, Minneapolis, MN 55402-3796
Email: franchise@gpmlaw.com
Internet: http://www.gpmlaw.com
CONTACT: John W. Fitzgerald, Co-Chair, Franchise Group; Robert
Zisk, Co-Chair, Franchise Group
St. Cloud Office
1010 West St. Germain Street, Suite 600, St. Cloud, MN 56301
Washington, D.C. Office
2600 Virginia Ave., N.W., Suite 1111--The Watergate, Washington, DC
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Gray Plant Mooty is a full-service law firm with
approximately 160 attorneys. From our offices in Minnesota and
Washington, D.C., our 35 member Franchise and Distribution Team works
with franchisors throughout the U.S., Canada and many other countries.
Our clients' business objectives drive our approach to providing
legal services. We recognize that every step, from the initial
construction of a franchise concept through growth and expansion, will
directly impact the franchisor's future profits. We also understand
the dynamics and intricacies of franchisor-franchisee relationships, and
the importance of these relationships in maintaining the overall
integrity of the franchise system. Clients range from emerging and
start-up companies to mature, established franchisors. Our services
include franchise program development and regulatory compliance,
trademark counseling and registration, financing and acquisition,
relationship coun seling, financial fraud and underreporting.
(602) 445-8000
(602) 445-8100 FAX
2375 East Camelback Road, Suite 700, Phoenix, AZ 85016-3424
Internet: http://www.gtlaw.com
CONTACT: Jim Ullman; Jeff Wolf
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Greenberg Traurig's franchise team prides
itself on providing quality legal representation with a focus on
practical, business-oriented solutions. With more than 30 years of
franchise transactional and litigation experience, we have a thorough
understanding of both the legal and business aspects of franchising. Our
goal is to establish a long-term successful client relationship defined
by reliability, responsiveness, trust, and an unwavering commitment to
providing the highest quality legal services available.
< br>(314) 241-9090
(314) 421-0831 FAX
10 South Broadway, Suite 2000, St. Louis, MO 63102
Email: err@greensfelder.com
Internet: http://www.greensfelder.com
CONTACT: Eric Riess, Esq., Practice Group Manager
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Attorneys and Counselors since 1895.
(702) 222-2500
(702) 365-6940 FAX
3930 Howard Hughes Parkway, 4th http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Attorney Floor, Las Vegas, NV 89169
Email: mkreutzer@halelane.com
Internet: http://www.halelane.com
CONTACT: Matt Kreutzer, Attorney; Brent Eckersley, Attorney
Reno Office
5441 Kietzke Lane, Second Floor, Reno, NV 89511
Carson City Office
777 East William Street, Suite 200, Carson City, NV 89701
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Hale Lane offers a full range of legal services
to franchisors, handling all aspects of the franchise relationship.
These services include: developing, protecting and licensing franchise
systems; franchisee negotiations, mediation, and litigation; creation of
Uniform Franchise Offering Circulars, franchise and license agreements.
Additionally, Hale Lane attorneys offer guidance and advice in a variety
of general business matters, including tax, estate planning, labor and
employment, real estate, and general commercial litigation.
44 (0121) 237-202044
44 (0121) 233-9686 FAX
120 Edmund Street, Birmingham B3 2ES United Kingdom
Email: john.pratt@hplaw.co.uk
Internet: http://www.hamiltonpratt.com
CONTACT: John P ratt, Partner; Gurmeet Jakhu, Partner
TYPE OF BUSINESS: We are specialists with a worldwide reputation in
all aspects of franchising. Our clients range from
start-up companies to large multi-nationals.
(214) 651-5000
(214) 200-0855 FAX
901 Main Street, Suite 3100, Dallas, TX 75202
Internet: http://www.haynesboone.com
CONTACT: Joyce G. MazeroPartner
Washington, DC Office
(202) 654-4500
(202) 654-4501 FAX
1615 L Street NW, Suite 800, Washington, DC 20036
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Haynes and Boone's Franchise and
Distribution attorneys are experienced and internationally recognized
authorities in Franchise and Distribution law. We are perceived by many
as some of the best and most influential franchise lawyers in the world.
We are authors of countless books and articles, and are respected
sources of expertise for numerous publications and editorial boards.
With the support of Haynes and Boone's full-service client-oriented
team capabilities, we can help clients address the wide range of
domestic and international issues that affect their businesses in order
to construct meaningful and cost-effective solutions. We have the
specialized knowledge to assist companies to decide whether and how to
establish new franchise, licensing and distribution programs, both
domestically and internationally. We represent companies of all sizes
and in diverse industries, from retail to hospitality to manufacturing.
Our Franchise and Distribution Practice Group works alongside our
Corporate/Securities, Mergers & Acquisitions, Intellectual Property,
Venture Capital, Finance, Tax and Business Litigation Practice Groups,
providing the necessary assistance when business issues or problems
arise. We have represented clients in over 100 countries. The firm has
offices that practice franchise and distribution law in Dallas,
Washington, DC (202) 654-4540, and Mexico City (52-55) 55-40-5558.
(704) 343-2000
(704) 343-2300 FAX
201 North Tryon Street, Charlotte, NC 28231
Email: corby.anderson@hmw.com
Internet: http://www.hmw.com
CONTACT: Corby C. Anderson, Attorney; John Yorke, Attorney
(416) 977-3444
(416) 977-6666
(416) 977-3332 FAX
425 University Avenue, Suite 300, Toronto, ON M5G 1T6 Canada
Email: jadler@hofferadler.com
Internet: http://www.hofferadl er.com
CONTACT: Joseph Adler, Partner; Lloyd Hoffer, Partner
TYPE OF BUSINESS: We assist US franchisors to expand their
franchise systems into Canada and represent a formidable, efficient and
cost-effective solution to your franchising legal problems and needs.
(888) 547-0697
(805) 550-9323
(562) 596-0116
(805) 547-0716 FAX
6621 E. Pacific Coast Hwy, Suite 250, Long Beach, CA 90803
Email: info@holmeslofstrom.com
Internet: http://www.holmeslofstrom.com
CONTACT: David E. Holmes, Attorney; Loft Lofstrom, Attorney
San Luis Obispo Office
(562) 596-0416 FAX
4251 S. Higuera Street, #401, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Holmes & Lofstrom, LLP specializes in
franchising and has estab lished a national reputation in franchise law,
representing domestic and international franchise systems from start-up
through maturity. Our goal is to help franchisors achieve expansion,
through practical, careful legal advice and insight gained from our
extensive experience with franchise concepts at all stages of
development. We offer affordable rates and do not compromise on
personalized service. At Holmes & Lofstrom, you have a direct
relationship with an experienced franchise attorney, who not only has an
in-depth knowledge of franchise law, but also has worked with a wide
range of successful systems and can share with you some proven best
practices allowing you to avoid many of the challenges to which you
might otherwise be exposed. We look forward to becoming a member of your
team and a resource on which you can draw as you grow.
(804) 787-8089
(804) 788-8218 FAX
Riverfront Plaza, East Tower, 951 East Byrd Street, Richmond, VA
Email: pmaslyn@hunton.com
Internet: http://www.hunton.com
CONTACT: Patrick J. Maslyn, Counsel; Robert J. Grey, Jr., Partner
Miami Office
1111 Brickell Avenue, #2500, Miami, FL 33131
Washington, DC Office
1900 K Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20006-1109
Beijing Office
517-520 South Office Tower, No. 1 Guanghua Road, Beijing 100020
People's Republic of China
Brussels Office
Avenue Louise 326, #B6, Brussels 01050 Belgium
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Hunton & Williams represents franchisors at
all stages of development in domestic and international transactions,
litigation, and counseling matters.
(317) 236-2308
(317) 592-4730 FAX
One American Square, Box 82001, Indianapolis, IN 46282-0002
Email: james.petersen@icemiller.com
Internet: http://www.icemiller.com
CONTACT: James L. Petersen, Partner; Phil Whistler, Partner
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Many businesses choose to expand through
distribution or dealership networks or by selling franchises. Ice Miller
offers legal services to manufacturers, distributors, dealers,
retailers, business owners, licensors, licensees, franchisors and
franchisees. Such services include drafting and negotiating contracts,
registering and prosecuting trademarks, facilitating dispute resolution
and assisting with litigation. Ice Miller prepares offering circulars
and state franchise registrations and advises on compliance with state
and federal franchise and business opportunity laws. Ice Miller also
provides a full range of legal services needed by parties for
distribution and franchise agreements, including real estate,
construction, environmental, international, employment, antitrust and
intellectual property.
+34-93-415-2051 FAX
Passeig de Gracia 103, #7, Barcelona 08008 Spain
Email: abou@jausaslegal.com
Internet: http://www.jausaslegal.com
CONTACT: Agustin Bou, Attorney
(416) 703-5716
(416) 703-6180 FAX
365 Bay Street, 2nd Floor, Toronto, ON M5H 2V1 Canada
Email: pjones@jonesco-law.ca
Internet: http://www.jonesco-law.ca
CONTACT: Paul Jones, Barrister, Solicitor & Trade-mark Agent
TYPE OF BUSINESS: We are a multi-lingual law firm that focuses on
franchising and intellectual property in Canada and internationally. We
provide cost-effective service in multiple countries.
(801) 521-3200
(801) 328-0537 FAX
170 S. Main Street, Suite 1500, Salt Lake City, UT 84101
Internet: http://www.joneswaldo.com
CONTACT: Glen Watkins, Partner
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Established in 1875, Jones Waldo provides
innovative solutions with the highest level of legal expertise. Our
Franchise Practice Group serves clients from many different industries,
ranging in size from start-up franchisors to national distribution
networks. Our Franchise Practice Group can assist franchisors in every
aspect of their business, from franchise creation and compliance, to
arbitration and litigat ion of franchise disputes. A full service firm,
Jones Waldo also has considerable experience in other legal areas. As a
result, we can assemble a customized legal team to address the most
challenging client needs.
(847) 501-5300
(847) 501-5325 FAX
181 Waukegan Road, Suite 205, Northfield, IL 60093
Email: firm@kaplangreenswag.com
Interact: http://www.kaplangreenswag.com
CONTACT: Daniel S. Kaplan, Partner; Richard A. Greenswag, Attorney
Chicago Office
(847) 501-5300
(847) 501-5325 FAX
600 West Jackson, 2nd Fir., Chicago, IL 60661
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Kaplan & Greenswag, LLC blends real-world,
practical business acumen with a thorough understanding of what makes
franchising a unique legal environment.
(757) 624-3257
(757) 624-3169 FAX
150 West Main Street, Suite 2100, Norfolk, VA 23510
Email: sestory@kanfcan.com
Internet: http://www.kaufmanandcanoles.com
CONTACT: Stephen E. Story, Member
TYPE OF BUSINESS: The largest law firm in southeastern Virginia
(with offices in Norfolk, Virginia Beach, Chesapeake, Hampton, Newport
News, Williamsburg, and Richmond) generally representing franchisors and
franchisees in counseling and litigation.
(212) 755-3100
(212) 755-3174 FAX
777 Third Avenue, 24th Floor, New York, NY 10017
Internet: http://www.kaufmannfeiner.com
CONTACT: David J. Kaufmann, Senior Partner; Jeffrey E. Kolton,
TYPE OF BUSINESS: New York's premier fran chise law firm, which
prides itself on serving both novice and mature franchisors in a
comprehensive fashion. All of the partners and associates at Kanfmann
Feiner possess expertise in the field of franchising, as well as all
other fields germane to franchisors, including corporate/securities;
real estate; finance; transactional; advertising; and labor. In
addition, Kaufmann Feiner's extensive litigation capabilities
routinely give rise to landmark franchise rulings around the country.
Kaufmann Feiner's franchise expertise extends to all aspects of
establishing or expanding a national franchise program and includes:
structuring and financing the franchise entity; drafting, and securing
the registration.
(704) 331-7582
(704) 353-3282 FAX
214 North Tryon Street, Suite 4700, Charlotte, NC 28202
Email: kstichter@kennedycovington.com
Internet: http://www.keunedycovington.com
CONTACT: Kevin P. Stichter, Partner
(203) 782-9076
(203) 782-9081 FAX
205 Church Street, 3rd Floor, New Haven, CT 06510
Email: scott@scottkernlaw.com
Internet: http://www.franchiselawsource.com
CONTACT: Scott Kern, Member
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Franchise attorneys representing franchisors in
regulatory, contract and litigation matters and representing franchisees
in acquisition and divestiture transactions.
(404) 815-6366
(404) 541-3122 FAX
1100 Peachtree Street, Suite 2800, Atlanta, GA 30309-4501
Email: rbarkoff@kilpatricksto ckton.com
Internet: http://www.kilpatrickst ockton.com
CONTACT: Rupert M. Barkoff, Partner
(952) 885-5999
(952) 885-5969 FAX
8000 Norman Center Drive, Suite 1000, Minneapolis, MN 55437
Email: dmonroe@krassmonroe.com
Internet: http://www.krassmonroe.com
CONTACT: Dennis L. Monroe, Chair; Tom Macintosh, Shareholder
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Krass Monroe, P.A. has a national practice and
strong reputation for its work in the multi-unit franchise industry. We
have the expertise and experience to deliver unparalleled services in
the areas of mergers and acquisitions, financing, (including senior
debt, mezzanine financing, equity investment and other specialty finance
transactions), franchising and distribution, financial workou t and
restructuring, commercial real estate, estate and business succession
planning, wealth preservation and taxation. Krass Monroe's recently
expanded legal services to franchisors includes: planning and
structuring of franchise and distribution systems, preparation of
Uniform Franchise Offering Circulars, preparation of franchise
agreements, preparation of master franchise and development agreements
as well as trademark evaluation, registration and enforcement. We offer
creative ideas, identify unique financing sources, and help develop the
financial and franchise tools necessary for the growth, viability,
success and development of our clients.
(303) 297-2400
(303) 292-7799 FAX
1801 California Street, Suite 3100, Denver, CO 80202
Email: jenni.wisniewski@kutakrock.com
Internet: http://w ww.kutakrock.com
CONTACT: Jennifer Wisniewski, Esq.
Omaha Office
The Omaha Building, 1650 Farnam Street, Omaha, NE 68102
Los Angeles Office
515 South Figueroa Street, Suite 1240, Los Angeles, CA 90071
Scottsdale Office
8601 North Scottsdale Road, Suite 300, Scottsdale, Arizona 85253
Atlanta Office
225 Peachtree Stret, NE, Suite 2100, Atlanta, GA 30303
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Kutak Rock's Franchising and Distribution
Practice represents local and national clients in a broad range of
franchise issues including registration, disclosure, relationship and
business opportunity laws, licensing, distribution, intellectual
property, litigation, dispute resolution and corporate finance. Our team
includes lawyers from multiple disciplines allowing us to effectively
represent clients in various industries and at all phases of growth. We
believe that the best results are had by putting together legal teams
that understand a client's industry and have the relevant legal
expertise to obtain the desired goal. With over 375 lawyers in 15
offices nationwide, we have the breadth and depth of expertise to create
the right legal team for you.
(416) 360-8600
(604) 689-9111
(416) 304-3810 FAX
181 Bay Street, Suite 2500, P.O. Box 747, Toronto, ON M5J 2T7
Email: rglass@langmichener.ca
Internet: http://www.langmichener.ca
CONTACT: Robert Glass (Toronto), Richard Meagher (Toronto); James
Bond (Vancouver)
Vancouver Office
1500 Royal Centre, 1055 West Georgia Street, Vancouver, BC V6E 4N6
TYPE OF BUSINE SS: Full service Canadian law firm with experience in
all areas of franchising, including trade-marks, trade secrets,
advertising, competition law, system acquisition, litigation and
disclosure. Offices in Toronto, Ottawa and Vancouver. Established in
(514) 925-6300
(514) 925-9001 FAX
1250 Rene-Levesque Blvd. West, Suite 1400, Montreal, PQ H3B 5E9
Email: general@lapros.qc.ca
Internet: http://www.lapros.qc.ca
CONTACT: Alex S. Konigsberg, Queen's Counsel
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Lapointe Rosenstein is a full service business
law firm specializing in domestic and international franchising and
distribution with an international network of lawyers, accountants and
bankers. Established in 1966.
(952) 835-3 800
(952) 896-3333 FAX
1500 Wells Fargo Plaza, 7900 Xerxes Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN
Email: cmodell@larkinhoffman.com
Internet: http://www.larkinhoffman.com
CONTACT: Charles S. Modell, Chair, Franchise Practice Group; Andrew
F. Perrin, Shareholder, Franchise Practice Group
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Full service law firm, representing franchisors
in structuring, drafting and registering franchise documents,
negotiations with franchisees, acquisitions, international expansion,
arbitration, mediation and litigation.
(703) 647-5945
(703) 684-8075 FAX
225 Reinekers Lane, Suite 700, Alexandria, VA 22314
Email: scott.caulkins@leclairryan.com
Internet: http://www.leclairryan.com
CONTACT: R. Scott Caulkins, Sharehold er
Richmond Office
951 East Byrd Street, #800, Richmond, VA 23219
Norfolk Office
999 Waterside Drive, #2525, Norfolk, VA 23510
Roanoke Office
10 South Jefferson Street, #1800, Roanoke, VA 24011
TYPE OF BUSINESS: We have a full service practice for franchisors,
including preparing franchise agreements, UFOC's, counseling on
trademark and IP issues, and franchise litigation. We represent
franchises in negotiating contracts, business formation, sale of
franchise outlets and litigation.
86 1085321919 Ext. 286
86 1085321999 FAX
10-2 Liangmaqiao Diplomatic Compound, No. 22 Dongfang E. Rd.
Chaoyang Dis, Beijing 100600 China
Email: elehman@lehmanlaw.com
Internet: http://www.lehmanlaw.com
CONTACT: Edwa rd Lehman, Managing Director
(702) 243-0900
(702) 243-0342 FAX
3230 S. Buffalo Drive, Suite 104, Las Vegas, NV 89117
Email: jgrubbs@linassoc.com
Internet: http://www.linassoc.com
CONTACT: Jermaine S. Grubbs, Attorney
(214) 740-8000
(214) 740-8800 FAX
2200 Ross Avenue, Suite 2200, Dallas, TX 75201
Email: ktwining@lockeliddell.com
Internet: http://www.lockeliddell.com
CONTACT: Kevin L. Twining, Partner
Washington D.C. Office
901 Fifteenth Street, N.W., Suite 900, Washington, DC 20005
Houston Office
3400 Chase Tower, 600 Travis, Suite 3400,
Houston, TX 77002-3095
Austin Office
100 Congress, Suite 300, Austin, TX78701-4042
New Orleans Office
601 Poydras, Suite 2400, New Orleans, LA 70130-6036
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Established in 1891, this 400+ attorney firm has
broad-based and substantial experience representing franchisors,
franchisees, co-branding alliance partners and distributors in domestic
and international expansion. Practice groups include Franchise and
Distribution, Intellectual Property, International, Business Litigation
(including Franchise Litigation), Labor and Employment, Corporate and
Securities, Tax, Real Estate, Environmental, and Bankruptcy. The firm
has offices in Austin, Dallas and Houston, Texas, Washington, D.C., and
New Orleans, Louisiana. It also maintains close relationships with a
network of franchise lawyers around the world.
(213) 687-6705
(213) 485-1200 FAX
300 S. Grand Avenue, Suite 800, Los Angeles, CA 90071
Email: creeder@lordbissell.com
Internet: http://www.lordbissell.com
CONTACT: Christopher S. Reeder, Esq., Partner
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Founded in 1914, Lord, Bissell & Brook is a
full service law firm serving national and international clients from
offices in Atlanta, Chicago, London, Los Angeles, New York, Sacramento
and Washington, D.C. For additional information about Lord, Bissell
& Brook, please visits its Website at www.lordbissell.com.
(248) 827-1870
(248) 359-6170 FAX
28400 Northwestern Highway, Southfield, MI 48034-1839
CONTACT: Stuart M. Bordman, Attorney
TYPE OF BUSINE SS: Full service law firm with extensive experience
in structuring, drafting and registering franchise documents,
negotiations with franchisees and negotiations with franchisors on
behalf of franchisees.
(919) 787-8880
(919) 571-2504 FAX
3605 Glenwood Avenue, Suite 500, Raleigh, NC 27612
Email: rtaylor@manningfulton.com
Internet: http://www.manningfulton.com
CONTACT: Ritchie W. Taylor, Shareholder; Sandra Martin Clark,
Wilmington Office
300 North Third Street, #320, Wilmington, NC 28401
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Full service law firm representing franchise and
distribution networks throughout the United States by providing to
franchisors and franchisees experienced litigation and transactional
legal representation.
(732) 747-7100
(732) 219-0625 FAX
63 Riverside Avenue, Red Bank, NJ 07701
Email: justin@marksklein.com
Internet: http://www.marksklein.com
CONTACT: Justin Klein, Esq., Partner
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Law firm specializing in representation of single
and multi-unit franchisees from transactional to complex class action
litigation. We also represent and assist in the formation of independent
franchisee associations.
61-3-8540-0202 FAX
315 Ferntree Galley Road, Mount Waverley, VIC 03149 Australia
Email: john.sier@mst.com.au
Internet: http://www.mst.com.au
CONTACT: John Sier, Partner; Philip Colman, Partner
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Mason Sier Turnbull is one of Austra lia's
leading franchise and distribution law firms servicing both domestic and
international clients for over 20 years. Our franchise team comprises
some 17 franchise lawyers working in all areas of franchising. John Sier
is recognized in the International Who's Who of Franchising Lawyers
2004 edition after having been nominated by his peers.
(312) 782-0600
(312) 701-7711 FAX
71 South Wacker Drive, Suite 3200, Chicago, IL 60606
Internet: http://www.mayerbrown.com
(212) 609-6832
(212) 645-0596 FAX
245 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10167
Email: tfisher@mccarter.com
Internet: http://www.mccarter.com
CONTACT: Timothy Fisher, Attorney
(202) 756-8616
(202) 756-8087 FAX
600 13th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20006
Email: daharrison@mwe.com
Internet: http://www.mwe.com
CONTACT: Debra A. Harrison, Partner
Chicago Office
227 West Monroe Street, Chicago, IL 60606
New York Office
340 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10017
Boston Office
28 State Street, Boston, MA 02109
Los Angeles Office
2049 Century Park East, Los Angeles, CA 90067
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Full service international law firm; assists
clients in all aspects of franchising, distribution and licensing
relationships, including regulatory compliance, contract negotiation,
and intellectual property protection and leveraging.
(410) 823-8244
(410) 821-8123 FAX
One West Pennsylvania Avenue, Suite 900, Towson, MD 21204-5076
Email: crosolio@milesstockbridge.com
Internet: http://www.milesstockbridge.com
CONTACT: Charles E. Rosolio, Esq., Principal
(313) 963-6420
(313) 496-8453 FAX
150 W. Jefferson, Suite 2500, Detroit, MI 48226
Email: hathawayi@millercanfield.com
Internet: http://www.millercanfield.com
CONTACT: Irene Bruce Hathaway, Principal; Edwin J. Lukas, Senior
Ann Arbor Office
101 N. Main Street, 7th Floor, Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Kalamazoo Office
444 West Michigan Avenue, Kalamazoo, MI 49007 < br>
Lansing Office
One Michigan Avenue, #900, Lansing, MI 48933
Troy Office
840 W. Long Lake Road, #200, Troy, MI 48098
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Representation in all aspects of franchising,
licensing and distributing products, services and business concepts.
Specialized and experienced attorneys serve both your transactional and
litigation needs. With offices throughout Michigan, and in New York,
Florida, Canada and Europe, and professional networks in Asia and South
America, we provide rapid, cost-effective solutions to your concerns and
(514) 875-5210
(416) 595-2983
(514) 875-4308 FAX
CIBC Tower, 31st Floor, 1155 Rene-Levesque Boulevard West,
Montreal, PQ H3B 3S6 Canada
Internet: http://www.millerthomson.com
< br>CONTACT: Stephane Teasdale (Montreal), Partner & Chair,
Franchise Law Group; Richard Leblanc (Toronto), Attorney
Toronto Office
Scotia Plaza, 40 King Street West, Suite 5800, Toronto, ON M5H 3S1
Vancouver Office
1000-840 Howe Street, Vancouver, BC V6Z 2M1 Canada
Calgary Office
3000-700 Ninth Avenue SW, Calgary, AB T2P 3V4 Canada
Edmonton Office
2700 Commerce Place, 10155-102nd Street, Edmonton, AB T5J 4G Canada
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Established in 1957, this full service business
law firm is experienced in Canadian and international franchising and in
representing U.S. franchisors and master franchisees in Canada,
including patents trademarks, copyright, trade-secrets and computer law
matters. The firm has particular expertise in related distribution,
administrative and r egulatory law matters such as liquor licensing, Food
and Drug Act compliance, packaging and labelling, real estate licensing,
marketing, advertising and direct selling. The firm also has substantial
environmental law and labor, pensions and employment law practice
groups. In addition to the IFA, the firm is a member of the Canadian
Franchise Association.
(310) 556-3800
(310) 556-3817 FAX
1925 Century Park East, Suite 350, Los Angeles, CA 90067
Email: lawyers@mohajerian.com
Internet: http://www.mohajerian.com
CONTACT: Al Mohajerian, Attorney at Law
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Franchising, intellectual property, corporate,
business, small business, and trade secrets lawyers. Serving the global
(312) 324-1190
< br>
(312) 324-1001 FAX
77 West Wacker Drive, Sixth Floor, Chicago, IL 60601
Email: tbecker@morganlewis.com
Internet: http://www.morganlewis.com
CONTACT: Theodore M. Lewis, Partner; James R. Sims III, Partner
(972) 931-0022
(972) 931-0124 FAX
2425 N. Central Expressway, Suite 530, Richardson, TX 75080
Email: cheryl@cmullin.com
Internet: http://www.cmullin.com
CONTACT: Cheryl Mullin, Attorney
TYPE OF BUSINESS: A full service law firm dedicated to serving
businesses and their owners. Whether we're structuring a franchise
program or managing multi-jurisdiction litigation, we focus on the big
picture and offer solutions aligned with your business strategy.
(800) 237-2000
(404) 817-6000
(404) 817-6050 FAX
999 Peachtree Street, N.E., Suite 1400, Atlanta, GA 30309
Email: rkh@nmrs.com
Internet: http://www.nmrs.com
CONTACT: Richard K. hines, V, Partner
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Established in 1897, Nelson Mullins Riley &
Scarborough, L.L.P. is a full service law firm with more than 210
lawyers with six offices in the Southeast. The firm's Franchise
Practice serves the franchise industry nationwide in all aspects of
franchisor representation including the following: termination
litigation; alternative dispute resolution; buy-outs; developing
franchise programs; franchise offering circulars in compliance with
state and federal law; registering the sale of franchises with state
authorities; developing franchises and initi ating business operations;
litigation; franchise agreement negotiations; and counseling. The firm
has provided legal service to a variety of franchise businesses
including the hospitality industry, restaurants and fast food
establishments, automotive manufacturers and distributors, optical
shops, athletic facilities, and amateur and professional sports leagues.
(617) 345-1000
(617) 345-1300 FAX
100 Summer Street, Boston, MA 02110-2131
Email: apressman@nixonpeabody.com
Internet: http://www.nixonpeabody.com
CONTACT: Arthur L. Pressman, Partner; Andrew P. Loewinger, Partner
Philadelphia Office
(215) 246-3520
(215) 561-0410 FAX
1818 Market Street, 11th Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19103-3647
Email: ctractenberg@nixonpeabody.com
CONTACT: Craig R. Tractenberg
Rochester Office
(585) 236-1000
(585) 263-1600 FAX
Clinton Square, P.O. Box 31051, Rochester, NY 14603
Email: rcalihan@nixonpeabody.com
CONTACT: Robert B. Calihan
New York Office
(212) 940-3000
(212) 940-3111 FAX
437 Madison Avenue, New York, NY10022
Email: fryan@nixonpeabody.com
CONTACT: Frank Ryan
San Francisco Office
(415) 984-8200
(415) 984-8300 FAX
Two Embarcadero Center, San Francisco, CA94111
Email: gwestreich@nixonpeabody.com
CONTACT: Glenn E. Westreich
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Nixon Peabody LLP is one of the 50 largest law
firms in the United States with more than 650 attorneys in 14 offices
working in 15 major practice areas. The firm's franchise team is
led by Arthur Pressman and Andrew Loewinger, each recognized as one of
the top franchise lawyers in the 2004 edition of who's Who in
International Franchising. Our attorneys have represented clients in all
aspects of franchise and distribution arrangements and provided counsel
on a wide range of transactions, both domestically and internationally.
We also represent clients in all phases of domestic and international
dispute resolution and litigation arising from thei r franchising and
distribution arrangements. The franchise team is able to draw on the
knowledge and experience of colleagues throughout the firm, and the team
is unique among major law firm franchise practices by combining its
sophisticated corporate and transactional practice with a nationally and
internationally known franchise litigation expertise. The integration of
our franchise transactional practice and franchise dispute resolution
practice enables us to most effectively counsel clients on risk
avoidance and risk management. Nixon Peabody's newsletter,
Franchise Law Alert, helps franchisors and franchisees keep up to date
on relevant legal developments affecting the franchise industry.
49 30-20942077
49-30-20942094 FAX
Charlottenstrasse 57, Berlin 10117 Germany
Email: karsten.metzlaff@noerr.com
Internet: http://www.noerr.com
CONTACT: Dr. Karsten Metzlaff; Dr. Karl Rauser
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Law Firm. Established in 1950.
(55) 53223000
(55) 53223001 FAX
Pedro Luis Ogazon Num. 17 Col. San Angel, Mexico City, D.F. 01000
Email: olivlaw@olivares.com
Internet: http://www.olivares.com.mx
CONTACT: Gustavo Alcocer, Esq., Partner
(414) 276-5000
(414) 276-6581 FAX
111 E. Wisconsin Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53202-4870
Email: chad.richter@wilaw.com
Internet: http://www.wilaw.com
CONTACT: Chad J. Richter, Attorney
(416) 862-6415
(416) 862-6666 FAX
Box 50, 1 First Canadian Place, Toronto, ON M5X 1B8Canada
Email: fzaid@osler.com
Internet: http://www.osler.com
CONTACT: Frank Zaid, Senior Partner; Andraya Frith, Partner
TYPE OF BUSINESS: If you or your franchise clients are thinking
about expanding north of the border, consider us your legal partner in
Canada. Osler is ranked as the most frequently recommended firm for
franchising law in the 2007 Canadian Legal Lexpert Directory, consistent
with our rankings in all other published legal directories. We have
extensive cross-border experience, provide national full-service
business advice and litigation counsel and have assisted nearly 350
franchise systems over the past 30 years.
(856) 985-4089
(856) 552-1428 FAX
Three Greentree Centre, 7001 Lincoln Drive West, Marlton, NJ 08053
Email: ddahan@parkermccay.com
Internet: http://www.parkermccay.com
CONTACT: David R. Dahan, Esq., Shareholder; John M. Devlin, Esq.,
Atlantic City Office
8025 Black Horse Pike, Suite 325, West Atlantic City, NJ 08232
Lawrenceville Office
1009 Lenox Drive, Building Four East, Suite 102A, Lawrenceville, NJ
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Law firm with extensive experience in commercial
transactions and litigation, including franchises, distribution,
licensing, intellectual property and business formation and counseling.
(800) 588-7459
(404) 815-2400
(404) 815-2400 FAX
600 Peachtree Street, NE, Suite 2400, Atlanta, GA 30308-2222
Email: rickasbill@paulhastings.com
Internet: http://www.paulhastings.com
CONTACT: Richard M. Asbill, Partner; W. Andrew Scott, Partner
Los Angeles Office
515 S. Flower Street, 25th Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90071
New York Office
75 East 55th Street, 1st Floor, New York, NY 10022
Paris Office
30, avenue de Messine, Paris, 75008 France
Tokyo Office
Ark Mori Building, 34th Floor, Tokyo, 107-6034 Japan
TYPE OF BUSINESS: 950+ attorneys, full-service international firm
with 17 offices, including Brussels, Paris, London, Milan, Hong Kong,
Beijing, Shanghai and Tokyo. Substantial practice in
domestic/international franchising and distribution; complex litigation
and alternative di spute resolution; trademark and intellectual property;
antitrust and trade regulation; immigration; international trade; real
estate; employment; securities; venture capital and finance. Business
established in 1951.
(734) 665-4441
(734) 665-8788 FAX
24 Frank Lloyd Wright Drive, Ann Arbor, MI 48105
Email: pfransway@psedlaw.com
Internet: http://www.psedlaw.com
CONTACT: Paul Fransway, Principal
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Legal Services for Franchisors.
(303) 291-2300
(303) 291-2400 FAX
1899 Wynkoop, Suite 700, Denver, CO 80202-1083
Email: KMcCullough@perkinscoie.com
Internet: http://www.perkinscoie.com
CONTACT: Kim I. McCullough, Partner
TYPE OF BUSIN ESS: Perkins Coie LLP serves great companies with more
than 600 lawyers in 14 offices across the United States and in China.
Established in 1912, the firm represents clients that range in size from
FORTUNE 100 companies to start-ups, and has historically represented
market leaders in traditional and cutting-edge technology industries.
From developing to established franchisors, the firm's Franchise
& Distribution Group represents clients in the areas of franchising,
licensing and distribution law. Our in-depth, personal approach
encompasses a thorough understanding of our clients' businesses so
that we can offer the best full service solutions to grow and protect
their domestic and international businesses.
(813) 472-7550
(813) 472-7570 FAX
100 South Ashley Drive, Suite 1900, Tampa, FL 33602-5311
Email: scott.weber@phelps.com
Internet: http://www.phelpsdunbar.com
CONTACT: Scott P. Weber, Partner
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Phelps Dunbar is a full-service regional law firm
of over 260 attorneys, with offices in New Orleans and Baton Rouge, LA;
Jackson, Tupelo and Gulfport, MS; Houston, TX; Tampa, FL; and London,
England. Our franchise attorneys represent start-up and established
franchisors and franchisees, both domestic and international, on a wide
range of franchise law matters. We assist franchisors with matters such
as regulatory compliance, relationship law related issues, general
franchise law education, and the growth and expansion of their
businesses domestically and internationally. We assist franchisees with
such issues as the negotiation of single and multiunit purchases and
franchise relationship issues. In addition to franchise-specific
assis tance, our attorneys provide other services relating to owning and
operating a business. Such counseling includes assistance with general
corporate matters, leasing, construction, real estate, intellectual
property, tax planning, probate, labor and employment, financing, health
care, technology and litigation.
(716) 847-5410
(716) 847-8400
(716) 852-6100 FAX
3400 HSBC Center, Buffalo, NY 14203
Email: tbailey@phillipslytle.com
Internet: http://www.phillipslytle.com
CONTACT: Tom Bailey, Franchise Practice Coordinator; Edward S.
Bloomberg, Partner--Litigation
New York Office
437 Madison Avenue, 34th Floor, New York, NY 10022
Rochester Office
1400 First Federal Plaza, Rochester, NY 14614
Jamestown Office
8 East Third Street, #307, Jamestown, NY 14702
Garden City Office
1100 Franklin Avenue, 4th Flr., Garden City, NY 11530
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Phillips Lytle LLP has 170+ lawyers in offices
throughout New York State helping franchisors with dispute resolution,
trademark and patents, employment, merger and acquisitions and all
aspects of disclosure requirements.
(914) 681-0100
(914) 206-6003 FAX
10 Bank Street, Suite 540, White Plains, NY 10606
Email: pitegoff@ pitlaw.com
Internet: http://www.pitlaw.com
CONTACT: Tom Pitegoff, Attorney; Richard Corrao, Paralegal
TYPE OF BUSINESS: We help grow businesses through franchising. We
draft contracts that achieve business goals, we assess risks in a
real-world context, and we create strategies that work .
(703) 774-1200
(703) 774-1201 FAX
11250 Roger Bacon Drive, Suite 5, Reston, VA 20190
Email: jtifford@plavekoch.com
Internet: http://www.plavekoch.com
CONTACT: John M. Tifford, Partner; Lee J. Plave, Partner
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Law firm primarily representing franchisors and
parties before the FTC.
(215) 495-6500
(215) 495-6600 FAX
2929 Arch Street, Cira Centre, 13th Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19104
Email: dfiore@regrizlaw.com
Internet: http://www.rrkdlaw.com
CONTACT: Daniel L. Fiore, Attorney
(303) 297-2600
(303) 297-2750 FAX
1099 18 th Street, Suite 2600, Denver, CO 80202-1908
Email: dferguson@rwolaw.com
Internet: http://www.rwolaw.com
CONTACT: Douglas R. Ferguson, Shareholder; Harold R. Bruno, III,
TYPE OF BUSINESS: RWO is a full-service law firm established in
Denver in 1976. The franchise practice group is experienced in all
aspects of franchise, distribution and licensing law including domestic
and international regulatory compliance, transactional, litigation and
(212) 644-6644
(212) 644-3344 FAX
110 East 59th Street, 23rd Floor, New York, NY 10022
Email: rlr@rosenlawpllc.com
Internet: http://www.rosenlawpllc.com
CONTACT: Richard L. Rosen
(516) 745-0099
(516) 745-0293 FAX
1425 RexCorp Plaza, 14th Fl., West Tower, Uniondale, NY 11556
Email: hkestenbaum@rmfpc.com
Internet: http://www.rmfpc.com
CONTACT: Harold L. Kestenbanm, Counsel
(800) 458-5973
(206) 583-0359 FAX
1201 Third Avenue, Suite 3400, Seattle, WA 98101-3034
Email: collette@ryanlaw.com
Internet: http://www.ryanlaw.com
CONTACT: Kevin J. Collette, Chair: Technology & Intellectual
Prop. Group
TYPE OF BUSINESS: We understand franchising. Full service business
law firm with a team approach for franchising-registration, disclosures,
advertising, internet, trademarks, licensing, corporate, real estate,
technology, litigation, arbitration and ADR techniques. Established in
(212) 689-0400
(212) 689-3315 FAX
404 Park Avenue South, 16th Floor, New York, NY 10016
Email: bschaef123@aol.com
CONTACT: Bruce S. Schaeffer, Attorney
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Attorney specializing in finance, accounting and
tax aspects of franchising. Established in 1975. Author, BNA Tax
Management Portfolio on Franchising. Member IFA Finance Accounting &
Tax Committee, 1987-1990. Member IFA Legal/Legislative Committee.
(312) 258-5500
(312) 258-5600 FAX
6600 Sears Tower, 233 S. Wacker Drive, Chicago, IL 60606
Email: pmorency@schiffhardin.com
Internet: http://www.schiffhardin.com
CONTACT: Paula J. Morency, Partner
(281) 807-0288
(281) 477-9085 FAX
12300 Dundee Court, Suite 203, Cypress, TX 77429
Email: contact@schubotlawftrm.com
Internet: http://www.schubotlawfirm.com
CONTACT: Gail Schubot, Attorney
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Business law practice with emphasis in
franchising, licensing, and distribution law including transactional,
regulatory and litigation work.
(312) 346-1300
(312) 782-8416 FAX
180 North LaSalle Street, Suite 2700, Chicago, IL 60601
Email: ccaruso@schwartzcooper.com
Internet: http://www.scgk.com/franchise
CONTACT: Carmen D. Caruso, Principal; Robert A. Smoller, Principal
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Schwartz Cooper has extensive experience in
challenging franchise litigation. We are a mid-size firm committed to
providing responsive, cost-effective legal representation of the highest
quality. We are large enough to provide the necessary specialization,
yet small enough that our relationships with our clients matter. The
firm has expertise and provides legal representation in connection with
structuring franchise and distribution systems, protection of
intellectual property, preparing the franchise offering circular
including franchise agreement, state registrations, renewals and ongoing
compliance, litigation and dispute resolution and general day-to-day
relational issues. In addition, we provide legal services in other areas
including real estate, securities and general corporate and business
law. Our clients are extremely diverse both in terms of size and
(404) 885-1500
(404) 892-7056 FAX
1545 Peachtree Street NE, Suite 700, Atlanta, GA 30309-2401
Internet: http://www.seyfarth.com
CONTACT: Brian Gannon, Counsel
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Law Firm. Established 1945.
(813) 258-1099
(813) 258-1040 FAX
215 West Verne Street, Suite A, Tampa, FL 33606
Email: dleone@slw-law.com
CONTACT: Dennis Leone, Partner
(213) 620-1780
(213) 620-1398 FAX
333 South Hope Street, 48th Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90071
Email: creeder@sheppardmullin.com
I nternet: http://www.sheppardmullin.com
CONTACT: Christopher S. Reeder, Partner; Gabriel Green, Associate
(860) 251-5000
(860) 251-5219 FAX
One Constitution Plaza, Hartford, CT 06103-1919
Internet: http://www.shipmangoodwin.com
CONTACT: Allan P. Hillman, Partner; Paul D. Sanson, Attorney
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Law Firm. Established 1919.
(800) 444-6659
(419) 321-1340
(419) 241-9000
(419) 241-6894 FAX
1000 Jackson, North Courthouse Square, Toledo, OH 43604-5573
Email: bmcmahon@slk-law.com
Internet: http://www.slk-law.com
CONTACT: Brian N. McMahon, Partner; Peter R. Silverman, Partner
Tampa Offic e
101 East Kennedy Boulevard, Suite 2800, Tampa, FL 33602-5151
Charlotte Office
128 South Tryon Street, Suite 1800, Charlotte, NC 28202-1675
Columbus Office
Huntington Center, 41 South High Street, Suite 2210, Columbus, OH
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Established in 1925. Shumaker, Loop &
Kendrick, LLP is a full service law firm with approximately 155
attorneys and 4 offices in Toledo, Ohio, Columbus, Ohio, Tampa, Florida,
and Charlotte, North Carolina. The firm's franchise practice group
provides comprehensive legal services to companies engaged in domestic
and international franchising and distribution matters, including the
establishment of franchise and distribution programs, litigation,
arbitration and mediation of disputes, regulatory compliance, franchise
negotiations, development of franchise locations, acqui sitions and
divestitures, finance, securities law; and counseling on all phases of
franchise operations.
(303) 634-2000
(303) 634-2020 FAX
1200 Seventeenth Street, Suite 1900, Denver, CO 80202-5854
Interact: http://www.swlaw.com
CONTACT: Kevin Hein; Andrew Pidcock
Phoenix Office
One Arizona Center, Phoenix, AZ 85004
Salt Lake City Office
15 West South Temple, Suite 1200, Salt Lake City, UT 84101-1531
Las Vegas Office
3800 Howard Hughes Pkwy., Suite 1000, Las Vegas, NV 89109
Irvine Office
1920 Main Street, Suite 1200, Irvine, CA 92614-7230
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Snell & Wilmer's Franchising and
Licensing attorneys provide legal services to a wide variety of
concepts. They have experien ce assisting clients through every stage of
the franchising process, at either the local, regional or international
(312) 876-8000
(312) 876-7934 FAX
8000 Sears Tower, Chicago, IL 60606
Internet: http://www.sonnenschein.com
CONTACT: Alan H. Silberman; John Baer; Robert Joseph (Chicago);
Curtis Woods (Kansas City); Rochelle Spandorf (L.A.);
James Goniea (San Francisco); S. Rovak (St. Louis)
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Sonnenschein Nath & Rosenthal LLP, a
full-service law firm with 600 lawyers in nine U.S. offices, is involved
in all aspects of distribution, licensing and franchising, counseling
and litigation on a variety of antitrust, franchise and dealer law,
marketing, franchisee relations and supplier arrangement questions. Mr.
Joseph currently serves a s Chair of the American Bar Association Antitrust Section, a post Mr. Silberman also has held. Ms. Spandorf is a
former Chair of the ABA Forum on Franchising (1995-97) and Mr. Baer
formerly served as Editor-in-Chief of the ABA Forum's The Franchise
Lawyer and was part of the Forum's leadership.
(416) 977-0007
(416) 977-0717 FAX
180 Dundas Street West, Suite 1250, Toronto, ON M5G 1Z8 Canada
Email: jsotos@sotosllp.com
Internet: http://www.sotosllp.com
CONTACT: John Sotos, Partner;
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Sotos LLP specializes in international and
domestic franchise and distribution law including disclosure and all
aspects of litigation, franchise mediation, arbitration, intellectual
property issues and international expansion.
(800) 535-3425
(609) 895-7348
(609) 895-7395 FAX
993 Lenox Drive, Lawrenceville, NJ 08648
Email: r.stark@stark-stark.com
Internet: http://www.stark-stark.com
CONTACT: Rachel Stark, Chair of Franchise Group; Adam Siegelheim
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Stark & Stark helps franchise clients in
formation, expansion, and divestiture, as well as to protect and license
trademarks, service marks, and trade secrets.
(314) 863-0800
168 N. Meramec Avenue, Suite 400, St. Louis, MO 63105
Email: nzellweger@stinson.com
Internet: http://www.stinson.com
CONTACT: Nicole S. Zellweger, Associate
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Structuring franchise, distribution, and
dealership programs; preparing legal documentation for franchise,
business opportunity, distr ibution and dealer programs, and counselling
franchisors and franchisees.
(214) 651-4300
(214) 651-4330 FAX
901 Main Street, Suite 4300, Dallas, TX 75202-3724
Email: Earsa.Jackson@Strasburger.com
Internet: http://www.strasburger.com
CONTACT: Earsa Jackson, Franchise Leader; Buddy Ferguson, Partner
Austin Office
600 Congress Avenue, #1600, Austin, TX 78701
Frisco Office
2801 Network Boulevard, #600, Frisco, TX 75034
Houston Office
1401 McKinney Street, #2200, Houston, TX 77010
San Antonio Office
300 Convent Street, #900, San Antonio, TX 78205
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Strasburger's Franchise & Distribution
Law Group provides comprehensive representation of businesses using
fra nchising, licensing, dealership or direct selling arrangements for
the distribution of goods and services in the U.S., Mexico, and Latin
America, including counseling, litigation, arbitration, and
transactional work involving franchise, dealership, antitrust, supply
chain, intellectual property, employment, and corporate issues.
(973) 491-9500
(973) 491-9692 FAX
Two Penn Plaza East, Newark, NJ 07105-2293
Email: std@strykertams.com
Internet: http://www.strykertams.com
CONTACT: Martin G. Gilbert, Esq., Partner; Judith Carberry,
New York Office
2 Penn Plaza, New York, NY 10121
TYPE OF BUSINESS: A full service firm providing comprehensive
franchising legal services in the New Jersey/New York area, established
in 1898.
(937) 443-6600
(937) 443-6635 FAX
2000 Courthouse Plaza NE, 10 West Second Street, Dayton, OH
Email: barry.block@thompsonhine.com
Internet: http://www.thompsonhine.com
CONTACT: Barry M. Block, Partner; Thomas J. Collin, Partner &
Practice Group Leader
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Established in 1911, Thompson Hine LLP is a full
service business law firm with more than 360 lawyers in Cleveland,
Cincinnati, Columbus, and Dayton, Ohio, Washington, D.C., New York,
Atlanta and Brussels, Belgium. The firm has an extensive practice
counseling franchisors and franchisees and litigating franchise and
distribution matters.
(800) 255-8752
(404) 885-3000
(404) 885-3900 FAX
600 Peachtree Stree t, N.E., Suite 5200, Atlanta, GA 30308-2216
Email: mark.vanderbroek@troutmansanders.com
Internet: http://www.troutmansanders.com
CONTACT: Mark S. VanderBroek, Partner; Kenneth Ozment, Attorney
Richmond Office
1111 E. Main Street,, Richmond, VA 23218
Washington, D.C. Office
401 9th Street, N.W., Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20004
New York Office
The Chrysler Building, 405 Lexington Avenue, New York, NY 10174
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Full service law firm of over 600 lawyers,
experienced in franchise law including developing franchise programs,
regulatory compliance, and franchise litigation and dispute resolution.
92427323501 FAX
West End Building 61 The Mall, Lahore 54000 Pakistan
Email: unitedtrademark@unitedtm.com
Internet: http://www.utmps.com
CONTACT: M. Farrukh Irfan Khan, Attorney at Law
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Intellectual Property Registration, Licensing and
Enforcement Services.
(214) 751-2000
(214) 751-2002 FAX
4242 Renaissance Tower, 1201 Elm Street, Dallas,
TX 75270
Internet: http://www.vernongoodrich.com
CONTACT: John Vernon, Partner; Mary Goodrich, Partner
(614) 464-6400
(614) 464-6430
(614) 464-6350 FAX
52 East Gay Street, P.O. Box 1008, Columbus, OH 43216-1008
Email: hahedden@vssp.com
Internet: http://www.vssp.com
CONTACT: Herbert A. Hedden, E sq., Partner; Stephen R. Bucheuroth,
Esq., Partner
TYPE OF BUSINESS: A full service law firm with offices in Columbus,
Cleveland, Cincinnati and Akron, Ohio, Washington, D.C. and Alexandria,
Virginia. The firm has an extensive franchise law practice representing
franchisors, franchisees and franchisee associations.
(203) 498-4400
(203) 782-2889 FAX
One Century Tower, New Haven, CT 06508-1832
Email: ewd@wiggin.com
CONTACT: Edward Wood Dunham, Chair, Franchise & Distribution
Practice Group
TYPE OF BUSINESS: The law firm of Wiggin & Dana represents
national, regional and start-up franchisors and distributors in numerous
industries. The firm regularly assists these clients in regulatory,
transactional and litigation matters. The firm's Franchise and
Distribution Prac tice Group is national litigation counsel for Subway
and MAACO, and also represents other well-known franchise systems.
(202) 719-7000
(202) 719-7049 FAX
1776 K Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20006
Email: rsmith@wileyrein.com
Internet: http://www.wileyrein.com
CONTACT: Peter Klarfeld/Bob Smith, Partners; Jim Rubinger, Partner
TYPE OF BUSINESS: The Franchise Group at this full-service firm is
second to none in terms of its breadth, depth and experience. The Group
is involved in all aspects of domestic and international franchising, as
well as licensing and distribution. Wiley, Rein & Fielding LLP also
has a broad national regulatory and commercial practice covering all
pertinent areas.
(804) 783-6418
(804) 783-6507 FAX
< br>
P.O. Box 1320, Richmond, VA 23218-1320
Email: stucker@williamsmullen.com
Internet: http://www.williamsmullen.com
CONTACT: Sandy T. Tucker, Shareholder
Washington, DC Office
(202) 293-5939 FAX
1666 K Street, NW, Washington, DC 20006
CONTACT: Warren Lewis
McLean Office
8270 Greensboro Drive, #700, McLean, VA 22102
Detroit Office
11th Flr, Buhl Bldg, 535 Griswold Avenue, Detroit, MI 48226
London Office
2 Old Garden House, The Lanterns, Bridge Lane,
London SW11 3AD United Kingdom
TYPE OF BUSINESS: Law firm offering expertise to franchisors and
franchisees in domestic and international franchising and distribution,
compliance with disclosure and relationship laws, franchise litigation
and transactional matters . In business since 1909.
44 121 233 1000
44 121 214 1099 FAX
55 Colmore Row, Birmingham B3 2AS United Kingdom
Email: vicky_wilkes@wragge.com
Internet: http://www.wragge.com
CONTACT: Michael Luckman, Partner; Vicky Wilkes
(305) 374-5418
(305) 374-5428 FAX
100 SE 2nd Street, Suite 2700, Miami, FL 33131-2100
Email: zarcolaw@zarcolaw.com
Internet: http://www.zarcolaw.com
CONTACT: Robert F. Salkowski, Partner; Robert Zarco, President
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